py101 chp 14

  1. Summarize three main categories of treatments
    • 1. Insight therapies "talk therapy"
    • Goal: To pursue increased insight regarding the nature of the client's difficulties and to sort through possible solutions
    • 2. Behavior therapies - based on the principles of learning
    • Behavior therapists make direct efforts to alter problematic responses(phobias) and maladaptive habits (drug use)
    • 3. Biomedical therapies - involved interventions into a person's biological functioning
  2. Identify differences between clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, and psychiatrists
    Clinical psychologists and counseling psychologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and everyday behavioral problems

    Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
  3. Identify the techniques emphasized by each of the following, along with the evidence for their effectiveness
    Insight therapies
    • Insight therapies: involve verbal interactions intended to enhance clients' self knowledge and thus promote heathful changes in personality and behavior
    • Client-centrered therapy: is an insight therapy that emphasizes providing a supportive emotional climate for clients, who play a major role in determining the pace and direction of their therapy
    • How do insight therapies work? common factors are ... (1) the development of a therapeutic alliance with a professional helper, (2) the provision of emotional support and empathic understanding by the therapist, (3) the cultivation of hope and positive expectations in the client, (4) the provision of a rationale for the client's problems and plausible method for resolving them, and (5) the opportunity to express feelings, confront problems , gain new insights, and learn new patters of behavior
  4. Identify the techniques emphasized by each of the following, along with the evidence for their effectiveness
    Behavior therapies
    • Behavior therapies: involve the application of the principles of learning and conditioning to direct efforts to change clients' maladaptive behaviors
    • Social skills training: is behavior therapy designed to improve interpersonal skills that emphasize modeling, behavioral rehearsal and shaping
    • Cognitive-Behavioral treatments: use combinations of verbal interventions and behavior modification techniques to help clients change maladaptive patterns of thinking
  5. Identify the techniques emphasized by each of the following, along with the evidence for their effectiveness
    Biomedical therapies
    • Biomedical Therapies: are physiological interventions intended to reduce symptoms associated with psychological disorders
    • Treatments with drugs : increasingly important in the treatment of psychological disorders. Therapeutic drugs fall into four major groups: anti anxiety drugs, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, and mood stabilizers.
  6. State how psychologists identify empirically supported treatments
  7. Summarize the "revolving door" issue in treatment of mental illness
    A population of people who flow in and out of psychiatric facilities, and a sizable population of homeless mentally ill people
  8. Summarize what you should look for in a prospective therapists
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py101 chp 14
py101 chp 14