Sociology 101 Flash Cards 2

  1. Define Deviance
    Straying from or deliberately breaking the social norm
  2. Define Roles
    Social behavior with a certain context

    Expected with each situation
  3. Define Status
    Social label

    Prestige/rank in society
  4. Define Status Set
    Set of ranks

    e.g. Family structure (elder son vs youngest son)
  5. Define Status Inconsistency
    An irregularity in status

    e.g. Youngest son beats oldest
  6. Define Ascribed Status
    A born into status

    e.g. Gender, handicapped, color
  7. Define Achieved Status
    An earned or worked for status

    e.g. Occupational status; Doctor
  8. Define Master Status
    One's most notable status

    e.g. Bill Clinton = Former President or Filandering President
  9. Define Stigmatization
    A negative label from deviant behavior

    e.g. "Criminal"
  10. What is the Context of Deviant Behavior
    A social sanction or law results from deviant behavior
  11. What are the 3 Types of Deviance?
    • 1. Stigmas
    • 2. Mental Illness
    • 3. Substance Abuse
  12. Define Crime / Criminology
    The Study of formal deviance
  13. Explain Legal Force
    Properhood coercion deemed necessary to control / restrict / subdue a suspect and take the suspect into custody
  14. Explain Normal Force
    "Situational & Subjective"

    Involves coercive acts that specific cops in specific situations deemed necessary, appropriate, & reasonable. Not always legitimate or admired
  15. Explain Excessive Force

    Coercion that can not be legimated; Illegal, immoral, illegitimate

    Abstract and excessive
  16. Define Social Stratification
    • Income / Wealth
    • Educational attainment
    • Occupational prestige
  17. Define Wealth
    The total assest and liabilities
  18. Define the Estate System
  19. Define the Caste System
  20. Define the Open-Class System
    The "American dream" idea
  21. Define Capitalism
    The pursuit of individual wealth / owning of property
  22. What are Karl Marx's 4 Inequalities of Power?
    • 1. Capitalists / Bourgeoise - Owns means of production
    • 2. Petty Bourgeoise - Upper management
    • 3. Proletariat - Working class
    • 4. Lumpenproletariat - Dicarded people of society
  23. What are the 6 Levels of the Open-Class System?
    • 1. Upper Class - "Nouveau Rich" Bill Gates
    • 2. Upper Middle Class - Realistic Rich
    • 3. Middle Class - 45% of population
    • 4. Lower Middle Class
    • 5. Lower Class
    • 6. Urban Underclass
  24. What are the 4 Workforce Sectors?
    • 1. Professional - Upper middle class - Doctor, lawyer
    • 2. Clerical - Secretarial, administration
    • 3. Blue Collar - Working Class / Labor
    • 4. Service - Waitressing
  25. What are the 3 Factors of Socioeconomic Status?
    • 1. Income
    • 2. Educational Attainment
    • 3. Occupational Prestige
  26. What are the 3 Factors of Modern Classification?
    • 1. Core - Stable, wealthy economy
    • 2. Semiperipheral - Economy on way to industrialization
    • 3. Peripheral - Unstable economy, have the most natural resources
  27. Define the Dependency Theory
    Poor exploited by the rich
  28. Define the Modernization Theory
    Blaming poverty is their fault
  29. What are the 5 Consequences of Global Stratification?
    • 1. Population
    • 2. Health & Environment
    • 3. Education & Illiteracy
    • 4. Gender Inequality
    • 5. War & Terrorism
  30. Define Race
    Socially constructed category where superior/inferior value is assigned to biological characteristics
  31. Define Ethnic Group
    Social category of people who share cultural characteristics
  32. Define Dominant Group
    Assigns racial/ethnic group to subordinate status by virtue of their power
  33. Define Minority Group
    Any distinct group in society that shares common characteristics but is forced to occupy an oppressed status
  34. Define Racial Formation
    The process in which groups come to be defined as a race/racial groups in society
  35. How is an Ism created?
    Thought + Action = Ism

    Predjudice + Discrimination = Racism
  36. Explain Traditional / Old Fashioned Racism
    Overt inferior perception / treatment of groups supported by institutions

    Jim Crow Laws
  37. Define Institutional Racism
    Normal operations & procedures of social institutions create unequal treatment for racial / ethnic groups
  38. Define Modern Racism
    Subtle form of racism that posits racial inequality

    No longer exits in America. Blame the Victim
  39. Define Slavery
    The legalized ownership and exploitation of one human being over another
  40. Define Affirmitive Action
    Any federal or state institution that receives financial support from the Gov't must make a "Good faith efforts" to increase the pool of qualified applicants
  41. What are the 6 Similarities Between the Sludge Testing and Tuskegee Programs?
    • 1. Poor
    • 2. African American
    • 3. Official Capacity - Trust / protection
    • 4. "Sweetened the deal" / Attractive deal
    • 5. Lied to instead, informed consent
    • 6. Unethical
  42. Define Gender Stratification
    The hierarchal distribution of social and economic resources that ultimately oppresses women
  43. Define Patriarchy
    Men have power over women
  44. What are the 3 Factors of the Feminist Theory?
    • 1. Social & not biological
    • 2. Women's concerns, ideas, & experiences should be treated with equal seniority to affect lasting social change & "equality" on behalf of women
    • 3. Structural changes to the political social system
  45. What was the 3 Factors of the First Wave of Feminism in the 19th Century?
    • 1. Education
    • 2. Abolitionism
    • 3. Sufferage
  46. What was the 3 Factors in the 2nd Wave of Feminism?
    • 1. WWII
    • 2. Technology
    • 3. Sexual Revolution
  47. What are the 3 Types of Feminism?
    • 1. Liberal Feminism - Looks at past traditions as the root of oppression
    • 2. Socialist Feminism - Capitalism is responsible for oppression
    • 3. Radical Feminism - Patriarchy is the root of oppression, Men have control over women's bodies
  48. What are the 2 Factors of the Dual Labor Market?
    • 1. Primary - Has more men and better jobs
    • 2. Secondary - Has limited women, and pushed for with feminism
  49. Define Gender Apartheid
    Extreme gender stratification that approaches or comprises "Human Rights" violations
  50. What are the 6 Conditions That Exist in Society Where Women are More "Nearly" Equal to Men?
    • 1. Women's work is central to economy
    • 2. Work is not highly segregated
    • 3. Men contribute to household work
    • 4. Women have access to education
    • 5. Women have access to formal power
    • 6. Religious support for gender inequality is not strong
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Sociology 101 Flash Cards 2
Second half semester of flash cards