
  1. Tell me about about yourself?
    • I am married with 2 kids aged 6 and 3.  My husband has his own audio and electrical business and works by himself.  Currently we live in Papamoa and spend our holidays camping near Taupo or wherever we can waterski. 
    • I grew up in Whangamata and started learning to fly in Tauranga at Bay Flight.  From there I began instructing and continued until I took over as Deputy CFI.  I was pregnant during this position and left the job the day my waters broke.  I had my son and a year later I began at Eagle Airways. 
    • Two years later I had my daughter and then a year after that I got my command, based in Rotorua.  Its been a whirlwind but I’ve enjoyed the challenge very much.  My base Captain in Rotorua has been a great mentor for me during my time in Rotorua. 
    • Also I have a very supportive husband who is fantastic at picking up where I left off at home with the kids.  We also have his parents who have been looking after the kids when I’m away.  They have done an absolute brilliant job but they are getting a lot older now.  The kids go to school and pre-school now so we have a nanny to fill in the gaps. 
    • I also have begun a position as a Human Factors facilitator for Eagle Airways.  Instructing was something I very much missed so I do enjoy taking these courses. 
    • I have had good variety I fly around New Zealand and I have met some great people along the way.  We get a lot of tourists flying into Rotorua who are always excited to fly with us which is great to see. 
    • I have been with Eagle Airways for 5 years and have flown with a great bunch of pilots.  I’m absolutely thrilled to be here nearly 2 years after getting my command and I’m excited to have the opportunity to move on from here.
    • q1
  2. When have you had to work with someone difficult/different?

    First Officer complaining

    Sarah – Ask her goals, explain Eagles positives (Fast progression, hand flying, more PIC)

    Result – Positive attitude, seemed more focused

  3. When have you been bored/tedious at work?
    • General
    • Don't get bored, always studying
    • q3
  4. Tell us when you have been in a stressful situation at work and how did you cope?

    • New Capt, Experienced FO
    • Wre approach number 2
    • IMC
    • 20 mile #1 started approach
    • 5 mile #1 called visual and reverse circling
    • Discussed options with no input from FO
    • FO made the call for the inbound
    • Decided to commence the approach and communicate with #1
    • Completed checked
    • Checked TCAS and went to make call
    • Aircraft on ground advised this would be tight
    • I agreed to immediately commenced missed approach
    • Discussed with #1, was not overly concerned by the events
    • Discussed with aircraft on ground, was concerned.
    • Lesson learnt - not to commence anything with uncertainty
    • Be more assertive and communicate more with FO and other aircraft sooner!

  5. When have you had to take control of a situation?

    • As instructor during crosswind landings.
    • Poor technique with 15 knot crosswind.
    • Advised more rudder, applied myself.
    • Tend to use seal rwy when centreline makes drift more apparent.

  6. Why do you want to work for Air New Zealand?

    • 1.
    • Progression to a Command plus opportunity to continue my role as a CRM facilitator or training captain

    Became a Captain in less than 2 years with 1200 hrs on the B190, and flown to 25 destinations. 

    At Bay flight I moved on to a DCFI role after 2yrs, supervised 12 instructors and managed approx 45 students.

    • 2.
    • Culture
    • -Brand Values
    • -Team environment

    As a Capt I have flown with approx 60 FO with ages ranging from 20-60yrs, with a diverse range of nationalities like India and Canada.

    -I take HF courses with classes up to 12 pilots with one other facilitator.

    -People contact on the B190?

    • 3.
    • Innovation

    • -Improvements with in-flight entertainment
    • -Domestic check-in
    • -Safety video ‘the hobbit’ 

    -I wrote a section of the training module manual on PANS OPS.  Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft operations.  It took me 6 months in my own time in which I produced a user friendly guide for our 136 pilots.

    • 4.
    • Good safety record, good statistics

    Zero accidents over 3400 hrs flying experience.

