Sped. Laws

  1. What is Brown vs Board of Education?
    • 1954
    • stopped segregation in public schools based on race
    • violated 14th amendment (stopped separate but equal)
    • catalyst for sped changes in future
  2. What is the ESEA?
    • Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    • PL 89-10
    • federal funding for poverty schools
  3. What is Title VI?
    • PL 89-750 in 1966
    • federal funding to expand sped programs
  4. What did the Education of the Handicapped Act do?
    • gave funding to colleges to train sped teachers
    • 1970 part of the ESEA
  5. What is PARC and how did it help MR folks?
    • Pennsylvannia Association of Retarded Citizens
    • required the state to provide FAPE to all MR kids age 6-21 years
    • violated 14th amendment
  6. Why is Mills vs Board of Education important to Sped?
    • procedural safeguards came from this.
    • cannot exclude kids based on race or disability
  7. What do procedural safeguards provide?
    • non-discreminatory:
    • testing
    • evaluations
    • placement
  8. What is Section 504?
    • PL 93-112
    • Section of 504 Rehabilitation Act
    • programs receiving federal funding cannot discriminate against qualified people with disabilities.
  9. What education amendments were added in 1974?
    • same info from PARC and Mills Case....they became PL 93-380
    • MR kids 6 - 21 get FAPE
    • can't segregate based on Race
    • can't exlude sped kids from public education
  10. What is the EAHCA or PL 94-142?
    • Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    • federal rights with federal funding incentives
    • FAPE to age 21
    • LRE
    • due process
  11. What is the Handicapped Children's Protection Act or 99-372
    • amendment to EAHCA
    • grants parents attorney fees if they win their case
    • can be retroactive
  12. What is significant about the Education of the Handicapped Amendment PL 99-457?
    • added early intervention for birth to 2 years
    • required IFSPs
    • Extended EAHCA to 3-5 year olds!
    • financial incentives
  13. What is IDEA 1990?
    • It is PL 101-476
    • 1990 Renamed EAHCA to IDEA

    • added autism and TBI
    • added transition to IEPs for 16 and older
    • added states aren't immune from lawsuits under 11th amendment for IDEA violations

    changed to "people's first" language
  14. What is the IDEA 1997 Amendments (PL 105-17)?
    states must offer mediation to parents PRIOR to due process hearingsadded new IEP contents

    • reorganized structure of IDEA
    • change the IEP team
    • added new displinary provisions
  15. What is new with IDEA 2004?
    • FAPE/IEP must be specially designed instruction to meet unique needs
    • FAPE/IEP must further their education, employment and independent living
    • removed short term objectives from IEPs, except for students with severe disabilities.

    • defined highly qualified sped. teachers
    • encourages the use of RTI for SLD students
    • states can't use a formula to determine eligibility of SLD students
  16. What is the ADA of 1990?
    • American with Disabilities Act (PL 110-325)
    • can't discriminate based on disability
    • jobs
    • houses
    • public factilities
    • public transportation
  17. What is FERPA?
    • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
    • confidentiality and access to educational records
    • all records can be seen by the family or become public records for law suits

    aka Buckley Amendment
  18. What is an IFSP?
    Individual Family Service Plan
  19. What is Manifestation Determination?
    • sped kid on IEP breaks a school rule that...
    • proposes to remove the child from school (suspension)
    • there must be a hearing to make sure it was not the fault of the disability and it is the fault of the child knowing better and making poor decisions.
  20. What is the LEA?
    • Local education agency
    • or local school district
  21. What is inclusion?
    educating sped kids in general education

    mainstreaming and LRE apply here.
  22. What is a modification?
    changes to expectations of a sped student

    • instructional level
    • content
    • performance
  23. What is an accommodation?
    • changes in how tests administered
    • (but don't alter what is measured- equal opportunity to show understanding/knowledge)

    • language of instruction
    • response language
    • test setting
    • timing changes: extended, more breaks etc...
  24. What is a CBM?
    curriculum based measurement

    • measures student progress in academic areas
    • tested weekly 1-5 minutes
    • scores are graphed
  25. C.F.R. What does it mean?
    Code of Federal Regulations
  26. What is a "fair hearing"?
    • due process hearing
    • impartial due process hearing
  27. What is EI?
    • Early Intervention
    • served under 5 years

    • sped services
    • related services
  28. What is an IEE?
    Independent Educational Evaluation
  29. What is OSERS?
    Office of Special Education & Rehab. Services
  30. What is OSEP?
    Office of Special Education Programs
  31. What is an SEA?
    State Educational Agency

    our OSPI
  32. What is USC?
    United States Code
  33. What is SWD?
    Students with Disabilities
  34. What is an ITP?
    Individualize Transition Plan
  35. When must ITP be in place?
    age 15 - before the student's 16th birthday
  36. ITP must reflect...
    student's interests and skills
  37. Who must be invited to the IEP with ITP?
    the student
  38. What 2 goals must be addressed for ITP?
    • education
    • employment
  39. Who decides what the transition plan looks like?
    IEP team
  40. What must be done in an ITP before the child turns 18?
    • invite an outside agency
    • prior to the meeting....must have parent permission for the outside agency to attend
  41. name at least 4 agencies that can be involved with ITP
    • HS career center
    • community college or trade school
    • community education classes/instructor
    • DVR
    • DDD
    • SS
    • MH
    • independent living care centers
  42. What are the buzz words for the ITP process?
    "results oriented process"
  43. Defined by Law, what disorders qualify as DD?
    • MR
    • CP
    • Epilepsy
    • PDDs
    • other neurological disorders closely related to MR, or require similar treatment as MR.
Card Set
Sped. Laws
NBPTS exam study cards