microbiology unit 3 exam

  1. What are the waste of one microbe to another microbe?
  2. What does killing or damaging the host too soon do?
    reduce reproduction of parasite.
  3. The genomic reduction that is common is parasites rely on what..?
    on host for some metaolic activities
  4. Why is there no disease in transients (normal human microflora)? 
    Bc of location-growth at this location has no deleterious effects. Also becasue population grwth and effexts are restricted by microbial antagonism and host defense mechanisms.
  5. What is the role of the resident microflora?
    mutualism or commensual with host
  6. Where is the evidence for the benefits of resident microflora found?
    from germ-free animals and other studies.
  7. What did the evidence of benefits from germ-free anaimals enhance?
    • Development of immune system.
    •      Aslo aide in proper functional of immune system. And       the rise of autoimmune diseases and disruption of normal    microflora in developed nations
  8. What did the evidence of benefits from germ-free anaimals enhance?
    • inhibit growth of potntial pathogens (microbial antagonism)
    •    Competition, enviornmental modification, bacteriocins
  9. Normal Microbiota provide....
     Wastes may serve as_________. What type for we humans?
    nutrients which aid in digestion-herbivorous animals and cellulose. 

    Nutrients. Vit K for us
  10. 3 reasons why resident microbes are beneficial?
    • 1. Enhance development of immune system
    • 2. Inhibit growth of potential pathogens
    • 3. Provide nutrients-aid in digestion
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microbiology unit 3 exam
lucier @ ACC Fall2012