    • (Incidents: 2 bird strikes, 1 alt bust)
    • q6
  7. What do you think makes a good leader?

    Leadership qualities "Leadership experience"

    • -Became a Captain in less than 2 years with 1200 hrs on the B190, and flown to 25 destinations. 
    • -At Bay flight I moved on to a DCFI role after 2yrs, supervised 12 instructors and managed approx 45 students.

    Team Player ‘Well developed team skills’

    • -As a Capt I have flown with approx 60 FO with ages ranging from 20-60yrs, with a diverse range of nationalities like India and Canada.
    • -I take HF courses with classes up to 12 pilots with one other facilitator.
    • -People contact on the B190?


    -I wrote a section of the training module manual on PANS OPS.  Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft operations.  It took me 6 months in my own time in which I produced a user friendly guide for our 136 pilots.

  8. When have you had to change your style of communication?
    • General
    • During instructing
    • Students struggling to do crosswind landing, demonstrated effects with small toy plane, diagrams.
    • q8
  9. When have you been the leader of an effective team?

    Bay Flight - C Cat Course - 4 students all taught untill they became instructors.  Completed 12 weeks of law p of f, flying, ground briefing.  Also re-wrote the ground briefings at Bay Flight.  

    Instructors have approached me to teach them toward a B Cat.

    Became a Captain in less than 2 years with 1200 hrs on the B190, and flown to 25 destinations. 

    • At Bay flight I moved on to a DCFI role after 2yrs, supervised 12 instructors and managed approx 45 students.
    • q9
  10. Tell us about a time when you had a positive influence on others
    • Teamwork
    • First Officer complaining

    Sarah – Ask her goals, explain Eagles positives (Fast progression, hand flying, more PIC)

    Result – Positive attitude, seemed more focused

    Had a C Cat student who suffered from nerves esp when the CFI wanted to fly with them to keep track of their progress.  The CFI had huge concerns of her flying abilities and was contemplating extending her training and delaying her flight test.  I reassured the CFI that she was ready.  She passed and now flys for Jet Connect as a second officer.

  11. Tell me a time you worked with a colleague who was not completing his share of work

    All work is shared.  I'm happy to delegate tasks when necessary.
  12. Describe a situation in which you had to arrive at a compromise or guide others to a compromise


    • SOPS
    • Most conservative
    • q12
  13. Describe a time when you got co-workers who dislike each other to work together
    • Teamwork
    • q13
  14. Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a co-worker understand a task
    • Teamwork
    • Aleisha B Cat

  15. Tell us about your biggest non-aviation achievement
    • Motivation and work standards
    • Family
    • q15
  16. When have you had a stressful situation at work?
    Motivation and Work standards

    WRE incident investigation

  17. Tell us of situations in which you have had to adjust quickly to changes over which you had no control.
    Motivation and work standards

    Wind increased on short final to 26 kts across, diverted to HN.

    • Delay
    • Fuel gauges U/S
    • Bad weather AKL
    • q17
  18. Describe times when you were not satisfied or pleased with your performance
    • Motivation and work standards
    • Flight test ATPL
    • q18
  19. Give examples of experiences in a job that were satisfying..
    • Motivation and work standards
    • Passengers applauding on touchdown 
    • Good comments about landing
    • q19
  20. Give me a specific example of something you did that helped build enthusiasm in others
    Motivation and work standards

    First Officer complainingSarah – Ask her goals, explain Eagles positives (Fast progression, hand flying, more PIC)

    Result – Positive attitude, seemed more focused

  21. Tell us about a time you had a conflict with a captain
    Conflict Management

    Penny C Cat?

