Path Test 3: Blood Vessels

  1. 3 Layers of Blood Vessels
    • Intima
    • Media
    • Adventitia
  2. Intima consists of ?
    Endothelial cells
  3. What separates the intima and media?
    Internal Elastic Lamina (IEL)
  4. What separates the media and adventita?
    External Elastic Lamina
  5. Name 3 Blood Vessel Congenital Abnormalities
    • Berry aneurysms
    • Arteriovenous fistulas
    • Fibromuscular dysplasia
  6. Attenuated media at the Circle of Willis, can rupture
    Berry aneurysm (Congenital Abnormallity)
  7. Connecting arteries and veins with no capillaries.  Can cause high-output cardiac failure.
    Arteriovenous fistulas
  8. Focal irregular thickening of medium an large arteries in young women.  Can cause renovascular hypertension.
    Fibromuscular dysplasia
  9. Fibromuscular dysplasia causes _______ in young women.
    Renovascular hypertension
  10. Hypertensive Valvular Disease affects what percentage of the population?
  11. Name 2 cardiac complications from HTN.
    • Pressure overload
    • Ventricular hypertrophy
  12. Essential Hypertension
  13. Essential hypertension is associated with increased risk of
  14. 200/120
    Malignant Hypertension (5%)
  15. Complications of malignant hypertension
    • Renal failure
    • Retinal hemorrhage/exudates
  16. Name 3 types of Arteriosclerosis
    • Atherosclerosis
    • ArteriOLOscelrosis
    • Monckeberg medial calcifcation sclerosis
  17. Hyaline Arteriosclerosis is caused by (2)
    • Benign HTN
    • Diabetes

    Leakage of plasma contents across injured endothelial cells
  18. Hyaline Arteriolosclerosis results in
  19. Hyperplastic Arteriolosclerosis
    • Severe HTN
    • SMC, duplicated basement membrane
  20. Severe HTN =
    Benign HTN=
    • S= Hyperplastic Arteriolosclerosis
    • B= Hyaline arteriosclerosis
  21. Structure of atheromatous plaque
    • Fibrous cap
    • Necrotic Center with cholesterol center
  22. Risk Factors for Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm (3)
    • Hypertension
    • Marfan Syndrome
    • TGF-B
  23. Major risk factor for aortic dissection.
  24. Aorta shows medial hypertotrophy of vasa vasorum with degenerative ECM
    Aortic Dissection
  25. Marfan's Syndrome is an ___ inheritance with missense mutations in ______gene (15q21)
    • AD
    • Fibrillin-1
  26. Malignant vascular tumor
  27. Kaposi Sarcoma is associated with

    • Eastern European men
    • AIDs
    • Transplants
Card Set
Path Test 3: Blood Vessels
Blood Vessels