Development of Modernist Art (part 5)

    • Street, Berlin
    • Artist: Kirchner
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • high social life
    • unnatural life
    • steep perspective
    • angular human figures
    • jagged brushstrokes
    • suggest the brittleness and fragility of life
    • cold harsh personalities
    • vertical focus
    • Street, Dresden
    • Artist: Kirchner
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • frenzied urban society before WWI
    • jarring and dissonant
    • looming women approach the viewer menacingly
    • steep perspective, increasing confrontational nature
    • harshly rendered painted with rough brush strokes
    • zombie-like faces
    • gary clashing colors
    • expressive, disquieting impact
    • influence of Munch
    • Saint Mary of Egypt among Sinners
    • Artist: Nolde
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • Mary before her conversion entertaining lechers whose lust intensify their brutal ugliness
    • distortion of form and color
    • brushstorkes amplify their faces
    • why we should avoid temptation and sin
    • Woman with Dead Child
    • Artist: Kollwitz
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • Christian tradition of grieving Mary with dead Christ
    • woman is sitting completely grasping the child in a primitive manner
    • universal statement of maternal loss and grief
    • animalistic passion
    • primal nature of a mother that is part of Expressionism
    • etching lines are her hand
    • impact of this image is undeniably powerful
    • used her own son as model
    • her son was killed in the war later
    • The Outbreak
    • Artist: Kollwitz
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • Black Anna who is inciting other peasants to revolt
    • she is facing away from us
    • combining etching and aquatint and a soft brown to emphasize the figures
    • her body and her gesture are creating motion
    • each peasant has slight detail in faces
    • primitive rough texture of etching
    • Seated Youth
    • Artist: Lehmbruck
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • elongating human proportions create a sense of anguish
    • elongation goes back to Mannerism
    • quiet, contemplative
    • personal expression of his depression
    • originally titled "The Friend", for his many friends who died in war
    • War Monument
    • Artist: Barlach
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • created for a Cathedral in Germany
    • cast bronze hovering
    • hauntingly symbolic figure to speak to the experience to all caught in the conflict of war
    • suspended above a tomb labeled with the dates of world wars
    • dying soul as it is going to heaven
    • theme of death and transfiguration
    • economy of surface texture and detail
    • simply form brings attention to simple but expressive head
    • Nazi's melt down original but they found another one that the artist had hidden
    • Fit for Active Service
    • Artist: Grosz
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • military officers are heartless and incompetent
    • result of personal experience - on the verge of a nervoue breakdown but doctors said her was fit for service
    • doctor examining a skeleton and saying that it is fit for service
    • none of the other doctors are disputing the evaluation
    • spectacles on the skeleton allude to Grosz
    • simplicity of the line drawing contributes to the directness and immediacy of the work
    • scating portrayal of the german army
    • figures have angular outlines
    • Night
    • Artist: Beckman
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • cramped room with intruders forcefully invading it
    • bound woman splayed across the foreground - allusion to rape
    • husband appears on left being strangled and other intruder is twisting his arm
    • unidentifyied woman in background
    • kidnapping a child
    • image itself does not depict a war scene but the wrenching violence and brutality of invading a common home - alludes to what war has done to people
    • uses himself, his wife, and his son as models
    • angularity of figures and roughness of paint surface create savageness of scene
    • objects seem dislocated and contourted
    • space appears buckled - illogical space
    • Departure
    • Artist: Beckman
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • triptycht
    • figure bound while standing on right
    • bound figure sitting on left
    • woman splayed like a chicken in foreground on left - chicken ready fo slaughter
    • on right one is upside down and tied to other guy
    • bottom right band is still playing
    • individual in center wears a helmet
    • center very calm
    • woman and child allude to another generation and Virgin Mary and Christ child
    • tension of objects and space
    • jump cuts - jumping from one scene to another - helps create tension
    • Der Krieg (The War)
    • Artist: Otto Dix
    • Era: Die Brucke
    • Techniques:
    • vividly capturing the devestation of war on people and landscape
    • armed uniform soldiers marching off into distance on left
    • center and right panels
    • graphic results of war