  22. Tell us about a time you had to work with difficult people
    • Conflict management
    • q22
  23. Tell us about a time you had to deal with a difficult passenger
    • Conflict management
    • Passengers just like to be informed
    • Police incident - arrest in AKL
    • q23
  24. Tell us about a time when you did not agree/have difficulty with your supervisor
    Conflict management

    • Penny C Cat
    • q24
  25. Tell us about a time you did not meet a deadline
    Planning and organisation

    • C Cat Class, worked late for the last few days.
    • q25
  26. Tell us about projects you have been involved in
    Planning and organisation

    • -I wrote a section of the training module manual on PANS OPS.  Procedures for Air Navigation Services
    • – Aircraft operations

    It took me 6 months in my own time in which I produced a user friendly guide for our 136 pilots.

    • I wrote Bay Flight SOPs and re-designed the PPL briefings 
    • q26
  27. Give an example of how you prioritize your work
    Planning and organisation

    Like to write lists and use reminders.  I schedule study and subjects into my day.

  28. Give an example of an important goal which you had set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it.
    Planning and organisation

    • Diploma -  2 papers 1 semester.  Schedule study
    • q28
  29. Describe some projects or ideas that were implemented or carried out successfully because of your ideas
    Planning and organisation



    Designed structure for C Cat Courses

  30. How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time?
    Planning and organisation

    I like to do the hardest first

  31. When have you had a difficult circumstance to complete a task?
    Problem solving

    Deadline for PANS OPS?

  32. Was your greatest obstacle in over coming to learn to fly?
    • Problem solving
    • Funding

  33. Would you say that you can easily deal with high pressure situations?
    • Problem solving
    • Yes
    • DCFI and Command experience
    • q33
  34. Describe an instance when you had to think your feet to extricate yourself from a difficult situation
    Problem solving

    GS Divert

  35. Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem
    Problem solving

    • GIS flight diverted due rapid change in weather, refuelled
    • q35
  36. Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses that tested your copying skills
    • Problem solving
    • q36
  37. Tell me about a time you had to go over and beyond the call of duty to get a job done
    • Problem solving
    • UMs
    • Answering phones, discussing fog
    • Rosters and SOPs late night at Bay Flight.

  38. What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?
    • Problem solving
    • Use all resources
    • Discuss options
    • Make a plan
    • q38
  39. Tell me about a problem you recently handled
    • Problem solving
    • Driving Alan Li?
    • q39
  40. Tell us about a time you have had to change your style of communication

    • Cross wind landing at Bay Flight
    • q40
  41. When have you had to change some ones mind to agree with you?

    Penny C Cat

  42. Describe the type of supervisor that has created the most beneficial learning experience for you

    • Carl
    • As a base Capt he's very good at communication.  Encouraging and very approachable.

  43. Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way

    • Penny C Cat
    • q43
  44. Tell me a time when your active listening skills paid off for you? Maybe A time when other people missed the key idea?

  45. Give me a time you sold your supervisor on an idea or concept?

    • Redesigning Bay Flight briefs
    • q45
  46. Give an example of how you applied knowledge from previous situations in another situation?

    • Bay flight briefs to Eagle PANS OPS
    • q46
  47. Have you found any ways to make a job easier or more rewarding or to make yourself more
    • Initiative
    • PANS OPs
    • Bayflight SOPs, PPL Briefs
    • Quick reference guide on AD info
    • q47
  48. Tell me a time when you had to make a decision but didn’t have all the information you needed

    • Maintenance delay flight crack in prop
    • q48
  49. Tell me a time when you came up with an innovative solution to a challenge your company was facing?
    • Initiative
    • PANS OPS
    • q49
  50. Tell us about a time you had to take command of the situation?
    • Command
    • Rot Base Capt position

  51. Give me an example of a time you had to make an important decision? How did you make the decision?
    • Command
    • Gear failure?
    • q51
  52. Give me an example of a time you had to persuade other people to take action?

    Penny during C Cat

  53. Are you more energized by working with data or by collaborating with other individuals?
    • Command
    • data
    • q53
  54. How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a member of a team?

