- Pathogen: measles virus
- POE: respiratory
- Symptoms: rash, macules of the face, trunk and extremeties
- MOT: Air
- Tx: none
- Pathogen: Rubella Virus
- POE: Respiratory
- Symptoms: macular rash, less extensive than Rubeola, gone in 3 days
- MOT: Air
- Tx: None
- Pathogen: Candida albicans
- POE: Skin, mucous membrane
- Symptoms: macular rash
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: mironazole, clotrimozole
- pathogen: staph aureus
- POE: skin
- symptoms: skin vesicles
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: topical antibiotics
- pathogen: smallpox virus
- POE: respiratory
- symptoms: pustules
- MOT: air
- Tx: none
Varicella (chickenpox)
- pathogen: varicella-zoster virus
- POE: respiratory
- symptoms: vesicles on face, throat and back
- MOT: air
- Tx: Acyclovir
Herpes simplex
- pathogen: herpes simplex virus type 1
- POE: skin, muous membrane
- symptoms: vesciels around mouth
- MOT: direct contact, recurrin latent
- Tx: acyclovir
- pathogen: staph aureus
- POE: hair follicle
- symptoms: follicle infection
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: drain pus, topical antibiotics
Toxic Shock Syndrome
- pathogen: staph aureus
- POE: surgical incisions
- symptoms: fever, rash, shock
- MOT: infetion
- Tx: antibiotics
Pseudomonas dermatitis
- Pathogen: pseudomonas aureginosa
- POE: skin abrasian
- symptoms: superficial rash
- MOT: swimming water, hot tubs
- Tx: self limiting
Otisis externa
- Pathogen: pseudomonas aureginosa
- POE: ear
- symptoms: superficial infection of the external ear canal
- MOT: swimming water
- tx: Fluoroquinolone
- Pathogen: P. acne
- POE: sebaceous channels
- symptoms: inflammatory lesions with accumulation of sebum that ruptures hair follicle
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: Benzoyl peroxide
- Pathogen: Papillomavirus
- POE: Skin
- symptoms: horny projection of skin from cell proliferation
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: acid, lasers, disseccation, cryotherapy
- Pathogen: microsporum, Trichophyton, epidermophyton
- POE: skin
- symptoms: skin lesions with varied appearance, hair loss
- MOT: direct contact, fomites
- Tx: Grisefulvin, micronazole, clotrimazole
- Pathogen: sarcoptes scabies
- POE: skin
- symptoms: papules, itching
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: topical ointment
Pediculosis (lice)
- Pathogen: pediculus humanus capitis
- POE: skin
- symptoms: itching
- MOT: fomites, direct contact
- Tx: topical insecticide
conjunctivitis (viral)
- pathogen: adenovirus
- POE: conjunctiva
- symptoms: redness
- MOT: direct contact
- Tx: none