WS101 Term Exam#3

  1. Betty Friedan
    • Wrote the feminine mystique
    • Critique of psychiatry; penis envy, mothers lil helpers
    • Unequal domestic responsibility
    • Unequal employment opportunity
  2. Equal Pay Act (1963)
    • Made it illegay to pay different rates of pay for women and men who do equal work.
    • Authored by Edith Green, D-Oregon
  3. Mothers little helpers
    Pills Prescribed to women who were unhappy wiht their domestic roll and motherhood
  4. Poison Pill Ammendment
    When a chage is made to an act that kills the act. Its poison to the bill and kills it. Was tried on the Civil Rights Ammendment by adding women.
  5. National Organization of Women (NOW)
    • Founded by Betty Friedan
    • Main focus is job discrimination
    • Ture equality for all women
    • Equal partnership
    • Apply and enforce the protection of the constitution
    • NACCP for women helped to file lawsuits
    • More women participated in political parties
  6. The New Look
    • Introduced by Christian Dior
    • Sindched in waist; long-full skirt; slauching waist
    • More Neo-Victorian
  7. Femme Fatal
    • Good and Bad Women; popular in Movies in the 50s
    • Dangerous woman because of the way she uses her sexuality to influence men
  8. Thomas Hill Hearing
    • In 1991
    • Supreme Court Confirmation hearings
    • Anita Hill testifies taht she was sexually harassed by Clarence Thomas when she worked for him
    • He was confirmed as a Supreme Court Judge with a 52-48 vote
  9. Year of the Women
    • Happened in 1992
    • Two female senators from CA
    • After Thomas Hill being eleceted into the Supreme Court it became inevitable that we would need more women in Congress.
  10. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    • EEOC
    • The EEOC was established on July 2, 1965; its mandate is specified under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), [4] the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.
  11. Screwball Comedy
    Crazy Women rings happiness to the straight line male.
  12. Womens Liberation Movement
    • Protests at Miss America Pagent
    • Atlantic City, New Jersy 1968
  13. The Personal is Political
    • Naming Problems that have no name
    • Part of the Consciness Rainging Group CRG's
  14. Consciousness Raisnign Groups
    • Newfomr of Political Movement
    • Guidint principal the personal is political
    • They wanted to help women right now instead of focusing on policies and change for the future.
    • Feminist institure building; Rape Crisis Center, Battered Women Shelter, Womens Health Collective, Analyzed undiscussed issues
  15. The Dinner Part
    • 1979: Judy Chicago's
    • Huge schulpture that used past place setting as the focul point. Helped to voice womens place as being a part of history even before they had rights.
  16. Equal Rights Ammendment
    • The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution which was intended to guarantee that equal rights under any federal, state, or local law could not be denied on account of sex. The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul. In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress, but failed to gain ratification before its June 30, 1982 deadline.
    • On July 21, 2009, Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, Democrat from New York, introduced the ERA in the House of Representatives.
  17. Protective Legislation
    In the years following the 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment extending voting rights to women, the National Woman’s Party, the radical wing of the suffrage movement, advocated passage of a constitutional amendment to make discrimination based on gender illegal. The first Congressional hearing on the equal rights amendment (ERA) was held in 1923. Many female reformers opposed the amendment in fear that it would end protective labor and health legislation designed to aid female workers and poverty-stricken mothers.
  18. It Girl
  19. Frances Perkins
    the U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet. As a loyal supporter of her friend, Franklin D. Roosevelt, she helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition. She and Interior Secretary Harold Ickes were the only original members of the Roosevelt cabinet who remained in offices for his entire presidency.
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WS101 Term Exam#3
Term Exam #3 1920s-Current