    • bodies scattered throughout an eeriely lit apocalyptic landscape
    • ghostly determined soldier dragging a commrade to safety on right represents Otto Dix
    • bunker looks like people are dead not asleep - allusion to death
    • doesn't open like Isenheim Altarpiece
    • mangled bodies convered with bullet holes
    • man he is carrying to safety is already dead
    • Improvisation 28
    • Artist: Kandinsky
    • Era: Der Blaue Reiter
    • Techniques:
    • playful and loose images
    • fluidity and lyricism like music
    • prompted by subconcious feelings
    • images emerge from colors and quickly drawn lines
    • not meant to see anything
    • colors help to emphasize an emotion
    • Improvisation 31
    • Artist: Kandinsky
    • Era: Der Blaue Reiter
    • Techniques:
    • loosely creates the image of ships on the water at sunset
    • swirl in the ocean
    • ships both have canons
    • sky reflected in the water
    • playful and loose images
    • fluidity and lyricism like music
    • prompted by subconcious feelings
    • images emerge from colors and quickly drawn lines
    • not meant to see anything
    • colors help to emphasize an emotion
    • Fate of the Animals
    • Artist: Franz Marc
    • Era: Der Blaue Reiter
    • Techniques:
    • animals are trapped in the forest by an apocalyptic event
    • image is shattered like war
    • severe and brutal colors
    • "like a premonition of war, horrible and shattering"
    • inhumanity expressed through art
    • crisscrossing diagonals of trees
    • Gertrude Stein
    • Artist: Picasso
    • Era: Cubism
    • Techniques:
    • friend and patron of Picasso
    • left unfinished after 80 sittings
    • reduced to African masks and sculptures
    • head simplified in shape
    • eyes have oval shapes- mouth chin and nose are triangles
    • insightful portrait of a forceful and vivacious woman
    • her face is more Cubist than the rest of her body
    • Les Desmoiselles d'Avignon
    • Artist: Picasso
    • Era: Cubism
    • Techniques:
    • supposed to have men with prostitutes
    • reduced women to African indigenous sculptures
    • fractures shapes and interweaves them with jagged planes that represent drapery and empty space
    • sometimes the space is illegible
    • believe that white is drapery with blue highlights
    • brown is empty space
    • three figures on left are inspired by Iberian sculptures from his visits to Spain
    • erotic imagery
    • women are not gentle creatures but are angular and primitive
    • faces are both revealed and shadowed
    • seeing faces at multiple angles
    • turning heads in awkward positions
    • imply negativeness of prostitution
    • women become a still life because of still life in foreground
    • line is important
    • different positions of body seen at same time
    • women get more abstract from left to right
    • muscles are geometric shapes
    • facial features and torsos are triangles
    • face look like incised lines
    • The Portuguese
    • Artist: Braque
    • Era: Cubism
    • Techniques:
    • a man with a guitar
    • subject from his memory-
    • dynamic interaction with space around it
    • space and form are one
    • colors reduced to monochrome of brown
    • focuses viewer's attention on form by not using color
    • letters and numbers add to flatness of piece
    • light and dark suggest chiaroscuro modelling
    • transparent planes
    • head in profile with frontal body
    • Ma Jolie
    • Artist: Picasso
    • Era: Cubism
    • Techniques:
    • dynamic interaction with space around it
    • space and form are one
    • colors reduced to monochrome of brown
    • focuses viewer's attention on form by not using color
    • letters and numbers add to flatness of piece
    • light and dark suggest chiaroscuro modelling
    • transparent planes
    • Champs de Mars
    • Artist: Delaunay
    • Era: Cubism
    • Techniques:
    • Eiffel Tower considered a marvel of modern technology
    • Parisian field
    • named after field of mars
    • breaks monument's unity into a colidascope array of color shards some that leap forward or pull back according to relative hues and values
    • structure ambiguously and simultaneously rises and collapses
    • political view on the societal collapse in the years leading to WWI
    • Delaunay said " the synthesis of a period of destruction"
    • alludes to war occurring and then the foundation of society falling apart
    • avant garde prophetic nature
    • skewed perspective
    • new technology caused destruction
    • emphasis on meaning not techniques
    • Still Life with Chair Caning
    • Artist: Picasso
    • Era: Cubism
    • Techniques:
    • lithograph pattern of chair caning pasted on the image on top of oil cloth painted on canvas
    • framed by a piece of real rope that defines its limit
    • allusion of a chair with real rope mixed with charcoal drawing and oil paints
    • shifting perspectives
    • jou are first letters of journals and jouer
    • text is an art form not just manuscript illumination
    • draws over chair caning with charcoal to make is seem like its on top
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Development of Modernist Art (part 5)
German Expressionism and Cubism