
  1. It is important that you keep file sizes large so that movies play smoothly regardless of the user's connection speed.

    True or False
  2. Flash allows you to test movies to determine where problems might arise during download and to make changes to optimize the movies.

    True or False
  3. If you are not distributing a movie over the Internet, or if a Flash Player is not available, you can use the Publish feature in Flash to create alternate images and stand-alone projector files.

    True or False
  4. Events such as jerky animations or audio that skips can occur as the file size decreases in relation to the user's internet connection speed.

    True or False
  5. When testing a movie you can simulate downloading Flash movies using different connection speeds.

    True or False
  6. The Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box allows you to choose settings for the quality for JPEG images and audio option.

    True or False
  7. One of the guidelines for optimizing movies is to use symbols and instances for every element that appears once in a movie.

    True or False
  8. One of the guidelines for optimizing movies is to, when possible, use tweened animations rather than frame-by-frame animations.

    True or False
  9. One of the guidelines for optimizing movies is for animation sequences to use graphic symbols rather than movie clips.

    True or False
  10. When publishing a Flash movie, you can choose a combination of formats and specify a different name (but not file extension) for each format.

    True or False
  11. You can import and even animate bitmap and vector graphics that have been created or modified in other applications.

    True or False
  12. It is inefficient to use vector images or to create images directly within Flash.

    True or False
  13. Because Flash is a bitmap based application, all images and motion within the application are calculated according to mathematical formulas.

    True or False
  14. If you choose to import a flattened image, Flash will automatically bitmap the image.

    True or False
  15. You can use a bitmap as a fill or convert a bitmap to a vector by tracing it or breaking it apart.

    True or False
  16. Once you import a bitmap, it becomes an element in the library.

    True or False
  17. Once you break apart a bitmap image, you can click different areas of the image to manipulate them separately from the image as a whole, including changing color, cropping and scaling.

    True or False
  18. If you keep all the detail in an image when using trace functions, you end up with very detailed, intricate vector paths, which tend to decrease file size.

    True or False
  19. When using trace functions, if you remove some of the detail, you can turn a photograph into a more abstract-looking drawing, which usually requires more file size.

    True or False
  20. Once imported images are in Flash, you can manipulate them the way you would any other object by utilizing Library elements, tweening animations, and other animation techniques to bring still images to life.

    True or False
  21. Creating animated graphic symbols and movie clip symbols allows you greater flexibility with bringing elements on and off the stage.

    True or False
  22. It is important to sketch out in advance what you are trying to accomplish in a movie.

    True or False
  23. Graphic symbols should not include any still elements used on the stage more than once.

    True or False
  24. A graphic symbol cannot contain other graphic symbols.

    True or False
  25. You can assign ActionScript to button symbols and to movie clip symbols.

    True or False
  26. You can assign ActionScript to graphic symbols.

    True or False
  27. Button symbols can only contain graphic symbols inside them.

    True or False
  28. Sound and associated ActionScript statements cannot be added to movie clips symbols.

    True or False
  29. You can nest as many movie clip symbols inside another movie clip as you like.

    True or False
  30. A button symbol does not have the standard timeline.

    True or False
  31. Since ActionScript is a type of programming language, using exact syntax is essential.

    True or False
  32. Script Assist is not useful if you have limited knowledge of ActionScript.

    True or False
  33. When using Script Assist, you can edit code directly in the Script pane.

    True or False
  34. With Script Assist turned off, you can type directly into the Script pane to create and edit code.

    True or False
  35. One of the most common uses of ActionScript is to create navigation buttons that jump between frames on a user action, such as a click of the mouse.

    True or False
  36. Frame labels do not remain attached to a frame when the frame moves during the addition or deletion of frames.

    True or False
  37. ActionScript includes an if action that can test whether certain conditions have been met and, if so, can perform other actions.

    True or False
  38. You can set up the actions you assiociate the movie clips to run when a condition is met, such as if the movie clip has been dropped on top of another movie clip.

    True or False
  39. With the startDrag and stopDrag actions, you can make a movie clip draggable while a movie is playing.

    True or False
  40. The double equals sign (==) is used to set a variable to a specific value.

    True or False
  41. Although you can add sounds to layers that contain other objects and actions, keeping sounds on their own layers helps organize your movie.

    True or False
  42. Keeping sounds on their own layers makes it more difficult to edit them.

    True or False
  43. When you add a sound and set it to be streaming, Flash breaks up the sound into individual sound clips and then associates each clip with a specific frame on the timeline.

    True or False
  44. It is recommended that you always loop streaming sounds.

    True or False
  45. One important use of streaming sounds is to synchronize animation and audio, since the sounds can be better coordinated with the timeline during both development and playback.

    True or False
  46. You can use actions to set how and when sounds play in a movie.

    True or False
  47. You can use actions to start or stop sounds in response to user interactions.

    True or False
  48. A sound object is a way for ActionScript to recognize and control a sound.

    True or False
  49. It is not a good idea to include a stopAllSounds action at the end of a movie, especially if the movie uses event sounds.

    True or False
  50. Flash provides several ways to add video to a movie depending on the application and file size.

    True or False
  51. When you publish a movie using the default settings, a(n)____ file is created that can be viewed using the Flash Player.

