socioemtional development

  1. erik erikson
    theory emphasizes life long development; 8 psychosocial stages of development; each ahs a developmental task
  2. trust v. mistrust
    • first 18 mos. of life
    • trust is built when basic needs are met and mistrust is built when these needs aren't met; trust sets the stage for lifelong expectation that the world will be good
  3. auonomy v. shame/doubt
    • 18 mos.-3 yrs
    • can develop either a positive sense of independence and autonomy or negative feelings of shame and doubt. if you empower them, autonomy, if you break them down, shame and doubt
  4. initiative v. guilt
    • 3-5 yrs
    • when asked to assume more responsiblity for themselves the develop initiative. when allowed to be irresponsible or made to feel anxious, they can develop too much guilt
  5. industry v. inferiority
    • 6- puberty
    • chldren can achieve industry by mastering knowledge and intellectual sklls. when they do not they can feel inferior
  6. identity v. indentity confusion
    • 10-20 yrs
    • most important; individuals faced w/ finding out who they are, parents should encourage kids. if they don't develop and  an identity they can ave indentity confusion
  7. intimacy v. isolation
    • 20's-30's
    • task of forming intimate relationships. are you able to have initimacy or are you by yourself in isolation
  8. generativity v. stagnation
    • 40's-50's
    • chief concern is to assist the younger generation in developing/ leading useful lives
  9. intergrity v. despair
    • 60's- on
    • look back and evaluate what they have done w/ lives. the retrospective glances can either be positive (intergrity) or negative (despair)
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socioemtional development