Physical Examination Techniques
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Auscultation
The process of informed observation
Using your sense of touch to assess for injuries or abnormalities
The production of sound waves by striking one object against another
- Tympany-Drumlike, Stomach
- Hyperresonance- Booming, Hyperinflated lung
- Resonance- Hollow, Normal lung
- Dull- Thud, Solid organs
- Flat- Extremely dull, Muscle or atelectasis
Listening with a stethoscope for sounds produced by the body
Physical Examination Equipment
- Stethoscope- used to auscultate
- Sphygmomanometer- blood pressure cuff
- Opthalmoscope- used to see into the eye
- Otoscope- used to see into the ear and nose
- Scale- weight
- Tongue blades
- Penlight
- Visual acuity chart/card
- Reflex hammer
- Thermometer
Pressure gauge on BP cuff. Used to measure pressure in mmHg
General Survey
- Appearance
- Vital signs
- Additional assessments
- -PulseOx
- -Capnography
- -Cardiac monitoring
- -Blood glucose
- Level of conciousness
- Signs of distress
- Apparent state of health
- Vital statistics- height, weight
- Sexual development
- Skin color and obvious lesions
- Posture, gait and motor
- Dress, grooming, hygiene
- Odors
- Facial expressions
Vital Signs
- Pulse
- Respiration
- Blood pressure
- Body temp
Pulse Rate
Number of pulses in one minute
Pulse Rhythm
Pattern and equality of intervals between beats
Pulse Quality
Strength, which can be weak, thready, strong or bounding
Higher than 100 bpm
Normal Adult Vital Signs
- Pulse: 60-100
- Respirations: 12-20
- Systolic BP: Men: 100-135 Women: 90-135
- Body Temp: 98.6
Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and at the cellular level
Repiratory Rate
Number of breaths in one minute
Rapid breathing
Respiratory Effort
How hard the patient works to breath
Quality of Respiration
Depth and pattern of breathing
Breathing Patterns
- Eupnea- normal rate and pattern
- Tachypnea- fast breathing
- Bradypnea- slow breathing
- Apnea- no breathing
- Hyperpnea- deep breaths
- Cheyne-stokes- Gradual increases and decreases in respirations with periods of apnea
- Biot's- Rapid, deep gasps with short pauses between sets
- Kussmaul's- Tachypnea and hyperpnea
- Apneustic- Prolonged inspiratory phase with shortened expiratory phase
Tidal Volume
Amounth of air one breath moves in and out of lungs
Blood Pressure
Force of blood against artery walls as the heart contracts and relaxes
Systolic BP
Force of blood against arteries when ventricles contract
Diastolic BP
Force of blood on the arteries when ventricles relax
Kortokoff Sounds
Sounds of blood hitting arterial walls
Passage of blood through an organ or tissue
Pulse Pressure
Difference between systolic and diastolic BPs
BP higher than normal
BP lower than normal
Increase in body's core temperature
Decrease in body's core temperature
Pulse Oximeter
Noninvasive device that measures the oxygen saturation of blood
Real-time measurement of exhaled carbon dioxide concentrations
End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) Detector
A device used in capnography to measure exhaled carbon dioxide concentrations
Cardiac Monitor
Machine that displays and records electrical activity of the heart
Tool used to measure blood glucose
Anatomical Regions
- Skin
- Hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth
- Neck
- Chest and lungs
- Abdomen
- Extremities
- Posterior body
- Peripheral vascular
- Neurologic
Skin Characteristics to Assess
- Color
- Moisture
- Temperature
- Texture
- Mobility and turgor
- Lesions
Normal tension in the skin
Any disruption in normal tissue
Vascular Skin Lesions
- Purpura- reddish purple blotches larger than 0.5 cm
- Petechiae- reddish purple spots less than 0.5 cm
- Ecchymoses- reddish purple blotch varying in size
- Spider Angioma- reddish legs radiate from red spot
- Venous Star- bluish legs radiate from blue center
- Capillary Hemangioma- Irregular red spots
Primary Skin Lesions
- Macule- flat spot. color varies, white, brown, red, purple. less than 1 cm
- Patch- irregular flat macule. greater than 1 cm
- Papule- elevated firm spot. color varies. less than 1 cm
- Plaque- superficial papule. more than 1 cm. rough texture
- Wheal- pink irregular spot varying in shape and size
- Nodule- elevated firm spot. 1-2 cm
- Tumor- elevated solid. more than 2 cm. same color as skin
- Vesicle- elevated area less than 1 cm. contains serous fluid
- Bulla- vesicle with diameter more than 1 cm.
- Pustule- elevated area less than 1 cm. contains purulent fluid
- Cyst- elevated palpable area containing liquid or viscous matter
- Telangiectasia- red, threadlike line
Secondary Skin Lesions
- Fissure- linear red crack ranging into dermis
- Erosion- depression in epidermis caused by tissue loss
- Ulcer- red or purple depression ranging into dermis caused by tissue loss
- Scar- fibrous. variable depth. color ranges from white to red
- Keloid- elevated scar, irregular in shape. larger than original wound
- Excoriation- linear. may be hollow or crusted. caused by loss of epidermis
- Scale- elevated area of excess exfoliation. varies in thickness, shape and dryness. white, silver or tan
- Crust- reddish, brown, black, tan or yellowish dried blood, serum or pus
- Lichenification- thickening and hardening of epidermis with lines
- Atrophy- skin surface thins and markings disappear
Abnormal Nail Findings
- Clubbing- angle between proximal nail and plate is increased. indicates chronic hypoxia
- Paronychia- folds appear red or swollen. people who get their hands wet frequently
- Onycholysis- nail bed seperates from nail plate. many causes including hyperthyroidism
- Terry's Nails- mostly white nail with a and of reddish brown at the distal tip. liver cirrhosis, CHF, diabetes
- White Spots- trauma to the nails
- Transverse White Lines- may appear after severe illness. parallel to the finger
- Psoriasis- small pits in the nails
- Beau's lines- transverse depressions in the nail. associated with severe illness.
Layers of the Scalp
- Skin
- Connective tissue
- Aponeurosis
- Loose tissue
- Periosteum
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
Joint where the mandible connects to the skull
Lip Abnormalities
- Dry, cracked- dehydration, wind damage
- Swlling/edema- infection, allergic reaction, burns
- Lesions, infection, irritation, skin cancer
- Pallor- anemia, shock
- Cyanosis- respiratory or cardiac insufficiency
Vital Structures of the Neck
- Spinal cord
- Carotid arteries
- Jugular veins
- Larynx/trachea
- Esophagus
Crackles (Rales)
light, crackling, popping, nonmusical sounds heard usually during inspiration. associated with fluid
Continuous, high pitched musical sounds. Asthma, bronchospasm, small foreign bodies in the lower airway
Continuous sounds heard with a lower pitch and snoring quality. Secretions in larger airways. Bronchitis, penumonia. Usually in early exhalation but also sometimes in inhalation
Predominatly inspiratory wheeze/high pitched squeal. Laryngeal obstruction
Pleural Friction Rub
Squeaking or grating sound
Abnormal clarity of patient's transmitted voice sounds while auscultating the chest. Can happen with fluid in the lungs.
Whispered Pectoriloquy
Abnormal clarity of patient's transmitted whispers while auscultating
Abnormal change in patient's tone while auscultating