Circulatory Systems

  1. 3 components of cardiovascular system
    • hemolymph (blood)
    • vessels
    • heart or hearts
  2. 3 types of circulatory systems

    open circulatory system

    closed circulatory system
  3. Advantages of closed circulatory systems
    zone control-direct the blood to particular regios of the body

    they can glow bigger. CCS gurantees that each cell of the body is within about 2 cells widths of a blood capillary (short diffusion distances)
  4. Other functions of circulatory systems
    • heat distribution throughout the body and temperature control
    • distribution of hormones
    • immune system function (wbc pagocytizing pathogens)
    • pH control
    • cellular waste removal
  5. Advantages of keeping oxy and deoxy separate
    allows the arterial blood of mammals to provide the maximum amount of oxygen to tissues. This means that those tissues can achieve higher metabolisms and be more active at all times.
  6. blood is composed of
    • plasma
    • leukocytes-fight pathogens
    • eythrocytes (contain protein hemoglobin) transport oxigen and carbon dioxide
    • platelets
  7. hematocrit
    • the volume of blood that is composed of red blood cells
    • usually between 40% and 65% among vertebrates
  8. Anemia refers to
    lower than normal levels of hemoglobin

    cause by lack of sufficient iron FE
  9. hemapoietic stem cells
    make the two kinds of cells in red bone marrow
  10. biconcave shape
    shape of red blood cell because of no nucleus

    efficien shape for increse surface area to facilitate the loading and unloading of oxygen
  11. myogenic heart
    can initiate their beating themselves using sinoatrial node
  12. Sinoatrial node SA

    a collection of modified cardiak cells that have an inherently unstable resting membrane potential
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Circulatory Systems
ch 47