Practice Quiz 1

  1. ____ is the most basic server version on which the other versions are based.

    B.  Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition
  2. Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition supports clusters of up to ____ computers.

    B.  16
  3. Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition has ____, which enables memory to resynchronize after transient memory problems so there is no interruption to current computing

    D.  fault tolerant memory sync
  4. ____ means that a processor can be added to an empty processor slot while the system is running.

    C.  Hot-add processor
  5. The design of an Itanium processor enables it to be scaled up to ____ processors.

    A.  512
  6. ____ is a database of computers, users, groups of users, shared printers, shared folders, and other network resources.

    A.  Active Directory
  7. ____ are files that contain commands to be run by a computer operating system.

    B.  Scripts
  8. ____ is a minimum server configuration, designed to function in a fashion similar to traditional UNIX and Linux servers.

    C.  Windows Server Core
  9. ____ is a command-line interface that offers a shell, a customized environment for executing commands and scripts.

    A.  Windows PowerShell
  10. The ____ addition to Windows Server 2008 provides the ability to run two or more operating systems on a single computer.

    B.  Hyper-V
  11. A ____ is a computer program or portion of a program that is currently running.

    C.  process
  12. A(n) ____ is a communications system enabling computer users to share computer equipment, application software, and data, voice, and video transmissions.

    B.  network
  13. A ____ is a network of computers in relatively close proximity,
    such as on the same floor or in the same building.

    D.  local area network
  14. A ____ is a transmission in which one packet is sent from a server to each client that requests a file or application, such as a video presentation.

    A.  multicast
  15. A(n) ____ is used for two purposes: to show the class of
    addressing used and to divide a network to control network traffic.

    C.  subnet mask
  16. ____ involves assigning a dotted decimal address that becomes each workstation’s permanent, unique IP address.

    B.  Static addressing
  17. The ____ is the IP address of the router that has a connection to other networks.

    A.  default gateway
  18. Every NIC has a physical address, or ____ address.

    D.  MAC
  19. Every computer running Windows Server 2008 has a(n) ____ cache that can include the recently resolved MAC addresses as well as statically assigned values.

    D.  ARP
  20. The ____ command shows you the MAC addresses along with the corresponding IP addresses that the local computer currently has in its ARP cache.

    B.  arp -a
  21. The most up-to-date listing of compatible hardware (and software) is the Windows Server Catalog of ____.

    A.  Tested Products
  22. ____ is a process in which a hard disk section or a complete hard disk is prepared for use by an operating system.

    D.  Creating a partition
  23. When you format a disk, this process divides the disk into small
    sections called tracks and ____ for the storage of files by a particular file system.

    C.  sectors
  24. NTFS follows the ____ standard, which includes case-sensitive
    filenames and the use of multiple filenames.

    C.  POSIX.1
  25. ____ by a file system means that it tracks changes to files and keeps a record of these changes in a separate log file.

    D.  Journaling
  26. Prior to Windows Server 2008, a damaged disk area meant that you had to take down the server and then bring it back up offline to users to run the ____ utility that rebuilt the data in the damaged area.

    D.  chkdsk
  27. ____ is an interim version of Windows Server 2003 developed as a way to offer a newer server version while waiting for Windows Server 2008.

    C.  R2
  28. One ____ is a license for one workstation to access the server.

    A.  CAL
  29. When installing Windows Server 2008, you can specify a domain or workgroup on the ____ window that is displayed when the computer reboots after the actual installation process is completed.

    C.  Initial Configuration Tasks
  30. A ____ is a set of unique identification information that is
    typically put at the end of a file, or that is associated with a computer communication.

    C.  digital certificate
  31. The ____ role is central to implementing Active Directory and
    creating one or more domains.

    B.  Active Directory Domain Services
  32. ____ enables folders shared from multiple computers to appear as though they exist in one centralized hierarchy of folders instead of on many different computers.

    C.  DFS
  33. ____ are directories on one or more computers that users on other computers can access through the network.

    B.  Shared directories
  34. ____ is a TCP/IP application protocol that transfers files in bulk data streams and is commonly used on the Internet.

    A.  FTP
  35. ____ is a protocol in the TCP/IP suite of protocols that is used
    to transport document and other data transmissions over networks and the Internet for access by Web browsers.

    C.  HTTP
  36. The ____ role is designed to enable the installation of Windows operating systems—Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008—on multiple computers.

    A.  WDS
  37. In the Initial Configuration Tasks window, you use the ____
    section to set the time zone, configure networking, and provide computer name and domain or workgroup information.

    B.  Provide Computer Information
  38. To install the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services
    role, enter: ____.

    C.  start /w ocsetup DirectoryServices-ADAM-ServerCore
  39. In Windows Server Core at the command line, enter ____ to view a listing of commands.

    C.  help
  40. ____ are designed to correct things such as security issues as well as problems affecting stability, performance, or the operation of features included with the operating system.

    A.  Service packs
  41. The ____ role focuses on sharing files from the server or using
    the server to coordinate and simplify file sharing through Distributed File System (DFS).

    B.  File Services
  42. In the ____ role, the Windows Server 2008 server can be used to manage network printing services and it can offer one or more network printers connected to the network through the server itself.

    A.  Print Services
  43. You can use the ____ command-line tool for managing server roles.

    B.  ServerManagerCmd.exe
  44. ServerManagerCmd.exe can be used to run the parameters in a(n) ____ on a group of servers to save configuration time and ensure that the servers are configured the same way.

    A.  XML answer file
  45. ServerManagerCmd.exe is executed from the command line through the ____ window.

    B.  Command Prompt
  46. The ability to automatically detect and configure newly installed
    hardware devices, such as a disk or tape drive is called ____.

    C.  Plug and Play
  47. When a driver is verified, a unique digital signature is
    incorporated into it in a process called ____.

    A.  driver signing
  48. Windows Server 2008 offers the ____ to scan system files for integrity.

    A.  System File Checker
  49. After a Sigverif scan is complete, the results are written to a
    log file, called ____.

    C.  sigverif.txt
  50. ____ is disk storage used to expand the capacity of the physical RAM installed in the computer.

    A.  Virtual memory
  51. ____ are defined by the operating system and apply to any user
    logged onto the computer.

    C.  User environment variables
  52. ____ can be defined on a per-user basis, such as specifying the
    path where application files are stored.

    D.  User environment variables
  53. ____ is used for multimedia transmissions, such as a combined
    voice and video transmission to provide user training to multiple people.

    A.  Reliable Multicast Protocol
  54. A ____ is a data parameter associated with a software or hardware characteristic under a key (or subkey).

    D.  Registry entry
  55. A ____, also called a subtree, is a primary or highest level
    category of data contained in the Registry.

    C.  root key
  56. The ____ root key contains profile information for each user who has logged onto the computer.

  57. ____ holds information about the monitor type, keyboard, mouse, and other hardware characteristics for the current profile.

  58. The ____ tool is automatically installed when you install Windows Server 2008 and provides an interactive interface for analyzing and configuring security on a server.

    B.  Security Configuration Wizard
  59. ____ examines the roles a server plays and then tries to adjust
    security to match these roles.

    A.  SCW
  60. The ____ command enables you to configure and modify security settings, as well as convert them to Active Directory Group Policy Objects and to apply them to multiple servers.

    A.  scwcmd
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Practice Quiz 1
Practice Quiz 1