
  1. Persons with ____ are more likely to have other congenital anomalies or be syndromic than are those with ___?

    CP+_ CL
  2. Health care professionals, including SLP should provide new parents an _____ as they interact with the baby?
    "enjoy your baby model"
  3. ____ and ____ monitoring and any necessary interventions are neccesary in infant toddler period to faciliatate both speech and language development?
    Otological and audiological
  4. Preschool years:
    Children may begin to perceive their ___ differences during this period?

    They may encounter?

    IQ assessments may?

    teasing and questions

    underestimate abilities
  5. School-Aged years:

    IQ scores are?

    ____ children with ___ have a higher frequency of learning disabilities compared with general population (30-40 compared to 15-20)?

    Language problems:
    Higher in ___ than ___?
    But not evident in __?
    normal range

    • non-syndromic
    • clefts

    • CPO than CL+_CP
    • All individuals with CPO
  6. school aged years:
    Some researchers view the reading problems seen in children with CLP as?
    developmental dyslexias
  7. There is no research evidence of ____ or ____ in individuals with clefts?
    • significant behavioral
    • social maladjustment
  8. Parents of children with ____ tend to be more tolerant of inappropriate behavior than parents without _____?
    • CFA (craniofacial abnormalities)
    • CFA
  9. How well the school aged child with CFA handles ___ is one of the most important determinants of adjusment, behavior and ability to develop appropriate relationships?
  10. Psychosocial/educational concerns in school-aged children with clefts Compared to their non-cleft peers:
    May exhibit more?
    Are subject to ?
    Are prone to ?
    Can benefit from?
    Are not significantly?
    • behavioral problems
    • teasing and other forms of ause from peers
    • difficulties in academic achievement, especially reading and langauge based skills
    • social adjustment counseling/therapy
    • different from peers in personality or occurence of psychopathology
  11. Adolescents with clefts:
    Poor ___ is a main concern of many teenagers and a source of ___?

    Global self-concept is generally?
    • speech outcome
    • teasing

    within the normal range
  12. Adolescents with clefts

    have decreased ___ and a need for ?
    social contact/social isolation

  13. Adults with clefts

    Occupational levels:?
    no sig differences but tend to earn less
Card Set
Mod 22 Social, Psychological and Educational issues (quality of life)