Muscle Tissue

  1. What are the layers of myscular tissue?
    • Perimysium - around perimeter (outer most layer)
    • Epimysuim - surrounds each bundle of fibers
    • Endomysuim - Inside the bundle of fibers
  2. What is the biochemical pathway in the muscles in Aerobic?
    • With oxygen
    • Glucose - Pyruvate - Mitochondria (ATP)
    • first 2 make Glycolysis and 3rd (TCA cycle or Krebs)
  3. What is the biochemical pathway in the muscles in Anaerobic?
    • With out oxygen
    • Glucose - Pyruvate - Lactate
    • from Lactate it goes back to Pyruvate making a Cori Cycle
    • (in the liver)
  4. What is the Sliding Muscle Theory of Muscle Contraction?
    • Ca2+ bind to troponin - Tropomyosin
    • the binding allows the movement of Myosin heads down the Actin Filaments
  5. What kind of filament is Myosin?
    It is Thick Filaments
  6. What kind of filament is Actin?
    It is Thin Filaments
  7. What kind of filament is Titin?
    It is the retraction of the filaments after contraction
  8. What is Synapse?
    • Nerve and Muscular
    • Neuromuscular Jxn
  9. What is Sarcoplasmic Retuculum Release?
    Ca2+  Ions
  10. What should we know about the Function Unit of Contraction?
    • Sacromere
    • M Band (Myosin)
  11. How is Slow Twich discribed?
    • White
    • Endurance
    • Few Hemoglobins
    • Slower Glycolysis
  12. How is Intemediate Twich discribed?
    • Pink
    • It is a mixture of slow and fast
  13. How is Fast Twitch discribed?
    • Red
    • Lots of mitochondrias and hemoglobins
    • Increase glucose
    • for short distances (dash)
  14. What is the Muscle Indicator of Damage?
    • CK - Creatine Kinase
    • If you have a large amount of CK in your blood in indicates that there is muscle damage (heart attack)
  15. Discribe Skeletal Muscle
    • Striation
    • Postural Muscles
    • Sliding filament theory
  16. Discribe Cardiac Muscle
    • Intercalated disk  (ap Jxn) held together by connexons
    • Wave like contractions at a specific pace
    • Found in the heart
  17. Discribe Smooth Muscle
    • No Striations
    • No Intercalated Disks
    • Cork Screw Contraction
    • Found in the Stomach / Digestive System
    • Spindle Shape
  18. What is an Isotonic Contraction?
    Tension in the muscle rises and the length changes
  19. What is Isometric Contraction?
    • Stabilization
    • Tension in muscle rises, but the length stays the same
  20. What is Isotonic Concentric?
    Tension rises, muscles shortens
  21. What is Isotonic Eccentric?
    Tension rises, muscles lengthens
  22. What is CNS?
    • Central Nervous System
    • Brain and Spinal Cord
  23. What is PNS?
    • Peripheral Nervous System
    • Everything out of the Spinal Cord
    • Somatic
    • Autonomic
  24. What is the Autonomic in the PNS responsible for?
    • Parasympathetic                     Sympathetic
    • Relaxation                              Flight or Fight Response
    • Sacral Chain                          Cervical Chain
    • Ganglia
  25. What are the 4 Glial Cells?
    • Oligodendrocytes   (Myelin for nerves)
    • Astrocytes   (Blood, Brain Barriers)
    • Neuroglial    (Immune System) Macrophages
    • Ependyma    (CSF) Cerebro Spinal Fliud
  26. Schwann Cell
  27. Satellite Cell
    Monitors Co2 and O2 levels
  28. How is Efferent distributed in the CNS?
    It goes fron the Brain to the Body
  29. How is Afferent distributed in the PNS?
    It goes from the Body to the Brain
  30. Discribe Action Potential
    • -90 mv = Threshold (AP fires off)
    • Voltage gated Ions Channels Open
    • Na+ = extracellular Cation
    • 30 mv = Na+ gates closes and K+  gates open (intracellular cation)
  31. Discribe Spacial Summation
    Adding impulses at the same time changing from different areas
  32. Discribe Tempreal Summation
    Adding impluses at the same site, but recieved at different times
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Muscle Tissue
Review for Muscle Tissue exam Chapter 10