1. The ____ defines the rules governing the conduct of Soldiers during military operations.
    Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)
  2. What are the two sources that LOAC comes from?
    • International Law
    • Treaty Law
  3. Name the 3 treaties and years LOAC is based on.
    • 1907 Hague Conventions
    • 1949 Geneva Conventions
    • 1977 Protocols to the Geneva Conventions
  4. Why do we need LOAC?
    • Regulate use of force
    • Prohibit unlawful conduct
    • Protect against unnecessary suffering
    • avoid excessive collateral damage
    • promote humane treatment
    • promote and sustain America values!!!
  5. What are the principles of LOAC?
    • Military Necessity
    • Distinction
    • Proportionality
    • Humanity (unnecessary suffering)
  6. ______ means discriminating between lawful combatant targets and noncombatant targets.
  7. _____ requires combat forces to engage in only those acts necessary to accomplish a legitimate miliarty objective.
    Military Necessity
  8. ______ offer a definite military advantage by their destruction, capture, or neutralization.
    Valid Military Objective
  9. ______ prohibits the use of any kind or degree of force that exceeds that needed to accomplish the military objective.
  10. _____ prohibits the employment of any kind or degree of force that is not necessary for the purpose of war, for the partial / complete submission of the enemy with the least possible expenditure of life, time and physical resources.
  11. Who do we identify protected places / civilian objects?
    • No-Strike List (NSL)
    • Restricted Target List (RTL)
  12. Loss of civilian life and damage to civilian property must not be _____ in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage gained by an attack.
  13. ______ is required prior to attack.
    Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE)
  14. Killing the enemy by the most effective means does not cause ______ ______.
    unnecessary suffering
  15. ROE provide guidance from the ________ and the _______ to deployed unites on the judicious use of force.
    President, Secretary of Defense.
  16. ____ is required to engagement.
    PID (Positive Identification)
  17. PID is a _____ ______ that the object of attack is a legitimate military target.
    reasonable certainty
  18. _______ designates group as "declared hostile forces". (DHF)
    National Command Authority (NCA)
  19. Groups that are identified as DHF can be engaged at will, unless;_______, _______
    • Surrendering
    • Out of the fight due to wounds
  20. Protected persons: The use of force, up to an including deadly force, is authorized to protect which people? (hint: 4 types)
    • 1. yourself, your unit, and other Coalition Forces.
    • 2. Detainees must be protected
    • 3. Civilians from crimes that are likely to cause death or serious bodily harm. (murder / rape)
    • 4. Personnel designated by the on-scene commander(OSC) when such actions are necessary to restor oerder and security.
  21. Use ofr force, up to and including deadly force, is authorized to protect the following property;
    • Property designated as vital to the execution of the mission.
    • Property designated by the on-scene commander.
  22. CDRs have the authority and obligation to use all necessary means available and to take all appropriate actions to defend thier units and other US forces in the vicinity from a _____ __ or demonstration of _____ ____.
    Hostile act, Hostile intent
  23. Self defense: Respond with wht _____ and _____ force to eliminate the threat.
    necessary, proportional
  24. What document dictates when we must conduct CDE?
    the Rules of Engagement (ROE)
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WOBC Law of Armed Conflict