Extra x-ray practice

  1. How many electrons are emitted by X-ray
    • two electrons
    • source electron
    • Ejected electron
  2. What does X-ray depend on
    atom atomic number
  3. How many spectra does X-ray produce?
    • two major series type
    •  K series 
    •  L series
  4. Bohr Atomic Model Explains  ...
    • Spectra of Hydrogen
    • Energy of atom is related to the distance of electron from nucleus 
    • energy of atom is quantized
  5. atom can only have certain specific energy states called
    Quantum levels or energy levels
  6. X-ray analysis is ___________ for the sample and X-ray spectrum is _________ complex than optical sepctra
    • non-destructive
    • Less
  7. ___________ determines wavelength used for anlaysis
    accelerating voltage
  8. what is theta?
    Anlge between incident beam and the lattice planes 
  9. it is _________ that determines the identity of elements in a sample
  10. Common metal used in X-ray
  11. Which part of the x-ray source causes the emission
    Target, Anode
  12. What is Collimeter
    it is a series of metal plates with holes in the middle. it is designed to absorb all X-rays not traveling in the proper direction.
  13. Why normal grating or prism can not be used
    • X-ray would either pass through or be absorbed
    • no dispersion
  14. Disperser is a single crystal mounted on a rotatable table
  15. The entire spectrum is disperesed simultaneously (T/F)
  16. As the crystal rotates ______, th edetector is rotated _____ to keep the detector in line with the _____-
    • Theta
    • 2theta
    • Diffracted radiation
  17. What is the difference between XRD and XRF?
    In XRD the electron are bounced off while in XRF wavelength is being emitted
  18. X-ray reads Carbon atom (T/F)
  19. Ionization Detector Contains________-,__________,______, and Solid state Detector contains________,_________,and________
    • Ionization chamber, proportion Counter, Geiger muller Tube
    • Fluorescent Screen, Scintillation Counter,PMT detector
  20. What gas is used in ionization detector
  21. Ionization Detector does not discriminate between different radiation (T/F)
  22. In the semiconductor Detector, the detection is base on ...
    Based on the current required to re-establish the depletion zone
  23. What is the difference between WD-XRF and ED XRF Analysis?
    • WD-XRF has X-ray tube, Sample holder, Crystal, and detector. Wavelength is detected.
    • Detector can detect up to 24 element simultaneously
    • ED-XRF has only x-ray tube and sample holder. energy is being detected instead of wavelength.
    • Detector is sequential or Simultanous
  24. Which XRF analysis has greater resolution and better S/N ratio?
  25. LLD
    Typical limits of detection
  26. X-ray can be scattered by the planes in a crystal, resulting in both __________ and _________ interference
    • Constructive( results in diffraction)
    • Destructive
  27. Provides information on structure and chemical make up of materials
    XRD Methods
  28. The repetitive patterns of the unit cell result in _________ that _______ x-rays
    • Diffraction planes
    • Diffract
  29. Atoms located exactly on a crystal plane produce _______- diffraction
  30. Atoms located halfway between planes produce ____________- interference
    Maximum destructive 
  31. What is Bragg's Law of Diffraction?
    • When an xray stikes a crystal, some of the xrays are scattered by the atoms at the surface
    • others penetrate the second layer of atoms where more scattering occurs
    • this scattering results in diffraction and will only occur if the distance between atom layers is approximately the same as the wavelength of the xray
  32. A ____________ may be used instead of film to yield exact _____ data
    • Scintillation Counter
    • Intensity
  33. Parallel beam optics generated through..
    Gobel mirrors
  34. Where does Gobel mirror located
    • Between Xray tube and sample
    • it will result in parallel beams to hit the sample
  35. what kind of informatin can be obtained from a powder diffration pattern?
    • Peak Position ------------------- dimention of the unit cell
    • Peak intensity-------------------- content of the unit cell
    • Peak broadening----------------- Strain/crystallite size
Card Set
Extra x-ray practice
X-ray practice 2