Fluid Lab

  1. What do mesothelial cells line?  What happens to them once they are in fluid?
    • line body cavities
    • transform once in fluid
  2. What is it important to differentiate mesothelial cells from?
  3. How do we differentiate between mesothelial cells and neoplasia?
    • mesothelial cells will be uniform where as neoplastic cells will not
    • look for multiple criteria for neoplasia
  4. 90% of cells found in normal synovial fluid are _____.
    mononuclear cells (either specialized lymphocytes or macrophages)
  5. What does the background of a arthrocentesis cytology look like and why?
    • granular eosinophilic background
    • due to the presence of mucin
  6. What are normal inhabitants of oropharynx and indicates that the transtracheal wash from this area was contaminated during collection?
  7. What can indicate chronic hemorrhage?
    macrophages exhibiting erythrophagocytosis
  8. What is a morula?
    a solid mass of cells resembling a mulberry
  9. What do mesothelial cells look like?
    • round cells
    • round-oval nucleus
    • moderate N:C
    • basophilic cytoplasm
    • arranged singly in clusters or in "rafts"
    • may be multinucleated
    • chromatin in fine
  10. What do mesothelial cells transform to once in fluid?
  11. What is FIP caused by?
    a corona virus and may cause fluid to accumulate in the abdomen and/or thorax
  12. What does the background of a cytology from a cat with FIP look like?
    stippled, pink granular background which is a result of precipitated protein in an environment of increased protein concentration
  13. How does lymphoma relate to effusions?
    lymphoma tumors will exfoliate readily in effusions
Card Set
Fluid Lab
Lab Tech ll