    • Team player
    • Innovative
    • Focused - family

  55. What is the biggest mistake you've made?

    Flight with Gene into WRE

    Descent into WRE, I did not make themistake

    TCAS showed airspace was clear

    • Talk about this in HF courses, as Eagle has a poor altitude incursion rate. 
    • SOPs have been amended and altitude incursions have improved by 

  56. What are your strengths?
    • Leadership
    • Team Player
    • Innovative

    • Focused
    • Hard worker

  57. What are your weaknesses?
    • Over-analyse
    • Vocabulary

  58. What are you good at?
    I am great at managing teams and working within one.  As seen at Bay Flight and Capt.

    I pick up as Rot Base Capt when Carl is away.

  59. What frustrates you about your current job/management?

  60. What do you expect from a second officer role?
    To have useful input as part of the team.  To learn and absorb as much as I can from the other very experienced pilots.

  61. What would you do if a Captain was deliberately breaking SOPs?
    • Inquiry, Advocacy, Assert. 
    • Changes with time permitting.
    • q61
  62. What are our brand values?  Do you think these are important?  Which one do you identify with most?
    ‘Can do’ attitude

    Welcome as a friend

    Be yourself

    • Share your New Zealand

    • Very important as they are the ‘kiwi’ culture that Air NZ represents.
    • q62
  63. Which fleet would you like to be on?
    I’m happy to take any aircraft.

    If I had a choice I would like to take the B777 as I was fortunate to be able to fly the B777 2 years ago.  I was impressed with the fly by wire controls.  I liked the automatic stability and how it can prevent stalls and stop the pilot from overstressing the aircraft.

  64. How does your partner feel about long haul?
    • Encouraging and supportive
    • q64
  65. What challenges does Air NZ face currently and what is the airline doing to address these?
    NZ is remote with most people traveling for leisure. 70%

    Jet Fuel doubled over the last 3 years

    Weak global economy

    Air NZ had plan to remove 441 roles this year

    Also adopted a fleet modernisation program and improved operating procedures to increase fuel efficiency and reduce maintence costs.

    Phase out B737 and replace with A320 = 20% more efficient

    Will soon retire B747 with B777 which are 19% more efficient per payload

    B787 are expected to reduce fuel costs by approx 20% and maintence cost by approx 30%

  66. What do your colleagues do that annoy you?
    • Nothing
    • q66
  67. How would I know if you were angry?
    • Talk about it at a suitable time
    • q67
  68. Have you had to deal with a workplace conflict?
    • No
    • q68
  69. How do you deal with colleagues who complain about the company on the flight deck?
    • Sarah
    • q69
  70. What kind of gradient do you have on the flight deck as a Captain?
    • Varies with experience, conditions on the day.
    • q70
  71. Do you know what our share price is?

    Rose due to Air NZ announce 2013 financial targets

  72. What was our profit last year and what is it forecast to be next year?
    • Statutory net profit after taxation of $71 million, down 12 percent

    • q72
  73. You may be a second officer for 7-8 years, how will you challenge yourself if you get bored?
    • Set tasks, learning never ends
    • q73
  74. How do you feel about being away for a long time?
    I am comfortable with that and I have spent time talking to my family about the possibility of me spending long periods of time away.  They are all very much fine with that.

  75. Are you aware of the commuting policy?  How will this work with childcare and your husbands work?
    I am aware of the commuting policy.  Currently I commute to Rotorua from Papamoa which is a 45 min drive, its ok but I would not want to be doing a drive further than this.  We decided we would only move the kids and business once, and that would be for the Jet fleet.  We decided this before the commuting policy came in so we have always been prepared to move.

  76. How would your crew describe you?
    • Approachable
    • Encouranging
    • Honest
    • q76
  77. What is the role of the SO? Are you a follower or a leader?
    • I believe the role as a SO can have important input into the team dynamic.  They monitor the aircraft at all stages
    • and allow crew to have rest periods during the cruise portion.  I have had my time as a leader (Rot Capt) which I thoroughly enjoyed and now look forward to new experiences and learning more from your very experienced pilots.  I definitely would not get bored.