    A. .swf
  52. _____ files provide an easy way to create images and simple animations for delivery on the web.

    A. GIF
  53. You can use the ____ command on the File menu to publish a movie and display the movie in either your default browser or the Flash Player.

    B. Publish Preview
  54. You can use the ____ command on the File menu to view HTML, GIF, JPEG, PNG, Projector, and QuickTime files.

    C. Publish Preview
  55. ____ is a phone connection that provides a relatively slow download speed.

    A. Dial-up
  56. ____ provides a broadband Internet connection speed that is available through phone lines.

    C. DSL
  57. The HTML option ____, from the Publish Settings dialog box, is used to set the size of the movie display window in the browser.

    D. Dimensions
  58. The HTML option ____, from the Publish Settings dialog box, allows you to specify settings for transparency, positioning, and layering.

    B. Window Mode
  59. The HTML option ____, from the Publish Settings dialog box, allows you to align the movie within the movie window.

    A. Flash Alignment
  60. The extension used for a HTML file is ____.

    A. .html
  61. ____ formats result in a smaller file size.

    C. Vector-based
  62. The use of ____ formats result in a robust ability to resize movies without a notable loss in quality.

    C. vector-based
  63. ____ are movies within a movie.

    C. Movie clips
  64. ____ have their own Timeline and they can be used to organize the contents of a movie, as well as create complex animations.

    C. Movie clips
  65. ____ is the process of smoothing the edges of a graphic so they appear less jagged.

    B. Anti-aliasing
  66. You can use the ____ tool to change the size, shape, rotation and skew of your fill, which allows you to position the original image exactly as you want it in the new shape.

    A. Fill Transform
  67. In addtion to filling shapes with a bitmap, you can also apply your images as a fill by using the ____ tool.

    B. Eyedropper
  68. The ____ tool lets you select a fill from an existing object so you can apply it to another object.

    C. Eyedropper
  69. ____ allows you to convert a bitmap image to a vector image for animation purposes.

    C. Tracing
  70. If you want your traced image to look more abstract, you should use ____ detail.

    B. less
  71. If you want to include sound or interactivity with an animation that you are using in the Library panel, you should create a(n)____.

    D. movie clip symbol
  72. ____ symbols are usually the most efficient choice for creating complex animations.

    B. Movie clip
  73. A movie clip symbol is often made up of many other movie clips, a process called ____.

    D. nesting
  74. The ____ panel allows you to inspect the nesting structure of your entire movie.

    D. Library
  75. If you nest your animation inside the ____ state, the movie/button will continue to animate as long as the button is visible on the stage in the main timeline.

    C. Up
  76. If you nest the movie inside the ____ state, the animation will be visible only when the user's mouse is over the button.

    B. Over
  77. Movie clip symbols play only when you ____ the movie.

    C. export
  78. To start building a movie clip symbol, create a new symbol and then choose ____ in the Create New Symbol dialog box.

    A. Movie Clip
  79. When planning your project, if there are repeated elements on the stage, you should make them into animated ____.

    D. graphic symbols
  80. You should use ____ symbols for an element that you want to be clickable.

    A. button
  81. The ____ provides a list of elements (objects, movie clips, frames) that contain scripts.

    A. Script Navigator pane
  82. The ____ can be used to quickly locate an object, such as a button, and display its code.

    A. Script Navigator pane
  83. The ____ displays ActionScript code and a toolbar for editing the code.

    A. Script pane
  84. ____ is good for basic actions such as stop, play, and goto.

    B. Script Assist
  85. In ActionScript, text strings appear between ____.

    C. quotation marks ("")
  86. To group actions in ActionScript, you enclose them in ____.

    B. brackets ({})
  87. ____ give the syntax or possible parameters for an action in a pop-up window as you are entering the action.

    A. Code hints
  88. The action ____ extends the draggable movie clip feature by allowing Flash to determine if a movie clip has collided with (been placed on top of) another movie clip or a specified area on the stage.

    C. _droptarget
  89. ____ statements can change the properties of movie clip symbols as a movie is playing.

    A. ActionScript
  90. In the figure above, the area labeled "2" (check mark) represents the ____.

    B. Check syntax icon
  91. ____ are represented on the timeline by either a straight or waveform line.

    A. Sounds
  92. By default, sounds you add in Flash are considered ____.

    D. event sounds
  93. ____ are like movie clip symbols in that they play independently of the timeline.

    C. Event sounds
  94. ____ are similar to animated graphic symbols because they are closely tied to the main timeline.

    B. Streaming sounds
  95. ____ act just like event sounds, but will not begin again if an instance of the sound is already playing.

    B. Start sounds
  96. The ____ option lets you end an event sound at a specific keyframe.

    A. Stop
  97. A(n) ____ string is the name you will use to identify a sound in ActionScript.

    A. linkage identifier
  98. The ____ action starts a sound playing.

    C. Sound.start
  99. If your movie uses sound that jumps between scenes, you may also want to include a(n) ____ action in the first frame of each scene to ensure that any sounds still playing from the previous scene will not overlap sounds in the new scene.

    D. stopAllSounds
  100. Before you can add a sound to an object or the timeline in Flash, you must ____ the file that contains the sound.

    A. import
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Flash CS3 Final Study Guide, Phoenix Community College 2010