pharmacology arrythmia

  1. 3 class IA drugs
    • quinidine
    • procainamide
    • disopyramide
  2. 3 class IB drugs
    • lidocaine
    • mexiletine
    • tocainide
  3. 3 class IC drugs
    • flecainide
    • propafenone
    • moricizine
  4. 3 class II drugs
    • propranolol
    • acebutolol
    • esmolol
  5. 5 class III drugs
    • amiodarone
    • bretylium
    • sotalol
    • ibutilide
    • dofetilide
  6. 2 class IV drugs
    • verapamil
    • diltiazem
  7. 2 miscellanous drugs
    • digoxin
    • adenosin
  8. MOA of class IA drugs
    • Na+ channel blockers
    • K+ channel blockers
  9. MOA of class IB drugs
    Na+ channel blockers
  10. MOA of class IC drugs
    Na+ channel blockers
  11. MOA of class II drugs
    beta adrenergic antagonist (beta blocker)
  12. MOA of class III drugs
    K+ channel blockade
  13. MOA of class IV drugs
    Ca+ channel antagonist
  14. MOA of digoxin
    Na, K ATPase inhibition
  15. MOA of adenosine
    endogenous hormone that slows conduction through cardiac tissue
  16. 2 EKG effect of class IA agents
    decrease conduction velocity (QRS widening)

    prolonged repolarization (QT prolongation)
  17. 2 EKG effects of class IB agents
    decrease conduction

    shortened repolarization
  18. EKG effect of class IC agents
    decrease conduction velocity (QRS widening)
  19. 2 EKG effects of class II agents
    decreased heart rate

    no change in repolarization
  20. EKG effect of class III agents
    prolonged repolarization (QT prolongation)
  21. EKG effects of class IV agents
    decreased heart rate
  22. EKG effect of digoxin
    decreased heart rate
  23. EKG effect of adenosine
    decreased heart rate
  24. indications for class IA agents
    atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
  25. indications for class IB agents
    ventricular arrhythmias
  26. indications for class IC agents
    atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
  27. indications for class II agents
    slow ventricular rate in atrial flutter/fibrillation and PSVT

    sometimes used for symptomatic PVCs
  28. indications for class IV agents
    slow ventricular rate in atrial flutter/fibrillation and PSVT
  29. indications for class III agents (specifically)
    • amiodarone - atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
    • bretylium - ventricular arrhythmias
    • sotalol - ventricular arrhythmias
    • butilide - conversion of atrial fibrilation/flutter
    • dofetilide - conversion of atrial fibrilation/flutter
  30. indication for digoxin
    slow ventricular rate in atrial flutter/fibrilation and PSVT
  31. indication for adenosine
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pharmacology arrythmia