1. abandon
    • (v)
    • abandonmen (n)
    • abandoned (adj)
    • leave with out planning to come back, desert, quit
    • quiet(adj)=silent  / noisy

    quite=fairly ;  rather ; wome what ; some how ; to some extent ; to an extent ; nearly ; almost ; partly ; practicaly relatiully ; virtually ; roughly ; practically ; relatiully ; soft of ; kind of ; pretty

    desert (n) =wildernss//forest ; jungle ; woods
  2. Keen
    • (adj)
    • keenly(adj)
    • kennes (n)
    • shrp; intense; sesnsitive//blut
    • eager ; interested ; enthusiastic;unwilling ; reluctant
    • sensitive
    • severe ; intense
    • low
    • keen knife
    • keen to learn
    • keen interest
    • ken price
    • ken emotions
  3. jealous
    • (N)
    • use with OF
    • jealous of = envious of
    • jaelousy=envy
  4. tact
    • (n)
    • tactful (adj)=thought ful
    • tactly(adv)
    • thought fulnes

    • ability to say the right thing
    • i was tactly
  5. oath
    • (N)
    • curse
    • strong promise
    • collocation used with oath = tack an/the oath
    •                                             swear an/the oath
    • to be under the oath
    • oath of office
    • a promise that sth is true
  6. vacant
    • (adj)
    • vacate (v) //fill
    • empty; not filled
    • vacation= holiday

    • vacancy =job opportunity
    •                empty place
  7. vacant
    empty; not filled
  8. hardship
    sth that is hard to bear; difficulty
  9. gallant
    brave; showing respect for women
  10. date
    fact; information
  11. unaccustomed
    not used to sth
  12. bachelor
    a man who has no married
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