The Nervous System

  1. Explian the difference between the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System.
    The CNS is the brain and the spinal cord. The PNS is all of the other parts of the nervous system
  2. describe a neuron.
    A neuron is a cell with a body and a nucleus. Also a neuron has dendrites that receive signals from other neurons and axons that send signals to other neurons.
  3. What is a nerve?
    A nerve is a collection of nerve fibers, or axons, bundled together with blood vessels through which impulses travel between the CNS and other parts of the body.
  4. What is the function of the PNS?
    • The PNS connects your body to the CNS
    • Controls voluntary movements
    • Keeps bodies functions in balance.
  5. Explain why the medulla is important.
    it is very important because it controls breathing heart rate, blood pressure etc.
  6. Describe the path of an impulse from the skin to the brain and the path of the response.
    when someone touches your skin, an impulse travels along a sensory neuron spinal cord and then to your brain. The response travels back through the spinal cord then through a motor neuron and into a muscle.
  7. What is a neuron?
    A neuron is a nerve cell that is specialized to receive and conduct electrical impulses.
  8. How hast and how slow can impulses travel?
    • Impulses can travel as fast as 150m/s
    • or as slow as 0.2m/s.
  9. What is a sensory neuron?
    A sensory neuron is a neuron that gathers information about what is going on around you.
  10. What is a motor neuron
    neurons that send impulses from the brain
  11. What does the left hemisphere of the brain primarily control?
    • Speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • problem solving
  12. What does the right side of the brian primarily control?
    • Spatial thinking
    • processing music
    • interpreting emotions
  13. What is the somatic nervous system?
    The somatic nervous system has mostly somatic neurons that are under your control. These neurons stimulate skeletal muscles. They control voluntary movements such as writing, smiling, talking or jumping.
  14. What is the autonomic nervous system?
    It controls body functions that you don't think about.
  15. What is the sympathetic nervous system?
    The sympathetic nervous system speed up the involuntary body functions
  16. What are five effects of the sympathetic nervous system?
    • 1. Pupils dilate ( grow larger to make it easier to see objects)
    • 2. Heart rate increases (increases blood flow)
    • 3. Bronchioles dilate (grow larger to increase up take of oxygen)
    • 4. Blood vessels dilate (grow larger to increase circulation)
    • 5. Digestion slows (reduces blood flow to the stomach and intestines)
  17. What is the parasympathetic nervous system?
    The parasympathetic nervous system slows down the involuntary body functions
  18. What are four effects of the parasympathetic nervous system?
    • 1. Pupils constrict (normal vision)
    • 2. Heart rate slows (blood flow slows)
    • 3. Bronchioles constrict
    • 4. Digestion returns to normal
  19. What are the three parts of the brian?
    • Cerebrum
    • Cerebellum
    • Medulla
  20. What is the function of the Cerebrum?
    • 1 it is where you thinking
    • 2 it stores memories
    • 3 controls voluntary movements.
    • 4 allows you to sense touch, taste, light, sound, odor, pain, heat, and cold.
  21. What is the function of the Cerebellum?
    • 1 processes sensory information from your body
    • 2 keeps track of body position
    • 3 makes skeletal muscles make adjustments so that you stay upright
  22. What is the function of the Medulla?
    it controls involuntary processes
Card Set
The Nervous System
systems within systems