1. wàih-chìh
    • To maintain
    • 維持
    • (維 -  tie; secure; maintain; preserve; unite)
    • (持 -  hold; maintain; control)
  2. deih-wai
    • Position, The station of life
    • 地位
    • (地 -  earth; land; soil)
    • (位 -  position, rank; seat)
  3. yìu-kàuh
    • demands, requests
    • (要 -  want)
    • (求 -  ask for; seek ;demand; request)
  4. fàn-biht
    • To differenctiate, Difference
    • 分別
    • (分 -  to divide; to distribute; a minute; a point)
    • (別 -  differentiate; classify; take leave)
  5. dahk-sáu
    • A chief of HKSAR
    • 特首
    • (特 -  special; unique; unusual)
    • (首 -  the first, the head; leader)
  6. gùng-mouh-yùhn
    • Government employees, A Civil service worker
    • 公務員
  7. jí....jè
    • Only, just
    • 只。。。啫
  8. ji-yù
    • In the case of, as for, as to
    • 至於
    • (至 -  reach (place); arrive at)
    • (於 -  in; at; on; compared with; than)
  9. júng-chòih
    • A general manager,
    • A managing Director
  10. daaht
    To reach (A place or a figure such as a price or a quantity)
  11. nàahn-yíh séung-jeuhng
    • Unimaginable
    • 難以 想像
    • (難以 hard to [predict, imagine, etc.])
    • (想像 to imagine; to visualize)
  12. pìhng-gwàn
    • Average
    • 平均
    • (平 - Peaceful, Level)
    • (均 - equal, even, all)
  13. faat-jín
    • To Develop, expand (Development)
    • (Send out, launch, uncover) - (Open, unfold, visit)
    • 發展
  14. jí-sìk fahn-jí
    • An intellectual, the intelligensia
    • (Knowledge, Intellecual, Intelect) - (Share, trait)
    • 知識 份子
  15. jùng-cháan gàai-chàhng
    • An intermediate stratum, The middle class, bourgeoisie
    • (Middle class) - (Hierarchy, Social class)
    • 中產 階層
  16. jauh-yihp
    • to obtain employment, to get a job (Start career)
    • (receive, undergo, exactly, precisely) - (Profession, Trade, Occupation)
    • 就業
  17. gà-tìhng sìhng-yùhn
    • Family members
    • (family) - (member)
    • 家庭 成員
  18. gu-dihng
    • regular, steady (Fixed, none-negotiable, unmoving)
    • (Firm, Solid) - (Decide, settle, fix)
    • 固定
  19. maht-jàt heung-sau
    (maht-jàt héung-sau)
    • Material Comforts
    • (Matter) - (enjoy, Enjoyment)
    • 物質
  20. ji-yihp
    • to buy (major items such as house, factory office, car etc.)
    • (Dict: To buy an estate)
    • (put, set up, procure) - (profession, trade, ocupation)
    • 置業
  21. sìu-fai
    • Consumption, Expenditure
    • (Vanish disperse, quench) - (fees dues charges)
    • 消費
  22. jih-yìhn
    • As a matter of course
    • (Dict: Nature, natural)
    • (Self, Private, Personal) - (Yes, Correct, nevertheless)
    • 自然
  23. chùk-jeun
    • To push ahead, to promote (an idea), to get forward, to advance
    • (Close, crowded, near, urge, to press) - (advance, move forward)
    • 促進
  24. fòhng-deih-cháan (deih-cháan, ngùk-deih-cháan)
    • real estate, real property 
    • (room, building, house, structure) - (earth, land soil) - (Bear offspring, produce, property)
    • 房地產
  25. hìng-wohng
    • Prosperous (Dict: To flourish, thriving)
    • (Flourish, hot, excitement) - (prosperous)
    • 興旺
  26. gìng-jaih sèui-teui
    • Economic recession, slump in prices
    • (Economy) - (Decline, fall, recession, drop, flater)
    • 經濟
  27. jàng-gà
    • To increase
    • (Incrase gain add) - (Plus, add, increase, append)
    • 增加
  28. sàm-muhk-jùng
    • mental view, in mind (In one's thoughts)
    • (heart)-(eye)-(middle, central)
    • 心目中
  29. muhk-bìu
    • A target, a goal (Dict: An objective)
    • (eye) - (mark, Symbol, Label, tag)
    • 目標
  30. ping-bok jìng-sàhn
    • death-defying spirit
    • (?) - (Spirit, mind)
    • 拼搏 精神
  31. tàih-gòu haauh-leuht
    • Heighten efficiency
    • (To raise up) - (Efficiency)
    • 提高 - 效率
  32. jàng-chéui
    • To Strive for, to win over (Dict: To compete for, to struggle)
    • (compete; dispute; owe; lack; partial to) - (take; receive; select)
    • 爭取
  33. chòih-yùhn
    • Financial resources
    • (wealth; riches; money) - (source; root)
    • 財源
  34. ji-yihp ngòn-gèui
    • To buy a house and live in peace and contentment
