ASP Exam

  1. 10 steps for Incident Investigation
    • 1. Provide emergency repsonse
    • 2. secure the area
    • 3. Identify potential witnesses
    • 4. have investigative tools available
    • 5. collect hard evidence and reocrd the data
    • 6. conduct interviews
    • 7. reivew data
    • 8. prepare an investigation report
    • 9. implement corrective actions
    • 10. follow up
  2. Indirect costs of an incident
    • much larger than direct costs and not as easily seen
    • examples:
    • repair, replace or stragigthen material
    • supverisor wages to investigate accident
    • training replacement workers
  3. direct costs of an accident
    Example: medical bills
  4. Safety and Health audits are designed to ...?
    • Best Answer: determine if a program is following the plan
    • Other good answers:
    • 1. ensure compliance with codes and standards
    • 2. measure cost reductions due to accident prevention activities
    • 3. check on recordkeeping completenss and accurancy
  5. 2 types of audits
    program reivew and field audit
  6. EmergencyAction Plans Require what 3 things?
    • 1. Escape procedures and escape route assignment.
    • 2. Procedures for employees required to remain and operate critial equipment.
    • 3. Procedures to account for all employees.
  7. Basic Emergency Preparedness Plan will have 6 things...
    • 1. Chain of Command
    • 2. Alarm system
    • 3. Medical Treatment Plans
    • 4. Communication System
    • 5. Shutdown and Evacuation Proceedure
    • 6. Auxilary power system
  8. Reasons for pre-employment physicals?
    determine suitability of the new hire for the position to which they are being considered.
  9. Values
    principles that employees in an organization use to guide their behavior.
  10. Norms
    Rules of the game and often modeled after the behavior of key leaders in the organization
  11. Jargon
    the language of the organization
  12. Rituals
    cerimonial acts that convey organizational values as well as information about the way you function.
  13. Types of OSHA citations (4)
    • Willful
    • Failure to Abate
    • Serious
    • Other than serious
  14. Willful
    employer intentionally and knowingly commits a violation that the employer connits with planned indifference. Up to $10,000
  15. Failure to Abate
    An employer fails to correct a previously cited violation beyond the abtement date. up to $7,000/day
  16. Serious
    substatial probability that death or serious physical harm could result and that the employer knew or should have known of the hazards. Up to $7,000
  17. Other than Serious
    a direct relationship to job safety, but not likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Up to $7,000
  18. OSHA Inspections - Employer Rights (3)
    • 1. Be advised of the reson for the inspection.
    • 2. Accompany the compliance officer on the inspection.
    • 3. Have an opening and closing conference with the compliance officer.
  19. When was OSHA Born?
    1970 congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act
  20. 49 CFR is?
    Department of Transportation
  21. 29 CFR 1926 is
    Construction standard
  22. 40 CFR
  23. 29 CFR 1910
    general industry
  24. Prevelence
    refers to the number of cases with a disease to the total number in the study.
  25. The major emphasis of the science of empidemiology as it relates to disease is
    a. cure
    b. prevention
    c. research
    d. data collection
  26. Epidemiolgical studies that attemp to note the number of cases of a specific disease in a specific time period are known as?
    a. inductive studies
    b. biological studies
    c. discriptive studies
    d. risk factor studies
    discriptive studies
  27. When an OSHA standard only applies to a particular industry it is called?
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ASP Exam
questions for ASP Exam