  78. Do you handle criticism / feedback?  Do you hold grudges?
  79. Do you have anything you see as a weakness?
    • Over analyse
    • Vocabulary
    • q79
  80. Do you go outside of SOPs?
    Reading checklist from memory

  81. How would you tell a Captain if you didn't like what they were doing?
    • Inquiry, Advocacy, Assert
    • q81
  82. Give me an example where you had to react quickly?  What did you learn from it?
    WRE with Gene

  83. Give an example where you had conflict with passengers/crew?
    Police arresting WHK pax

  84. What makes you proud to be an Air NZ'er?
    • Love the ‘kiwi’ can do culture we adpot.  Proud of my country and what we achieve. 
    • All black, Olympics.

    Challenges fuel, economy

  85. What is Air NZ good at?
    Being innovative - Hobbit

    • Promoting NZ with the hobbit
    • Supporting our country - All blacks and Christchuch earthquake.

    New concepts - in flight entertainment, self check-in

  86. What is your plan for the next 5 years?
    SO in long haul for the next 5-8 years, then move to a FO position for another 10-12 years, after that I would love the opportunity for a command position in long haul until I retire.

  87. Who owns Air New Zealand?
    73% owned by Government

  88. What is Air NZ slogan?
    Slogan:  Amazing Journeys, Everyday

    Air New Zealand slogan 1: Being there is Everything

    Air New Zealand slogan 2: Amazing Journeys Everyday

    Air new Zealand slogan 3: The Worlds Warmest Welcome

    • Latest:  The airline of Middle-earth
    • q88
  89. What are Air NZ achievements?

    • 6th largest airline in social
    • media presence

    #1 corporate brand in NZ for twitter/facebook

    • ATW Air Transport World Airline of the Year
    • for 2010 and 2012
    • q89
  90. Who are Air NZ sponsors?
    WOW World of Wearable Arts Awards

    All Blacks

    • Air New Zealand Wine Awards
    • q90
  91. Who is Christopher Luxon's team?
    Christopher’s direct report structure will be:

    •Chief Financial Officer Rob McDonald

    •Chief Flight Operations & Safety Officer David Morgan

    •Chief Marketing & Customer Officer Mike Tod

    •Chief Strategy & Planning Officer Stephen Jones

    •Chief Operations Officer Appointment to be made

    •Chief Commercial Officer Appointment to be made

    • •Chief People Officer Appointment to be
    • made
    • q91
  92. What was Air NZ's profit for last year?

    • - Normalised earnings
    • before taxation* of $91 million, up 21 percent

- Statutory net profit
    • after taxation of $71 million, down 12 percent

    • - Operating revenue
    • increased to $4.5 billion

- Gearing improved to
    • 46.1 percent

- Full year dividend of
    • 5.5 cents per share
    • q92
  93. What is 
  94. What is the price of fuel?
    $85 US per barrel

  95. What is the financial outlook for 2013?
    2013 plans

    • “In February this year we announced we were targeting more than $195 million of annual performance improvements to be implemented by 2015. This programme is well ahead of schedule, and we are now targeting initiatives to improve profitability by $250 million, of which we expect $130 million to be achieved in the 2013 financial year. Drivers of this include an overhead cost review, which is now complete and continued focus on ancillary revenue opportunities. Other factors include the benefits of a modern fuel efficient and less maintenance intensive fleet, and a re-engineering of our international network to ensure we are serving the most lucrative markets.
    • These initiatives, combined with a significant reduction in anticipated hedge losses underpin the substantial performance improvement currently forecast forthe 2013 financial year.”
    • q95
  96. Tell me about the history of Air NZ?
    April 1940 -Tasman Empire Airways Limited (TEAL) formed with trans-tasman flights in flying boats.

