Lab 7 histology

  1. Histology
    microsocopid study of plant and animal tissue
  2. orgonology
    study of organs
  3. cytology
    study of cells
  4. four types of tissue
    epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve
  5. structure of Epithelial tissue
    tightly packed, make up the skin and organ lining
  6. types of epithelial tissue
    simple epithelium, stratified epithelium, squamos cells, cubodial cells, masonary bricks, gladular epithela
  7. Epithelial tisssue that secretes chemicals
    glandular epithelia
  8. Structure of connective tissue
    widely spaced within an estracellular matrix of fibers.
  9. type of connective tissue
    areoar, adipose tissue, figbrous connective tissue,
  10. This structure maximizes the noneleasit properties of tendons and ligaments
    fibrous connective tissue
  11. Muscle tissue is made up of parallel bundles of smaller
  12. Two components of myofirbrils
    actin and myoin
  13. Three types of mucle
    cardiac, smooth and skeletal
  14. groups of nerve tissue
  15. this tissue surrounds both veinsa nd arteries
    elastic connective tissue
  16. artery walls contain
    bot smootha nd eleastic mucle fibers
  17. groups of nerve fibers
  18. The hollow cells in the artery, vein and adipose tissue slide are the
    adipose tissue
  19. Hyaline Cartilage is a type of tissue
    Conective tissue
  20. The name of the cells seen in the cartilage
  21. The chondrocytes are embedded in a
    glycoprotein matrix (ground susbtance).
  22. The ground susbtance of hyaline cartilag is supported and reinforced by
    collagen fibers not visible because they are the same color as ground tissue.
  23. blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves in the hyaline cartilage are found
    around the periphery.
  24. The big dark spots in the Compact bone slide
  25. Prominent holes that contain blood and lymph vessels
    haversian canals
  26. Osteocytes
    cells trapped in the mineralized extracellular matrix they have secreted
  27. Lacunae
    spaces the osteocytes are trapped in
  28. canaliculi
    the branches the connect the lacunae to the haversian system
  29. The bulk of the pacreas is composed of
    secretory epithelial cells by a fine network of connective tissue
  30. groups of tightly clumped cells that stain lighter then the exocrine cells
    islets of langerhans tha tcontain alpha and beta cells
  31. the place where the renal artery, renal pelvis and ureter enter the kidney
  32. The cappilaries that filter erythrocytes and prteins from fluid
  33. Glomeruli filter fluid before it enters the
    Bowman's capsule
  34. Nephrons
    the functional units of the kidney
  35. Types of convoluted Tubules
    distal and proximal
  36. These cells contain mucus on the intestinal wall
    goblet cell
  37. Intestinal infolding to increase surface area
  38. protrusions from the walls of the epitheslium
  39. location of spermatogonia
    along the periphery with sertoli cells that provide nutrition
  40. Tails of
    spermatozoa in the lumen
  41. This hormon controls spermatogenesis
  42. under stress from lieutinizing hormones, these cells release testosterone
    leydig cells
  43. granulosa cells
    surround the egg with follicular cells
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Lab 7 histology