    • (Buy real estate) - (peace and contentment)
  35. jìk-chùk
    • Savings (Dict: Accumulate, stockpile, save, scrape)
    • (accumulate) - (collect, store, save (up), gather, reserve)
    • 積蓄
  36. gú-piu
    • Stocks, equity securities
    • (stock; shares; the thigh; hips) - (bill; note; ticket)
    • 股票
  37. ngoih-baih
    • Foreign currency
    • (external, foreign; alienate) - (currency; money; banknote)
    • 外幣
  38. wàn-dak-kèih-só
    • To earn money in the correct way
    • (搵 Search find look for; use, look for; earn [money])
    • (其 This that the its their)
    • (所 Place location position; Building; that which)
    • 搵得其所
    • In accordance with, to depend on (Dict: To lean on)
  39. jáu-sì
    • To smuggle
    • 走私
    • (走 - To Run, Walk)
    • (私 - Private, personal, secret)
  40. tàam-wù
    • Corruption, To accept bribe
    • 貪污
    • (貪 desire for more than one's rightful)
    • (污 filthy; dirty; impure; polluted)
  41. faan-duhk
    • drug trade, drug trafficing
    • 販毒
    • (販 buy and sell; hawker)
    • (毒 poison; venom; toxin)
  42. dá-gip
    • To rob, to plunder
    • (打 hit; strike | dozen)
    • (劫  rob; plunder; hijack)
  43. maaih-yàhm
    • prostitution
    • (Dict: harlot, harlotry, prostitution, streetwalking, whore, whoredom)
    • (賣 - sell)
    • (淫  - licentious [Lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct])
  44. sáu-faat
    • A method, to take measures to (Dict: skill, technique, trick)
    • (手 -  hand)
    • (法 -  French; methods; rules)
  45. bàt-daahn..yìh-ché...sahm-ji
    • Not only...also...even more
    • (不但 - Not only)
    • (而且 - but also, furthermore, moreover, anyways)
    • (甚至 - even; to the point of; to the extent of)
  46. lìhn
    • including
    • (連 -   Dict: link; continuously; including; even)
  47. sàn-baaih-mihng-liht
    • To lose all standuing and reputation, to bring shame and ruin  upon oneself (Dict:  to lose all of one's wealth and fame)
    • 身敗名裂
    • (身 - [1] [n] body; trunk [2] one's own person; oneself [3] a child in the womb [4] in person; personally)
    • (敗 - [1] be defeated; be beaten; lose[2] defeat; beat; vanquish[3] fail; spoil; ruin; tarnish[4] worn; torn; rotten; faded.)
    • (名- [1] [n] name; rank; title; designation [2] position; honor; fame; renown; reputation [3] famous; noted; distinguished; renowned; valuable; precious; noble; rare; great [4] [n] name; [v] describe)
  48. chóh-gàam
    • To go to jail
    • 坐監
    • (坐 -  sit)
    • (監 -  supervise; compel; prison)
  49. dàk-bàt-sèuhng-sàt
    • More a loss than a gain
    • (得 -  get; obtain; need)
    • (不  -  no, not; un-; negative prefix)
    • (償  -  repay; payment; fulfill)
    • (失  -  mistake; omission; lose; neglect)
  50. múhn-jùk
    • To satisfy, content
    • 滿足
    • (滿 -  [1] filled; full [2] plentiful; abundant)
    • (足 -  [1] foot [2] enough [3] fully)
  51. go-yàhn
    • An individual, a person
    • 個人
  52. jì-sìk
    • knowledge (Dict: Intelectual, Intellect)
    • (知  -  know, understand, comprehend)
    • (識 -  know; remember)
  53. bán-dàk-sàu-yéuhng
    • The fundamental morality of life, self-cultivation (morals, character)
    • 品德
    • (品德 - Moral character)
    • (修養 -   accomplishment; mastery; training; self-cultivation)
  54. geih-nàhng
    • A skill, technique, ability
    • 技能
    • (技 -  ability; skill; trick)
    • (能 -  be able, can; ability)
  55. gok-hòhng-gok-yihp
    • All trades and proffesions, various walks of life
    • (各  - each, individually, every, all)
    • (行  - walk; travel; profession; business line)
    • (各  -  each, individually, every, all)
    • (業  -  profession; trade; occupation)
  56. yihng-wàih
    • To consider, To have an idea (Dict: to believe; to think; to consider; to feel)
    • 認為
    • (認  -  recognise; know; admit; accept)
    • (為  -  do, act; handle; be; for)
  57. wíhng-yúhn
    • 永遠
    • (永 -  eternity; forever)
    • (遠  -  distant; remote; far)
  58. fàahn
    • To be annoyed, vexed
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HKLLC Cantonese Advanced Level 2 Lesson 7 Income