    April 1947 – NZ Govt NAC begins domestic services.

    Oct 1953 – NZ and Australian Govts become only shareholders in TEAL.

    April 1961 – NZ Govt becomes sole owner.

    April 1965 – TEAL renamed Air NZ.

    1960s – DC 8s, Electras.

    April 1978 – Air NZ and NAC merged.

    1970s – DC 10s, Friendships, Boeing 737s.

    1981 – Boeing 747 – 200s enter service, DC 10 phased out.

    1986 – Ansett NZ starts first domestic competition.

    1980s – Boeing 767s enter service.

    April 1989 – Air NZ privatized.

    Oct 1989 – Air NZ shares offered on stock exchange.

    • Jan 1991 – New organisational structure implemented. International side defined as core business with domestic side separate. Cargo, catering, engineering become own
    • business units.

    1990s – Boeing 747 – 400s enter service.

    April 1996 – Pacific Wave livery and advertising launched.

    September 1996 – Announcement that Air NZ had purchased TNTs 50% holding in Ansett Holdings.

    June 1998 – Last Boeing 747 – 200 sold to Virgin atlantic.

    July 1998 – Commercial agreement with Ansett and Singapore airlines approved by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

    1999 – Star Alliance Member

    Worlds Warmest Welcome Advertising

    2000 – Singapore airlines buys 25% of Air NZ

    News Ltd 50% share of Ansett Australia bought by Air NZ for $600 million.

    Ansett had an extensive network throughout Australia and provided Air New Zealand customers with a greatly enhanced offering.

    Following a significant downturn in Ansetts performance, leading to unsustainable levels of losses, Ansett was placed into Voluntary Administration in September 2001.  On the 4th of October 2001 the Air New Zealand Board, its major shareholders and the New Zealand Government announced a new proposal which provided a substantial capital injection from the New Zealand Government.  Following shareholder approval of the new proposal in December 2001, Air New Zealand was recapitalised in January 2002.

    In July 2002, Air New Zealand began a fleet renewal programme and confirmed an order for 15 new Airbus A320s. The deal includes confirmed purchase rights on a further 20 aircraft from the A320 family, exercisable over the next ten years. The fleet renewal programme will be focused on international short haul routes on the Tasman and South Pacific. The Airbus aircraft will replace Boeing 767-200 aircraft that are being retired from the fleet, and Boeing 737-300 aircraft that will be progressively retired between September 2003 and December 2006. 

    • In addition to the benefits the Airbus aircraft will bring to the airline, they will also expand the capability of Air New Zealand Engineering Services
    • ("ANZES").

    The current fleet includes Boeing 747, 767, and 737 jets, with the Air New Zealand Link carriers operating ATR72, SAAB 340 and Beech 1900 turbo-props. Airbus A320 twin-jets are to be introduced on trans-Tasman and Pacific regional routes beginning from the second half of 2003.

    Being There Is Everything

    Today we are changing our business model to firmly put the customer at the front of all our processes.  Our domestic business has changed dramatically.  We listened to our customers and, in response, launched our new Express Class.  We want people to be able to fly more because being there is everything. 

    Express Class began operating on 1 November 2002 and encompasses substantially lower fares with simplified rules, a focus on internet sales and ease of booking, additional seat availability and improved loyalty benefits for frequent flyers.

    With the successful re-launch of our domestic product, we are turning our attention to our short haul international (Tasman and South Pacific) and long haul international products and services.  The outcome of this review is expected to be announced in the 2003 calendar year.

     28 November 2008 Perpignan crash, lost 5 Air NZers

  97. Who is Rob Fyfe's team?
    Deputy CEO - Norm Thompson till 30 June 2013

    Chief Financial Officer - Rob McDonald

    Chief Flight Operations & Safety Officer - David Morgan

    Chief Marketing & Customer Officer - Mike Tod

    Chief Strategy & Planning Officer - Stephen Jones

    Group General Manager Shorthaul - Bruce Parton

    • GGM People & Technical Operations -Vanessa Stoddart till end of year
    • q97
  98. What will you do if you don't get in?
    I would like to reapply.  In the meantime I would stay at Eagle and move to a training Capt position where I would gain 500 hrs of multi-command instructing experience.  I would also like to facilitate in our Pre-command courses.

