
  1. Image Upload 2
    Juliet Capulet

    • = Young, Innocent, Naϊve
    • Forced to mature quickly into a beautiful young woman
    • = Practical, devoted, brave

    • Symbolism of love
    • Golden statue erected in her honour:
    • To show others of the values of devotion and true love.

    • Tragic heroine
    • We admire (L)
  2. My child is yet a stranger to the world
    She hath not seen the change of fourteen years
    • Lord Cap > Parris
    • 1.2
    • Jul =
    • •Young (13)
    • •Unworldly
    • •Naϊve
  3. But woo her, gentle Parris, get her heart
    My will to her consent is just a part
    • Lord Cap > Parris
    • 1.2
    • Jul = protected by her parents
    • Cap = Caring Father
    • He believes marriage needs love
  4. It is an honour I dream not of
    • Juliet > Lady Cap
    • 1.3
    • (marriage)
    • Jul =
    • •Innocent & Inexperienced - Men & Love
    • •Coy/simplistic answer reflects youth


  5. I look to like if looking liking move
    But no more will I endart my eye
    Than your consent gives strength to make it fly
    • Jul > Lady Cap
    • 1.3
    • (Parris)
    • •Obedient
    • •Sees marriage as appearance not love
    • = Immature
  6. For Saints have hands that Pilgram's hands do touch
    And palm to palm is holy palmer's kiss
    • Jul > Rom
    • 1.5
    • Jul =
    • • Effortlessly taken to the idea of love after prev. innocence
    • • Suddenly sophisticated and grown up
    • • Matured by 'love at first sight'
    • •Language = romantic, holy & pure
  7. If he be married
    My grave is like to be my wedding bed
    • Jul > Nurse
    • 1.5
    • Jul =
    • •different opinion of marriage
    • •can't live without romeo = sudden love = rash but loving

    (death's bride, reminder that within the (L) = invevitable death)
  8. My only love sprung from my only hate
    To early seen unknown and known too late
    • Jul > Nurse
    • 1.5
    • (on finding out Romeo's identity)
    • Jul =
    • •Thinks it's too late to regret what has happend
    • •Believes her newfound love can overcome the obsticals of the feud
    • (FORESHADOWING OF ACT 5,3 when her (L) overcomes the hate & feud)
    • •She knows what she wants even if it's not what her parents would want (not so obedient now eh?)
  9. O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
    Deny thy father and refust thy name
    If thou wilt not, be but my sworn love
    And i'll no longer be a Capulet
    • Jul > Self
    • (unaware that R is listening)
    • 2.2
    • Jul =
    • •declaring love for R
    • •Practical
    • •She understands the feud may come between them but she is willing to fight it for thier love
    • •Willing to marry (change name)
    • •Sees him as person not NAME of enemy>
    • "thy name that is my enemy"
  10. That which we call a rose
    By any other word would smell as sweet
    • Jul > Rom
    • 2.2
    • •Loves R and would still Love him if he was a Montague or not
    • •Image is beautiful - contrasts with the hate
    • Bittersweetness.
  11. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden
    Too like lightning
    • Jul > Romeo
    • (relationship)
    • 2.2
    • Jul =
    • •practical
    • •foresees problems (fate?)

    simile = lightning appears and is exciting but it disappears as quickly as it appears.

    • FORESHADOWING, it all happens very quickly (less than a week)
    • they get married that same day, then tybalt is murdered, R is exiled, wedding night etcetc, deaths.
  12. And all my fortunes at thy foot i'll lay
    And follow thee throughout the world
    • Jul > Rom
    • 2.2
    • Jul =
    • •Dedicated
    • •Totally infatuated

    FORESHADOWING, she litterally does lay all her fortunes at his feet when she risks her life taking Friar's potion and then kills herself all for her love for her Romeo.
  13. my true love is grown to such excess
    I cannot sum up hath my wealth
    • Jul > Rom
    • (also just outloud, exclamation)
    • 2.6
    • Jul =
    • •ecstatic
    • •in love
    • •totally blissful
    • •blinded by her happiness (doesn't forsee the complications which will arise)

    • However, there's a sadness here as in only one more scene do we see her totally happy (morning after wedding night)
    • Shakespeare does not show wedding so we can focus on thier love which climaxes here before the tragic events in the next act (Tybalt's death/ R's Exilement)
  14. O, I have bought a mansion of a love
    But not yet possessed it, and though I am sold
    Not yet enjoyed
    • Jul > Audience
    • (Soliloquy)
    • Jul =
    • •Eager for her wedding night
    • •Impatient (= humour)
    • •Suddenly sensual (no longer obedient and innocent!)

