psych quiz 8

  1. what phrase describes a persons reasoning for someone elses action/reaction?
  2. what is trying to examine how our construals of things affect our thinking/actions
    social thinking
  3. how other people influence our own actions
    social influence
  4. prejudice,discrimination, love, attraction
    social reactions
  5. used when we try to explain someone elses behavior
    fundamental attribution error
  6. when something bad happens to us we tend to focus on the situation
    self-serving bias
  7. (part of persuassion)- give people the facts and hope they will follow
    central route
  8. what audience should central route be used with?
    an audience that has time, cares, and is educated
  9. (part of persuasion)- dont focus on facts, pair something else with it.
    Peripheral route
  10. what audience should peripheral route be used on?
    an audience that is less educated, doesnt care, has less time, children
  11. strategies used to persuade
  12. (strategy of persuassion) ask for a small request and if they say yes then they are more likely to agree to a smaller request.
    foot in the door technique
  13. (strategy of persuassion) start off with something huge that no one would say yes to then ask for something smaller.
    door in the face techinque
  14. (Strategy of persuassion) tell you that something is yours, then told you need to pay more for it. more likely to go with it since told it was yours already.
    low ball strategy
  15. we like our attitudes to match our behaviors
    cognitive disonance theory
  16. people tend to perform better at easy tasks when they have an audience and worst in front of others on a harder task.
    social facilitaion
  17. when one is part of a group and does not contribute much to the group as they would if they were alone.
    social loafing
  18. the loss of self awareness and self restraint occuring in group situations that foster arousal
  19. other members give right answer at first, then start giving wrong answers and see if they will conform even when it is blatantly wrong.
    Asch's Classic Study
  20. decisons made in a group are more risky than those made sperately
    risky shift
  21. the enhancement of a groups prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group.
    group polarization
  22. adjusting our behavior or attitude to coincide with a group standard
  23. (factors that contriubute to conformity)

    want to fit in or be liked
    normative influence
  24. (factors that contriubute to conformity)

    want to be right
    informational influence
  25. (factors that contriubute to conformity)

    if you like the group much more likely to conform
    unanimity of the group
  26. (factors that contriubute to conformity)

    if you made a prior public commitment, less likely to conform
    prior commitment
  27. (factors that contriubute to conformity)

    low self esteem, more likely to conform
    personal characteristics
  28. complying with the explicit demands of an authority
  29. (factors that discourage obedience)

    an unjustifiable attitude towards a group and its members
  30. a generalized belief about a group of people
  31. unjustifiable or negative behavior towards a group of people or its members
  32. "us" people with whom one shares a common identity
  33. "them" those percieved as different or apart from ones group
  34. the tendency to favor ones own group
    ingroup bias
  35. the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame
    scapegoat theory
  36. wanted to see how long it would take to create a prejudice between two groups and then get them to stop being prejudice
    Robers Cave study
  37. helps reduce prejudice created
    superordinated goals
  38. placed members of a classroom together who were maybe rivals and made them work together.
    jigsaw classroom
  39. any physical or verbal behavior ment to hurt or destroy
  40. can influence agression in humans and animals
  41. some areas of the brain can account for aggression
  42. testosterone increases agression
  43. people exposed to aggresive situations tend to be more agressive
  44. attraction is increased through geopgraphic nearness
  45. the phenomenon that repeated exposure to something increases liking of it
    mere exposure effect
  46. people tend to find symetry attractive
    cross cultural similiarties
  47. those who have more in common are more made for each other
  48. an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beggining of a love relationship
    passionate love
  49. the deep affecionate attachement we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined
    companionate love
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psych quiz 8
quiz 8 notes