the suprachiasmic nucleus (SAN) is located in the ___________ and runs/is the __________
Circadian clock
heterogeneous groups tend to produce ______________
homogeneous groups tend to be more_______________
more creative solutions
more cohesive
Three problmes with selection tests in hiring:
differential validity in hiring:
Two other problems in hiring
. used to be thought of a s a problem, but in reality is pretty close....previous sample sizes were too small
unfairness and adverse impact
standard error of hte estimate
- direct relationship with the SD of the criterion and an indirect relationship with validity.
appearance of a stimuli during a critical period, impacts the relationship...story og goosling seeing a psychologist and following it around
any coincidentally occuring event, not part of treatemnt, that influences outcome
protocol analysis
Protocol analysis is a psychological research method that elicits verbal reports from research participants.
parenting question???
think Adler first...
behavior contrast
two behavior initially reinforced at = levels, then one is stopped....go in expected directions
relaxed wakefulness
-k complex
- slower than alpha
- Inc. Frq.
- Inc. Amp.
- Delta waves are the slowest and highest amplitude brain waves
- deep sleep
response cost =s
loses something for misbehavior
range of the standard arror of the estimate is
0 to the SD of the test
range of the validity coefficient is
-1 to +1
range of the reliability coefficient is
it provides info about???
0 to 1
repeatability or consistency...if reliable people maintain their approx ranking....NO info on changes in scores
range of the standard error of the estimate is
0 to SD of the criterion
kids whose moms work
have less rigid sex roles
during adolescence, teens are not
that dramaticcly aggected by hormones and 80% have no real turmoil of problems
worst month range for seperation from mother?
10-16 months
African american families are not_____
AA famalies are_____
egalitarian, flexible and rely extended support
concordance rate of bipolar I in identical twins
on eof the most genetically loaded disorders. .....
parents become stable to parents around___ months
6 months...thus if mom needed surgery, pre 6 months is a good time, then stranger (6-10) and seperation (10-16) anxiety comes into play
30% of entrants to the workforce are___
most frequent ethics charge
sexual misconduct
social facilitation
imporves performance (marathon, or simple tasks)
social inhibition
poor performance with novel / complex tasks
continuous schedules of reinforcemnt are most weffective when___
learning a new task/behavior
who made the dolls ofr brown versusu board
clark at city college of NYC
fundamental attribution bias
people explain the failure of others to (the other's) internal causes, ignoring situational variables
self-serving bias
people attribute thier own success to internal factors but failure to external factors
weiner's theory
somethign to do with stability and instability of internal/external factors
self-perception theory
people's tendencies to look outside self when they do not know the cause of thier own behavior
erickson first year of life (Freud oral)
trust v. mistrust
erickson 2nd year of life (freud anal)
autonomy v. shame
erickson 3rd stage is______ covers from what years _____ and parallels freud's _____ stage
initiative v. guilt
4th erickson is ____ cpovers from what years ____ and parallels freud's____ stage
industry v. inferioirty
adopted kids' IQs correlate with___
bio parents
Raven's ...
best non-verbal IQ....measures 'g'
in relatiohsips...the reciprocity hypoothesis says
people like others who like them
self instruction therapy is developed by ______
is _________in theoretical foundation and is especially useful with __________
ADD?ADHD? hyper and impulsive
while lifetime OCD prevalence is gender equal...with kids it is...
more common with males
ASch conformity group size____type___
moderate, peak of 7
unanimous members
damage to amygdala
placidity, apathy, hyperphagia (increased eating) hypersex, agnosias
experiencing discomofort from sexual orientation? your diagnosis is...
sexual disorder NOS
tstimonials ....
can be solicited....from ex patients with no undue influence
a child with a reading d/o is likely to
continue to have the disability as an adult
idiosyncrasy credits are earned by..
intiially conforming to norms then becoming a tweaker
approach avoidance conflict
both drawn to and repelled to the same alternative
aproach - aproach conflict
must choose between tow desserts then devalues the alternative not choseon
effect size is a measure of ...
SD so .85v = .85 of a SD
there is no stipulation that multiple relationships shold...
generally be avoided.....wtf i hate this ficking process..
1st highest correltaion old people sex and...
2nd is
1. partner availability
2. how much of a horn dog your were as a younger adult! whoo hoo
correlatino is always restricted when
the range of one or both variables is reatricted
cerebral palsy is caused by
trauma at birth
jungians see transference as a reflection of both
personal & collective unconsciousnesses
successful aging is most associated with....
high activity level
voluntary movement neurotransmitter?
group polarization occurs when
groupe members make more extreme decisions than they would as individuals
single subject approaches
group approaches
only relative strengths within a subject...cant be used for cross-subject comparison
SES is _____ correlated with mental illness
by age one ____% of infants are secruly attached
physically abusive parents are:
1. married, 2. female, 3. abused as a child
NOT presenting with psychiatric issues like depression