Sociology 101 Flash Cards 1

  1. What are the 4 steps in the Social Ladder?
    • 1. Social Interactions
    • 2. Social Structure
    • 3. Social Institutions
    • 4. Social Change
  2. What is Sociological Imagination?
    It helps the individual in society connect their own personal experiences to what is happening in society
  3. What is the difference between a Trouble and an Issue?
    A Trouble affects the individual.

    An Issue affects the society as a whole.
  4. What is Debunking and who coined it?
    Debunking means to denounce inconvenient facts or social myths as false and was coined by Peter Burger
  5. What is Manifest Function?
    A deliberate intent
  6. What is Latent Function?
    An unknown consequence
  7. What is Macroanalysis?
    An analysis of the complete picture; Big
  8. What is Microanalysis?
    An analysis of a smaller detailed picture; Small
  9. What are the 3 Theories of Sociology?
    • 1. Functionalism
    • 2. Conflict
    • 3. Symbolic Interaction
  10. Explain Functionalism
    We all follow the same path.

    The more people relate with one another, the more smoothly society works

    Social Solidarity - Emile Durkheim
  11. What is the Protestant Work Ethic?
    The harder you work, the more god loves you
  12. Explain the Conflict Theory
    The use of power to create inequality in society

    Power is the ability to control or coerce the weak to uphold social stability

    The competition for social resources creates conflicts

    Karl Marx
  13. Explain Symbolic Interaction
    Symbolic meanings to objects, events, ideas, etc

    e.g. Monetary Bills are important in society

    Max Weber
  14. What are the 6 Steps of Empiracal Research?
    • 1. Ask a research question
    • 2. Review Literature
    • 3. Plan a research design
    • 4. Collect data
    • 5. Analyze data
    • 6. Report data
  15. Explain Culture
    A way of life

    A complex system of social behavior and human interaction that defines the way of life for a group of people (society).

    Customs, traditions, ideas, -> Art, Music, etc
  16. Define Ethnocentrism
    One feels that cultural ideals are superior to another group
  17. What is Material Culture?
    A tangible aspect of culture or a cultural object

    e.g. Middle Eastern culture's Veil
  18. What is Non-Material Culture?
    An abstract aspect of culture or ideas and concepts within a culture

    e.g. Middle Eastern culture's Purdah, or act of sucluding women to prove lineage by means of Veil
  19. What are the 5 Characteristics of Culture?
    • 1. Shared
    • 2. Learned
    • 3. Symbolic
    • 4. Varies over time and place
    • 5. Taken for granted
  20. What are the 4 Elements of Culture?
    • 1. Language - Sapir/Wharf - Generates inequality
    • 2. Norms - Standards for desirable behavior in society
    • 3. Values - Right and wrong
    • 4. Beliefs - Assume to be true, faith. Generates values
  21. Explain Grahms-Sumner's 3 Standards of Norms
    • 1. Folkway - Etiquette, traditions, customs
    • 2. Moré - Strict
    • 3. Taboo - Unspeakable
  22. Define Ethnomethodology
    To disrupt norms in society to see how people react
  23. Define Dominant Culture
    Cultural hegemony

    Conflict reduces political resistance, economic interests
  24. Define Subculture
    A respected diverse culture within another, coexisting peacefully
  25. Define Counterculture
    A Culture within a society that rejects the dominant culture's way of life, hostile coexistance
  26. Define Pop Culture
    Everday life and traditions produced by mass media; fad

    The opposite is an elite culture
  27. Define Global Culture
    A uniform transition to a single language; English
  28. What are the 4 Soruces of Cultural Change?
    • 1. Innovation / Technology - Culture Lag; Opposite = Culture Shock - threatened by change
    • 2. Imposed - A forced culture
    • 3. Diffusion - Influenced / assimilated cultures (e.g. pizza seems American but its Italian)
    • 4. Changes in society (e.g. Civil Rights)
  29. What are the 6 Agents of Socialization?
    • 1. Family
    • 2. Schools
    • 3. Peers - Equal footing with; acceptance / approve
    • 4. Sports - Important to fathers; pushed on boys
    • 5. Media
    • 6. Religion
  30. Explain Sexist Ideology and the 3 Factors
    Society looks down on you if you're a young boy and don't play sports

    • 1. Set of beliefs
    • 2. Serves the status quo
    • 3. Distorts reality
  31. Explain "Risk Reduction"
    Sports reduces the risk of being labeled

    Men can show a connection with each other without the risk of being sanctioned with sports
  32. Explain the Jean Piaget Theory
    Girls change the game to make fair

    Boys adhere to the rule for competition
  33. Explain "Conditional" Selfworth
    You're not going to win all the time; got to face disappointment

    You feel incredible defeat if convinced of a win.
  34. Explain the Social Learning Theory / 3 Sensorimotor Stages
    The life course

    • 1. Pre-operationable stage - Language; Pre-conventional - Childhood
    • 2. Concrete operational stage - Logic; Conventional - Adolescence
    • 3. Formal operational stage - Abstract; Post-conventional - Adulthood
  35. Define Rite of Passage
    Marks transitions in life course; marked by ceremony
  36. Explain Mead/Cooley's 3 Factors of the Looking Glass Self Theory
    • 1. We note the reactions of others towards us
    • 2. Our understanding of judgement is based on perception
    • 3. Your behavior is affected
  37. Explain Re-Socialization
    A radical shift in social expectation

    • Military - Brainwashing
    • Prison
    • Stockholm Syndrome - Identifying with the kidnapper
Card Set
Sociology 101 Flash Cards 1
First half semester worth of flash cards