  99. How much preparation did you do for this interview?
    • I had 4 weeks to prepare
    • q99
  100. How has Air NZ changed in the last 5 years?
    “We have come through some tough times and the worst impacts of natural disasters like the Christchurch earthquake and tsunami in Japan are behind us, which means growth opportunities are no longer suppressed. We view the future with optimism and are pursuing a clear strategy to strengthen our Australasian operations, while being ahead of target in restructuring our International long haul network to improve financial performance,” Mr Palmer says.

    • The 2008-09 financial year provided the perfect storm for airlines with record oil prices and significant increases in global capacity followed by a global financial crisis and demand destruction. Through all of this, Air New Zealand remained profitable. Business editor Dene Mackenzie reports.
    • q100
  101. What is the star alliance?
    • The Star Alliance network is the leading global airline network, with the highest number of member airlines, daily flights, destinations and countries flown to. It was established in 1997 as the first truly global airline alliance to offer customers convenient worldwide reach and a smoother travel experience. In this section you’ll find information on the Star Alliance member airlines, the organisation and its initiatives and campaigns.
    • Has 27 airlines.  Air NZ joined in March 1999.
    • q101
  102. When have you gone the extra mile?
    • UM – 5 year old girl who was crying and scared. 
    • Explained that her mother was waiting for her around the corner, took her hand and walked her into the terminal (gate staff were busy and running
    • late).

    • Carried bags for struggling parents walking to the plane from the terminal.
    • q102
  103. What is the future for Air New Zealand?
    The Airbus A320, which is progressively replacing the B737-300 on domestic routes, The Retiring B747-400, and B767 eventually

    Boeing 787

    Improving environmental sustainability, research into Bio fuel, planting trees, green team.

  104. What does Eagle do good?
    • Proactive with Eruptions.
    • Cancelling flight until clear info is sought.

    Maintenance cracks

  105. What could Eagle do better?
    • Provide more training flight with a SIM
    • SIM will be arriving soon.
    • q105
  106. What is the price of Jet fuel?
    • USD 127 per barrell
    • q106
  107. What are the challenges Air NZ is facing?
    • -Geography - Air NZ is remote, people dont pass through.  Therefore we have passengers who are only coming to NZ. 70% leisure travel.  Compete with other holiday destinations like Fiji.
    • -Competition with Jet star.  Australia is 20% of our business.
    • Virgin added another 20 ports in australia we can get to.
    • -Price of fuel, economy.
    • q107
  108. What are Air NZ awards?
    • -World travel awards - Australaisias leading airline
    • -OHBaby awards - best family friendly airline
    • -NZ Management Magazine - Most reputable airline
    • -Marketing NZ - Winner Marketing Excellence award
    • -Ranstaad Award 2012 - Winner most atractive employer
    • -Sunday star times - Best value long haul airline
    • q108
  109. Air New Zealands Events
    • 9 walks in 9 weeks
    • Green team helping with trapping on Routeburn track and on Conservation week in Sept.
    • Legends awards - recognises and rewards employees who make outstanding contributions.  4 categories are:
    • Commercial success
    • Innovation
    • Leadership
    • Customer focus
    • q109
  110. Good team event
    • Landing gear
    • q110
  111. Bad team event
    • WRE descent or WRE loss of sep
    • q111
  112. When have you broken SOPs?
    • Checklist
    • q112
  113. Why did you fail ATPL?
    • Hadn't prepared well enough, an extra traininng flight gave me more confidence in managing CRM.
    • q113
Card Set
Air NZ