
  1. Main points on Nematodes:
    • -Nematode
    • -also known as Ascarids (round
    • worm)
    • -most common: toxocara canis
    • (canines)
    • Toxocara cati (felines)
    • toxoscaris leonina (both)


    -can cross placenta

    • -eggs remain in environment
    • for 5 years

    • -can infect humans and cause
    • flu like symptoms called visceral larval migrans

    • -larger, two tapered ends,
    • cylindrical shape
  2. What are roundworms also known as?
  3. how long can the roundworm eggs remain in the enviroment?
    5 years
  4. what are the 3 names of the roundworm infections?
    • Toxocara cati
    • Toxocara canis
    • Toxoscaris leonina
  5. what is the name of the roundworm infection that infects cats?
    toxocara cati
  6. what is the name of the roundworm infection that infects canines?
    toxocara canis
  7. what is the name of the roundworm infection that affects both felines and canines?
    toxoscaris leonina
  8. what are the clincal signs of roundworms?
    • -Poor growth
    • -coughing
    • -emaciation
    • intestinal blockage
    • -v/d
    • -weight loss
  9. how do you dx roundworms?
    • -standard fecal flotation for
    • eggs
    • -visualization in feces
  10. what is the direct life cycle of the roundworm?
    1- adult roundworm in the small intestine

    2-eggs are passed in the feces

    3-egg turns into larvae in egg

    4-egg is ingested

    5-egg in stomach, and migrates through facia, abdomen up to the trachea causing irritation

    6-dog coughs up larvae and reswallows into the stomach where is now in an infective state

    7- incists in small intestine where more eggs are laid and excreated through feces
  11. Image Upload 2what parasite does this egg belong too?
  12. what are the rots of roundworm?
    • Ingesting eggs or larvae (direct transmission)
    • found in contaminated soil or feces

    • (indirect transmission)- ingesting animal with round
    • worm
  13. what are treatment and control of roundworm?
    • -Oral de wormers:pyran, strongid T, lopatol,
    • Drontal, Drontal plus, pyr-a-pam, panacur, interceptor

    -good hygiene-including deworming

    • -preventative products
    • -sentinel, revolution,
    • advantage multi, heartgard-30
  14. Main points of hookworms?
    -nematode group

    • Scientific name:
    • -ancylostoma caninum (drink blood)
    • -uncinaria stenocephala (dogs)
    • - ancylostoma tubeformae (cats)

    • -adult bloodsucking paracites
    • of the small intestine

    -can infect dogs of any age

    -zoonotic (larval migrans)

    • -ancylostoma caninum most
    • dangerous
  15. what are the clinical signs of hookworms?
    • -severe anemia
    • -sudden collapse or death
    • -progressive wasting
    • -weight loss
    • -bloody stool
  16. how do you dx hookworm?
    fecal flotation
  17. what is the life cycle of the hookworm?
    1-adult hookworms attatch at the small intestine

    2-eggs are passed in the feces

    3-turn into infective third stage larva in the enviroment

    4- are ingested or can migrate through pentrating the skin pads

    5-already infective do not need to be coughed and reswallowed.enter small intestine and infect by excreating more eggs
  18. what are the roots of transmission for hookworms?
    • -Eating infected eggs
    • -penetrations of footpads or skin
    • -in utero or nursing
  19. what is the treatment and control of hookworm?
    • Destroyed by Oral de wormers:
    • pyran, strongid T,lopatol, Drontal, Drontal plus, pyr-a-pam, panacur, interceptor.


    -minimize dirt runs

    • -continue de-worming and preventative care every six
    • months and check stool.
  20. Image Upload 4Which parasite does this egg belong too?
  21. main facts of whipworms?
    -member of nematode group

    • -scientific name-trichuris
    • vulpis

    -lives in large intestine

    • -mainly affects dogs over 6
    • months

    -has a whip on it

    • -egg is thick with plug at
    • both ends

    • -can live in enviroment for
    • many years

    • -very rare in cats in north
    • america,
    • mainly just dogs
  22. what are the clinical signs of whipworm?
    • -may be no clincal signs
    • -periodic and smelly diarrhea
    • may contain specks of blood
  23. how do you dx whipworm?
    top 3 fecal flotation
  24. what is the life cycle of the whipworm?
    1-the adult whipworm is embedded in the wall of the large intestine in the cecum

    2-eggs are passed in feces

    3-infective larva develops inside the egg but does not hatch unless the egg is swallowed

    4-egg is swallowed and devlops inside the stomach and then attatches in large intestine and cycle starts again
  25. what are the roots of transmission for whipworm?
    • infected feces
    • bitch can infect pup
  26. what is the treatment and control of whipworm?
    • -Eggs infective after 14-30 days
    • -treat every three months with de-wormer such as
    • panacur, drontal plus, pyr-a-pam or interceptor

    • -use preventative products such as sentinel,
    • advantage multi
  27. Image Upload 6what parasite does this egg belong too?
  28. main facts on heartworm?
    -belongs to nematode

    -transmitted by mosquito

    -infected with dirofilaria immitis

    • -dogs can be put on
    • preventative as early as 6 months

    -pre patent period 6 months

    • -live in heart and pulmonary
    • artery

    • -must have mosquito to develop
    • into infective stage
  29. what are the clinical signs of heartworm?
    • -Exercise intolerance
    • -coughing
    • -dyspnea
    • -respiratory crackles
    • -hemoptysis
    • -hypertension
    • -syncope
  30. how do you dx heartworm?
    • top 3
    • heartworm blood tests
  31. what is the life cycle of the heartworm?
    Image Upload 8
  32. what are the roots of transmission for heartworm?
    • mosquito bite
    • must reach infectious stage in mosquito
  33. Image Upload 10which parasite is this?
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