Salita Magaling Ugat

  1. Ab, abs
    off, away from, apart

    • abdicate - to renounce or relinquish a throne
    • abstruce - hard to understand. secret or hidden
  2. act, ag
    to do, to drive, to force, to lead

    • exacting - unduly severe in demands and requirements
    • agitate - to move or force into violent action
  3. ad, al
    to, toward, near

    • adjacent - lying near or close
    • allegiance - devotion or loyalty
  4. am

    amateur - a person who engages in an activity for pleasure amaris - inclined to love, especially sexual love
  5. ben, bon

    • benign - having a kindly disposition
    • bonus - something given over and above what is due
  6. carn

    • carnivorous - flesh-eating
    • reincarnation - rebirth of a soul in a new body
  7. cred
    to believe, to trust

    • incredible, unbelievable
    • credit - trust-worthiness
  8. dem
    the people

    • democracy - government by the people
    • endemic - peculiar to a particular people or locality
  9. dol
    suffering or pain

    condolence - expression of sympathy for one who is suffereing dolderance - listlessness or despondency(?)
  10. dur

    • endure - to hold out, to sustain without yielding
    • abdurant - stubbornly unyielding or unflexible
  11. fid
    faith or trust

    • confide - trust with a secret
    • infidel - disbeliver
  12. id
    one's own

    • idiom - a language particular to a people
    • identity - distinguishing personality of an individual
  13. lect
    select or choose

    • collect - to gather together
    • eclectic - selected from various sources
  14. mal
    bad, ill, wrong

    • malign - to speak harmful about
    • malficense - misconduct particularly by a public official
  15. man

    • manual - operated by hand
    • mandate - an authoritative order or command
  16. morph

    • amorphus - without definite form or shape
    • antrophomorpic - attributing human characteristics to non-human
  17. omni

    • omnivorous - capable of eating or consuming anything
    • omnibus - a highly inclusive anthology
  18. pan
    all or everything

    • panorama - an unobstructed view of a wife area
    • panaplay - impressive array of display
  19. para
    next to, beside

    • parody - to immitate for purposes of satire
    • paragon - a model of excellence
  20. plac
    to please

    • placid - pleasantly calm or peaceful
    • implacable - unable to be pleased
  21. pro
    much, a lot

    • prolific - highly fruitful
    • prodigious - extraordinary in sign, amount and extent
  22. se

    • seduce - to lead astray
    • sequester - to remove or withdraw
  23. tract
    drag, pull or draw

    • tractor - a powerful vehicle/machine
    • contract - a legally binding document
  24. trans

    • transgress - to violate
    • intrandigent - refusing to agree or compromise
  25. voc
    to call

    • vocation - a particular occupation or calling
    • vocabulary - the stock of words used by a particular person or group
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Salita Magaling Ugat