art history 13

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Paris: A Rainy Day
    • A: Caillebotte
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Impressionism
    • oil on canvas
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    • Vision After the Sermon (Jacob Wreslting with the Angel)
    • A: Gauguin
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Post-impressionism
    • oil on canvas
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    • The Kiss
    • A: Klimt
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Symbolism
    • oil on canvas
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    • Temple of Ramses II (interior)
    • ancinet Egypt art
    • Amarna
    • 1350 bce
    • sandstone
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    • Erechtheion
    • Acroplolis
    • Greek art
    • Classical
    • 400 bce
    • caryatids
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    • Pantheon
    • Roman art
    • Imperial
    • 125 ce
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    • Saint Mark's
    • Byzantine
    • 1000 ce
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    • Virgin with the Dead Christ
    • Gothic sculpture
    • Germany
    • 1300 ce
    • painted wood
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    • The Battle of Issus
    • A: Altdorfer
    • 16th c. N. European art
    • oil on panel
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    • Annuncuation
    • A: Fra Angelico
    • P: Dominican priests
    • 15th c. Italy art
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
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    • Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time
    • A: Bronzino
    • 16th c. Italy art
    • Mannerism
    • oil on wood
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    • Last Supper
    • A: Tintoretto
    • 16th c. Italy art
    • Venitian Reaniassance
    • oil on canvas
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    • Palazzo Carignano
    • A: Guarini
    • Southern Baroque
    • 17th c.
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    • Ancient of Days
    • A: Blake
    • Romanticism
    • 1800 ce
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    • La Place du Theatre Francais
    • A: Pissarro
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Impressionism
    • oil on canvas
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    • Where Do We Come From?
    • A: Gauguin
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Post-Impressionism
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    • Hypostyle Hall (Temple of Amen-Re)
    • Ancient Egypt art
    • New Kingdom
    • 1350 bce
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    • Temple of Athen Nike
    • A: Kallikrates
    • Acropolis
    • Greek art
    • Classical
    • amphipostyle
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    • Hadrian's Villa
    • Roman art
    • Imperial
    • 100 ce
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    • The Lamentation
    • Byzantine art
    • 1100 ce
    • wall painting
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    • David Composing the Psalms (Paris Psalter)
    • Byzantine art
    • 1000 ce
    • tempera on vellum
  22. Image Upload 44
    • The French Ambassadors
    • A: Holbein
    • 16th c. N. European art
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    • Madonna and the Child with Angels
    • A: Fra Filippo Lippi
    • 15th c. Italy art
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
    • temepra on wood
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    • Christ in the House of Levi
    • A: Veronese
    • 16th c. Italy art
    • Venitian Renaissance
    • oil on canvas
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    • Water Carrier of Seville
    • A: Velazquez
    • Southern Baroque art
    • 1650 ce
    • oil on canvas
  26. Image Upload 52
    • Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
    • A: Goya
    • Romanticism
    • 1800 ce
    • etching and aquantint
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    • Le Moulin de la Galette
    • A: Renoir
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Impressionsim
    • oil on canvas
  28. Image Upload 56
    • A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
    • A: Seurat
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Post-Impressionism
    • oil on canvas
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art history 13