Pathogen quiz

  1. Humans Herpesviruses Type 1(HHV1)--colds sores and fever blisters?
    • A) Transmission
    • -Direct Contact
    • B) Symptoms
    • -Painful, itchy skin lesions, usually on or around the lips; may be accompained by flu-like symptoms (malaise, fever, muscle pain)
    • D) Treatment
    • - Antiviral med limits duration of outbreak and amount of virus shed, but does not cure.
    • E) Prevention
    • - Avoid contact with individuals who have active lesions
  2. HHV 2--Genital herpes?
    • A) Transmission
    • - Dircet contact
    • B) Symptoms
    • - Painful, itchy skin lesions, usually inthe genitalia
    • C) May occur in oral area, usually as result of oral sex
    • D) Treatment
    • - Antiviral med limits duraton of outbreak and amount of virus shed, but does not cure.
    • E) Prevention
    • - Avoid contact with individuals who have active lesions; prevent sexual transmission via monogamy, abstinence. Sexuak transmisson reduce by abstention from sex during active outbreak.
  3. HHV 3--Chickenpox/shingles?
    • A) Overall
    • - Varicella= Chickenpox
    • - Zoster= Shigles
    • B) Transmission
    • - Aerosol or contact with fluid in lesions (may enter eyes).
    • C) Symptoms
    • - Chickenpox- Fever, malaise, itchy skin lesions. Lesions apper about 2-3 weeks after infection, last few days to 2 weeks. Lesions begin as macules, progress to papules, then vesicles; vesicles then turn cloudy and dry up.
    • D) Virus can be latent in neurons; shingles- during stress or immune suppression, virus particles released and travel to skin, cause infection---> shingles. (1) Shingles- pain at site followed by rash, vesicles; Pain in area can remain for long times after healing of lesions. Rash may break out on one side of trunk, in area served by the affected neurons.
    • E) Treatment
    • - Chickenpox- if not complications. supportive care is enough.
    • - Shingles- supporive care and bed rest.
    • F) Prevention
    • - Chickenpox vaccine
  4. Common Cold Viruses?
    • 2. Transmission
    • - Aersol, fomites (these viruses survive will outside host), ingestion of contaminated food or water.
    • 3. Symptoms
    • -Runny nose, pharngitis, cough, headache.
    • 4. Treatment
    • - Supportive care
    • 7. Viral pnuemonia
    • a) Many possible causes
    • c) Treatment
    • - Supportive care, antiviral medication may be used; antibiotics NOT effective against the viruses.
  5. Paillonma viruses?
    • 1. Cause warts, some tumor cancers (HPV= Human Papilloma Virus)
    • 4. Transmission
    • - Direct contact and via fomites
    • - Genital warts by sexual transmission
    • 5. Symptoms
    • - epithelial growths, often painful
    • - depending on manner of transmission, may occur on fingers, feet, trunk, genitalia.
    • 7. Treatmen
    • - removal with caustic chemicals, freezing, cauterization or surgery; cover with duct tape until gone.
    • 8. Prevention
    • - Genital warts/HPV cancer: Abstinence, monogamy, HPV vaccine.
    • - Condom use does not seem to be very effective
  6. Influenza?
    • 4. Transmission
    • - Aerosol or via fomites
    • 5. Symptoms
    • - Fever, cold, cough, headache, malaise, myalgia (muscle aches0, inflamed respiratory membs.
    • 6. Treatment
    • - Supportive care, mostly; antiviral meds may be used
    • 7. Prevention
    • - Yearly vaccine (due to rapid mutation rate of these viruses, the vaccine has to be re-done every year)
  7. Measles?
    • 2. Transmission
    • - Aerosol
    • 3. Symptoms
    • - Fever, sore throat, dry cough, conjunctivitis; after 2 days, lesions apper on mucous membrane of mouth; then red, raised lesions appear on head and spread over body.
    • 4. Treatment
    • -Rest, supportive care
    • 5. Prevention
    • - Vaccine (first "M" of MMR vaccine)
  8. Mumps?
    • 2. Transmission
    • - aerosol
    • 3. Symptoms
    • - Often asymptomatic
    • - Fever, pain with swalloning, enlargement of salivary glands, esp. parotid.
    • 4. Treatment
    • - Rest, supportive care
    • 5. Prevention
    • - Vaccine (second "M" of MMR vaccine)
  9. Rubella?
    • 2. Transmission
    • - aerosol
    • 3. Symptoms
    • - Flat, red spots on skin (macules) last about 3 days; low-grade fever
    • If transmitted from mother to fetus (across placenta), can cause abortion, congenital defects n child (cardiac defects, blindness, deafness, mental retardation, ect.)
    • 4. Treatment
    • - Supportive care, rest
    • 5. Prevention
    • - Vaccine ("R" part of MMR)
  10. Polio?
    • 3. Transmission
    • - Oral/fecal via contaminated water (mostly)
    • 4. Symptoms
    • - Asymptomatic
    • - Paralytic polio- symptoms of minor polio followed by CNS infection resulting in paralysis
    • 5. Treatment
    • - For paralytic polio, repiratory support- mechanical ventilation
    • 6. Prevention
    • - IPV- imactivated Polio Vaccine. Developed first, and now the current vaccine used
  11. Hepatitis?
    • These viruses all infect the liver, but belong to different viral families
    • 2. Symptoms similar for all...
    • - Jaundice, enlargement of liver, abdominal distress, low grade fever, and malaise
  12. Hep A?
    • Transmission
    • - Oral/fecal via contaminated food or food in contact with contaminated fomites.
    • Symptoms (in addition to standard hepatitis symptoms)
    • - Fatigue, nausea, anorexia
    • Treatment
    • -Gamma globulin (anti-Hep A antibodies) shot immediately after exposure; otherwise, rest
    • Prevention
    • - Hepatitis A vaccine
  13. Hep B?
    • Infection may lead to hepatatic (liver) cancer
    • Transmission
    • - Body fluids (salvia, blood, semen, mucus); contact with mucus membranes; contaminated needles.
    • Treatment
    • - antiviral meds help; liver transplant for end-stage Hep B
    • Prevention
    • - Care not to contact contaminated bodily fluids (monogamous sex, abstinence, condom use); Hep B vaccine
  14. Hep C?
    • Transmission
    • - Body fluids (salvia, blood, semen, mucus); contact with mucus membranes; contaminated needles.
    • Infection may lead to hepatatic (liver) cancer
    • Treatment
    • - antiviral meds help; liver transplant for end-stage Hep B
    • Prevention
    • - Care not to contact contaminated bodily fluids (monogamous sex, abstinence, condom use); Hep B vaccine
  15. Hep D?
    • Transmission
    • Same as Hep B
    • Causes infection only if co-infection with Hep B (therefore-Hep B vaccination protects against this)
    • Treatment
    • - Antiviral meds
    • Prevention
    • - Care not to contact contaminated bodily fluids; Hep B vaccine
  16. Encephalitis viruses?
    • Encephalitis- infects CNS
    • Transmission
    • -Mosquitos
    • Syptoms
    • - Asymptomatic in most people; some- fever, severe headache, fatigue, body aches; severe- CNS sysptoms of fever, continued severe headache, stiff neck, sizures, confusion; may be fatal
    • Treatment
    • - Supportive care
  17. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
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Pathogen quiz
Pathogen quiz 4