    • DRAMATIC IRONY, she does not yet know that in the prev. scene Romeo murdered Tybalt and has been banished.
    • She is unaware that the moment in which they can be together at last, may be (and will be) their last.
  15. A serpent heart hidden in a flowering face!
    ...Beautiful tyrant, fiend angelica!
    • Jul > Nurse
    • (on finding out about R killing T)
    • 3.2
    • Jul =
    • •distraught - how could her love do something so evil?
    • •confused on where to decide were her loyalties lie (= oxymorons)
    • •without any real knowledge of what happend therefore, her decision is based on (L) for R

    • SERPENT METAPHOR, corruption of innocence in Eden - Romeo is evil in an innocent guise.
    • (biblical - dramatic)
  16. Ah my poor lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name
    When I, thy three hours wife have mangled it.
    • Jul > Self
    • (infront of Nurse, but really to R)
    • Jul =
    • •loyal to her husband through sanctament of her wedding vows
    • •greaving for T but more worried about R and his banishment
    • •feeling guilty that she just badmouthed her husband to Nurse
    • (banishment>) "in that word's death" - it's the banishment which causes everything next = deaths.
  17. Nurse, I'll to my wedding bed
    And death not romeo take my maidenhead
    • Jul > Nurse
    • 3.2
    • Jul =
    • •Distraught that her previous anticipation has turned to heartbreak
    • •Willing to end life as she cannot live without R.
    • (FORESHADOW.. again)

    • Metaphor is that she's going to her bed of where she should be with her husband and instead of sharing the consummation with him she will end up sharing it with death (she won't have that night with R at all)
    • DEATH'S BRIDE imagery.

    Glimmer of hope - Nurse goes to get R (for ^)
  18. Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day
    It was the nightingale and not the lark
    • Jul > Rom
    • (morning after)
    • 3.5
    • Jul =
    • •Loving and tender
    • •Mentally and physically matured - entered womanhood.
    • •Prolonging the ecounter as she's worried this will be the last time they're together (it is..)

    • However, own sensibility and practical traits cause her to worry for R's safety and urges him: "now be gone"
    • Foreboding that 'fickle Fortune' will ruin their happiness. (dramatic irony)
  19. Is there no pity sitting in the clouds
    That sees to the bottom of my grief?
    • Jul > Self
    • (soliloquy)
    • Jul =
    • •appealing to heaven - TOO ironik as heaven has other plans
    • •totally alone - Nurse betray's her.
    • •without any other options but a miracle or death.

    • "I'll to the friar to his remedy;
    • If all else fail, myself have the power to die"

    • Feels totally helpless.
    • - evokes sympathy.
  20. I long to die
    If what thoust speak'st speak not of remedy
    • Jul > Friar Lawrence
    • 4.1
    • Jul =
    • •Optionless
    • •At the end of her tether
    • •Putting a burden upon Friar - placing her life in his hands
    • •prepared to die (as consistant through play) - so by 5,3 there's no hesitations.
  21. Pardon, I beseech you,
    Henceforth I am ever ruled be you.
    • Jul > Lord Cap
    • 4.2
    • (kneeling down)

    • Jul =
    • •emmulating that obedient young girl from Act 1
    • - thus he brings back the wedding to the following day (wed).
    • •convincing performance = cruel irony ^
    • = Rom not getting letter in time etcetc.

    Circumstances have forced her into having a talent for deception.
  22. My dismal scene I needs must act alone
    • Jul > Lady Cap & Nurse
    • 4.3

    • Jul =
    • •totally alone
    • •rejecting assistance from Mother and Nurse to prep. her for her 'wedding' to Parris

    She's nervous and the rest of the scene shows her fears through a long soliloquy.
  23. Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! Here's drink - I drink to thee.
    • Jul > Self
    • (soliloquy - to Rom)

    • Jul =
    • Scared that the potion =
    • •poison to kill her & rid the Friar of any involvement in the marriage
    • •wont work she will wake in the tomb where there are "loathsome smells, / And shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth" where she will be driven insane.

    • However, her love for Romeo gives her courage and she drinks the potion as a toast to him.
    • (remembering a dagger to keep with her incase it goes wrong - practical 'til the end)

    Audience admires this bravery.
  24. ...drunk all and left no friendly drop
    To help me after?
    • Jul > (dead) Rom
    • 5.3

    • Jul =
    • •awoken in the tomb surrounded by the bodies of Rom & Parris and a very jumpy Friar.
    • •calm and collected - despite ^
    • •her love and loyalty are paramount, and as foreshadowed throughout- she would rather kill herself and be with Romeo in another world than be without him in this one.

    Practical as always, she takes R's dagger (he had for the same reasons) and kills herself just as she hears the others coming to investigate:

    • "Yea noise? Then i'll be brief. O happy dagger
    • This is thy sheaf."
    • THUS, sacrificing her life for love.
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    • However, her sacrifice is greater than she knows,
    • Her death (and R's) lead to families ending the feud
    • After the learn that life is too short to hold 'ancient grudges'
    • And only after the tragic death of thier children can they see that the feud was pointless
    • Thus, they shake hands and Montague swears that a golden statue will be erected in her honour,
    • So she can be the symbol of true love and devotion to future generations who need the lesson that she taught the two warring families that day.

    She will always be remembered as the young, naϊve girl who displayed maturity, emotional depth, bravery and determination until her last moments. Thus, worthy of the title as tragic heroine.
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