1. Children's "increasing ability to regulate themselves, to take responsibility, and to exercise self control" all contribute to their sense of:

    B. autonomy
  2. Barbara is in the thrid grade. She spends many hours rehearsing her math skills, reading books, and collecting bugs. Even though these activities may seem boring, they are all part of Barbara's developing a healthy sense of:

    D. industry
  3. typical of the industry versus inferiority stage is:

    D. rudy is having difficulty in learning math
  4. which of the following is erikson's fourth stage of psychosocial crises?

    D. industry versus incompetence
  5. why is it so important that children learn a sense of industry or competence?

    D. it provides a crucial defense against emotional problems
  6. According to Erikson, if 9-year-old Anna is successful in solving her psychosocial conflict, she should be developing a(an) _______ view of  herself.

    D. industrious
  7. According to erikson's theory, children in middle childhood tent to judge themselves as either

    A. intelligent or stupid
  8. according to Freud, which of the following will 8-year-old Sven experience?

    B. repression of his psychosexual needs
  9. during the latency stage, children

    A. assimilate cultural values
  10. which of the following attributes is not typical of school-age children?

    C. they rely less on appreciation from peers and parents
  11. if you were to ask 10-year-old Stephen "who knows you best?" which of the following would likely be his answer?

    C. "i know myself better than anyone"
  12. The "______-self" is a person who thinks, acts, and feels independently. The "______-self" is a person reflecteed, validated, and critiqued by others.

    D. I; me
  13. When one assesses one's abilities, achievements, social status, and other attributes by measuringthem against those of ther people, especially one's peers, one is engaging in:

    C. social comparison
  14. during the scholl years, self-esteem typically:

    C. decreases
  15. because schoolchildren judge their own talents and limitations more realistically than preschoolers:

    A. their self-confidence may suffer as they compare themselves with others
  16. the period when children's bodies become adultlike is called:

    C. puberty
  17. the term menarche refers to:

    D. a girl's first menstrual period
  18. For both girls and boys, puberty typically begins as young as _______ years or as late as _______ years.

    A. 8; 14
  19. For boys, the usual sequence of physical changes in puberty is:

    D. growth of the testes; initial pubic-hair growth; growth of penis; spermarche
  20. In girls, the average age for the breast bud stage is:

    C. 10
  21. the first outward sign of puberty in a typical girl is:

    A. the onset of breast growth
  22. for girls, the usual sequence of phyiscal changes in puberty is:

    B. the beginning of breast development, the growth spurt, and menarche
  23. Nancy has just experienced as sudden growth spurt. Soon she will notice:

    D. her first menstrual period
  24. in girls, the onset of puberty brings the loweting of the voice at approximately age:

    B. 14
  25. John noticed that his testes have grown larger. His next growth event will probably be:

    A. his pubic hair begins to appear
  26. for boys, the event that most closely parallels menarche is the

    B. spermarche
  27. Bill noticed that he has some pubic hair. His next growth event will probably be

    D. growth of penis
  28. the sequence of hormone production that originates in the brain and ends with glands located atop the kidneys is known as the:

    D. HPA axis
  29. Which of the following glands receives signals directly from the hypothalamus?

    D. pituitary
  30. for boys, the firsty ejaculation generally occurs:

    B. following growth of the testes and penis
  31. Of the following parts of the brain, which is the last to fully mature in adolescence?

    C. prefrontal cortex
  32. which of the following statements is true regarding the use of medical scans to explain adolescent behavior?

    C. while we have the ability to see physical changes in the brain, we do not yetr know to what extent these changes explain behavior
  33. adolescents are capable of ________ thinking even though they don't necessarily demonstrate it in their actions

    B. rational
  34. Ricky knows that he is not allowed to drive the family car after dark. He has even been punished in the past for doing so. Ricky's parents are out of town for the weekend and Ricky picks up some friends in the familycar and takes them to a movie. Which of the following best explains Ricky's behavior?

    D. even though Ricky is capable of rational thought, he doesn't always use it
  35. Which of the following brain structures is responsible for quick emotional reactions?

    C. amygdala
  36. Jose enjoys sports, especially running. As an adolescent he has the potential to become a star athlete. Which of the following will be most beneficial to him in reaching his full potential?

    B. rapid changes in myelination in his brain and the guidance of an experienced coach
  37. the still developing prefrontal cortex and the full development of the limbic system are at least partially responsible for

    C. the passion and commitment with which adolescents and young adults embrace nontraditional ideas
  38. most adolescents think about themselves:

    A. frequently
  39. because adolescents regard themselves as uniquely special:

    B. it is difficult for them to envision another person's perspective
  40. in general, adolescent egocentrism refers to which of the following?

    D. the view that one is noticed by everyone
  41. adolescent egocentrism is evident when teenagers believe:

    C. they personally are much more socially significant than they actually are
  42. a characteristic of adolescent egocentrism is:

    C. the belief that one's emotional experiences are misunderstood by others
  43. a 15-year-old girl realizes that the dress she has worn to school has a small stain on it. Her belief that everyone will notice it is an example of:

    D. adolescent egocentrism
  44. an adolescent's statement that, "but, mother, you just don't understand; nobody understands!" is indicative of:

    A. adolescent egocentrism
  45. The difference between the egocentrism of adolescents and that of preoperational children is:

    B. a well-developed theory of mind in adolescence
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