1. Where is urine formed?

    • A.   Nephrons
    • Urine is formed in the 1 million nephrons of each kidney
  2. Which of the following are functions of the kidney? (select all that apply)
    a. Maintaining acid-base balance
    b. Removal of waste products
    c. Regulation of the blood volume
    d. Regulation of electrolytes
    e. Removal of CO2
    f. Production of erythropoietin
    • a. Maintaining acid-base balance
    • b. Removal of waste products
    • c. Regulation of the blood volume
    • d. Regulation of electrolytes
    • f. Production of erythropoietin

    NOT - e. Removal of CO2
  3. A home health nurse visits a patient who is 82 years old, uses a cane, and is not incontinent. Which of the following interventions should be included in the POC, based on understanding of normal age-related changes of the urinary system, to promote patient safety?

    C. Provide a night-light in the bathroom

    to prevent falls
  4. Which of the following is the most accurate assessment of fluid balance in the patient with renal failure?

    • A. Daily weight
    • Daily weight reflects changes in fluid status
  5. Which of the following should be included in patient teaching for collecting a midstream clean-catch urine specimen for culture and sensitivity?

    C. Women should keep the labia separated while voiding

    To help prevent contamination
  6. Which of the following care should the nurse provide following an intravenous pyelogram test? (select all that apply)

    • A. Encourage fluids
    • d. Measure urine output

    Encourage fluids to flush dye from the kidneys, and monitor urine output to detect problems.
  7. A patient is experiencing stress incontinence with frequent involuntary loss of urine. Which of the following directions would be most appropriate when teaching the patient how to perform Kegel exercises?

    C. When urinating, stop and start the stream of urine by tightening the perineal muscles.

    Kegel exercises strengthen the perineal muscles
  8. Which of the following is the most important nursing action for the nurse to take to prevent UTI in the catheterized patient?

    D. Maintain a closed catheter system

    Prevents contamination
  9. What is the patients total output as recorded during the 7-3 shift?
    8am voided 165mL
    1130am voided 450mL
    1pm emesis 42mL
    3pm voided 255mL
    ANS:  912mL

    • +      8am voided 165mL
    • + 1130am voided 450mL
    • +      1pm emesis   42mL
    • +      3pm voided  255mL
    • = 912mL
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