Social Studies Civil War

  1. Define Total War
    To bring the war to the people, meaning to destroy land and homes to weken the enemy.
  2. Define Abolition
    To end something. For example, some Northerners wanted to abolish slavery
  3. Define Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln's attemp to end slavery by taking away the South's slaves during a time of war. This said that if the North won, slavery would be abolished.
  4. Define Secede
    To leave the union.
  5. Define Border States
    They wanted to stay a part of the United States, but also wanted slavery.
  6. Define Blockade
    • To block trade by setting up a virtual wall. They are the ships in the picture below.
  7. What side was Abraham Lincoln on?
    The North
  8. What side was Jefferson Davis on?
    The South
  9. What side was General Sherman on?
    The North
  10. What side was General Grant on?
    The North
  11. What side was General Lee on?
    The South
  12. What side was General Jackson on?
    The South
  13. What are some key facts about Abraham Lincoln?
    • President during the war
    • Wanted the union united, with or without slavery
    • Wrote the Gettysburg Address
  14. What are some key facts about Jefferson Davis?
    He was the President of the Confederate States of America
  15. What are some key facts about General Sherman?
    Attacked Atlanta, beliving in Total War, by burning cities, farms, and property.
  16. What are some key facts about General Grant?
    • A Northern Hero
    • He won wars but had many casualties
    • Was successful in the West
    • He negotiated with General Lee at the end of the war, letting his army go home
  17. What are some key facts about General Lee?
    • Lincoln wanted him as the Northern general
    • Against slavery
    • From Virginia and decided to follow his state
  18. What are some key facts about General Jackson?
    Stood "like a stone wall" in Bull Run
  19. What were the Norths' reasons for fighting?
    • Keep the nation together
    • Eventually to end slavery
  20. What were the Souths' reasons for fighting?
    To secede the nation to keep slavery
  21. What was the North's capital?
    Waashington D.C.
  22. What was the South's capital?
  23. What were some of the nicknames for the North?
    • Blues
    • Union
    • Yankees
  24. What were some of the nicknames for the South?
    • Rebels
    • Grey
    • Confederates
  25. What advantages did the North have?
    • Larger population
    • Better resources
  26. What advantages did the South have?
    • Better generals
    • More motivated
    • Knew the land
  27. What disadvantages did the North have?
    • Didn't know the land
    • Little military experience
  28. What disadvantages did the South have?
    • They had a small population
    • 9 million people
  29. What was the North's war strategy?
    The Anaconda Plan. Block the South's trade, control the Mississippi River, and charge into Richmond. It got the name from how they were going to constrict the South.
  30. What was the South's war strategy?
    • Survive
    • Get foreign help from France and Great Britain
    • Play "defense"
  31. What were some general key facts about Fort Sumter?
    • It said that the fighting started and you can't compromise again
    • Start of the war
    • There were no casualties other than a horse
  32. What were some key facts about Fort Sumter that apply to the North?
    • Attemped to send in supplies but South kept taking them
    • They lost
  33. What were some key facts about Fort Sumter that apply to the South?
    • Took supplies that LIncoln sent to Northern troops
    • Attacked the North for 34 hours
    • They won
  34. What were some key facts about Bull Run that apply to the North?
    • McDowell was the General
    • They lost
    • North was shocked
    • McDowell was fired and McClellan was hired
  35. What were some key facts about Bull Run that apply to the South?
    • Beauregard was the leader
    • "Stonewall" Jackson held them back
    • They won
  36. What were some general key facts about Antietam?
    • It was the worst single day of battling
    • Very bloody
  37. What were some key facts about Antietam that apply to the North?
    • Lee left plans and 2 Union general foun them
    • They won
    • Could have ended the war, but Mcclellan chickened out
    • McClellan fired
  38. What were some key facts about Antietam that apply to the South?
    • Lee split the army
    • lee failed to invade the North
    • They lost
  39. What were some general key facts about Gettysburg?
    • Both sides met looking for supplies
    • 48,000 deaths in 4 days
  40. What were some key facts about Gettysburg that apply to the North?
    • The North had new guns which shot farther, shot with more power and worked better
    • They won
  41. What were some key facts about Gettysburg that apply to the South?
    • Pickett's charge
    • Tried to scare the North by screaming and charging
    • Lost battle, and lost hope of foreign help
  42. What were some general key facts about Appomatox?
    It was the end of the war
  43. What were some key facts about Appomatox that apply to the North?
    They captured supplies and surrounded Lee's army
  44. What were some key facts about Appamatox that apply to the South?
    • Lee was surrounded
    • Lost supplies
    • Attempted to keep fighting
    • Let free to be US citizens again, giving them rations and no punishments
  45. What was the Compromise of 1850?
    • California- free state
    • Fugitive slave act passed
  46. What was the Fugitve slave act
    Capture slaves, bring them back South. captured all African Americans because you ot paid more to capture someone
  47. Dred Scott case
    Declared that slaves were property and were no rights. No better than the dirt on the ground
  48. What ways did people take away African American Rights?
    • Black Codes- Laws to Restrict African Americans rights and stop them from voting
    • Literacy Test- Pass a test to vote
    • Poll Taxes- Pay fee to vote
    • Grandfather Clauses- If your grandfather could vote, you could too, and vice versa
    • Jim Crow Laws- Seperate Whites and Blacks from stores, schools, water fountains, etc.
    • Plessy vs. Fergusson- Made it legal to seperate. "Sepearate but equal" even though the African American places were much more run down and worse
    • KKK- Attacked African Americans and supporters to control the voting situations
  49. What ways did people support African American Rights?
    • Freedman's Bureau- Give schools and other things to former slaves and African Americans
    • 13th Amenment- Freed Slaves
    • 14th Amendment- declared that if you were born here than you were a citizen
    • 15th Amendment- Allowed you to vote no matter what race, color, or prevouis servitude (work)
    • Civil Rights Act- declared that African Americans and Whites were equal
  50. What did the President want for Reconstruction
    • Give amnesty
    • Only 10% swer loyalty
    • Punishing=delaying Reconstruction
    • Pardon those who didn't rebel
    • Adopt new constitution that banned slavery
  51. What did Congress (Radical Republicans) want for Reconstruction?
    • 51% or more must swear loyalty
    • Leaders and those who rebelled couldn't vote
    • Thought that the president was too forgiving
    • Confederates can't take office
    • Ban slavery and adopt a new constitution
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Social Studies Civil War
The civil war test in Social Studies Review