International Organizations & Institutions Part I

  1. Problems with state-centric approach
  2. New instrusions on study of what?
    Interntional politics
  3. Sometimes _______ control less resources than _________ actors.
    governments; transnational
  4. In other words, sometimes ________ _______ are larger than the ______.
    international organizations; state
  5. Not all national political systems are ____________.
  6. Which group is not keen on IO's? Why?
    Realists. They are obsessed with the state.
  7. International Institutions vs. Organizations
  8. International institutions are commonly defined as norms, rules, and practices that "prescribe _________ roles, __________ activity, and shape __________"
    behavioral; constrain; expectations
  9. International ________, like the United Nations, are physical entities that have staff, head offices, and letterheads, while international _______ can exist without any organizational strucure.
    organizations; institutions
  10. What is an example of an instituton?
    Capitalism and the 1997 Ottawa Convention banning landmines.
  11. _______ may lead to ___________.
    Instituions; organizations
  12. The World Trade Organization is an _______ with a very strong _______ structure.
    institution; organizational
  13. What can insitutional organizations not exist without?
    An institutonal framwork.
  14. International organizations cannot exist without an institutional framework, as their very existence pressuposes a prior set of norms, rules, and principles that empower them to ______ and which they are charged to ________.
    act; uphold
  15. The United Nations could not have functioned nor existed unless the states had done what?
    Negotiated the Charter of the United Nations.
  16. States crate international institutions at three levels:
    • 1) constitutional amendments
    • 2) fundamental institutions
    • 3) issue specific institutions or regimes
  17. There are ______ constitutional amendments.
  18. What is one of these principles?
  19. What does it do?
    It defines the terms of legitimate statehood.
  20. Without the institution of sovereignty, the world of _______ states, and the international ________ it engenders, would simply _______ ______.
    independent; politics; not exist
  21. In what would way would Tunisia be equal to the U.S.?
    They both hold sovereignty.
  22. What sorts of fundamental institutions have states created? (2 examples)
    International law and multilateralism.
  23. These provide the basic ______ and _______ that shape how states solve ________ and ________ problems.
    rules; practices; cooperation; coordination
  24. Laws are now ___________.
  25. What is an example of as issue-specific institute or regime?
    The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
  26. The NPT enacts _________ institutional practices in particular realms of inter-state _______.
    fundamental; relations
  27. Definition of International Law
  28. What is international law?
    A normative system to achieve common values.
  29. Who do these values speak to?
    All of us, regardless of class, race, gender, religion, and level of development.
  30. What is meant by level of development?
    Developed/industrialized or underdeveloped.
  31. International law should be ________.
  32. International Law: past and present
  33. Prior to the ________ Revolution, in the 'Age of __________', law was understood principally as the command of a legitimate _______, and international law was seen as a command of _____, derived from ______ law.
    French; Absolutism; superior; God; natural
  34. What is the argument today in some places concerning divine rule?
    Whether it should be the only law, or one of the sources.
  35. Religious laws tend to be _______ and go back to the ______ Ages.
    elitist; Middle
  36. International Law: Modern
  37. In the modern period, law has come to be seen as something contracted between _______ subjects, or their __________;
    legal; representatives
  38. international law has been seen as the expression of the ______ will of ________.
    mutual; nations
  39. International Law: Past and Present
  40. In the Age of Absolutism, what was the root of all legal obligations?
    Fealty to God.
  41. Consent was constituted as a ________ source of obligation
  42. Law was generally understood as the command of a legitimate...?
  43. Who were monarchs subject to?
    God's law.
  44. The subjects of particular states were also ruled by ________ law, which was the command of _______, who stood above the law.
    municipal; monarchs
  45. Customary norms are a _______ category of international law.
  46. These are considered ______ upon all states irrespective of whether they have ______.
  47. However, many states _____ to these laws.
  48. Customary norms include (3 things):
    • the rules governing territorial jurisdiction
    • freedom of the seas
    • the diplomatic immunities of states
  49. Define multilateralism.
    When many nations, but not all, make an agreement.
  50. When did multilateralism become the preferred mode of international legislation?
    In the 19th century.
  51. Why is this?
    Because issues are no longer just between two states.
  52. Under multilateralism, when are laws considered legitimate?
    When those who are subject to it authored it.
  53. If a nation violates a multilateral law, how can the other states proceed?
    They too might violate it.
  54. Today, consent is treated as the _______ source of international legal obligation.
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International Organizations & Institutions Part I
International Organizations & Institutions