Anatomy Final

  1. Where can CSF be obtained from an animal?
    • Cisterna Magna
    • &
    • Lumbar subarachnoid Space
  2. Clinical signs of meningitis
    • Cervial rigidity
    • Fever
    • Lameness
  3. CSF in the subacrachnoid space is absorbed by which structures, which return it to general circulation?
    Subarachnoid villi into the dural sinuses
  4. In some areas, the two layers of dura seperate, the inner layer extending between parts of the brain, forming partitions and ____ ____.
    Dural Sinuses
  5. Define Nystagmus
    Involuntary rythmic movement of the eyes in either a rotary, verticle or horizontal, slow component in one direction with rapid return.
  6. What is the clinical significance of furcatons
    • Common sire for attachment loss and peridontal dz
    • (Furcation = Where two roots seperate from the body/tooth in multirooted teeth)
  7. What is chronic superficial kerititis in German Shepards, resulting in vascularization and pigment crossing the cornea
  8. What are the two different types of growth plates? Give an example of each.
  9. What cavity contains the brain, its meninges and blood vessels?
    Cerebral Cavity
  10. Paralysis of what thoracic limb results in inability to bear waight? Why?
    Radial and Femoral -> Inability to extend elbow and stifle
  11. What clinically important nerves pass through the middle ear
    • Facial n (7)
    • Trigeminal n (5)
  12. What clinical signs develop from injury to the trigeminal n?
    • Sensory deficit of face
    • &
    • Dropped jaw
  13. What causes discoloration of enamel of puppy teeth
    • High temps during development (distemper)
    • or
    • Tetracycline ABX
  14. How woul u dx spinal cord damage at the level of the 10th thoarcic vertebrae
    No panniculus response at T12
  15. # of scrotal incisions for a cat? Dog?
    • Cat= two
    • Dog= None (prescrotal)
  16. What are the terms for a structure closer to/farther from the longitudinal axis of the limb?
    Axial and Abaxial
  17. Name the fibrous covering of bone not covered by articular cartilage
  18. What type of synovial joint allows universal movement?
    Ball and Socket Joint
  19. What two variables can be manipulated when takeing radiographs?
    kVp and mA
  20. What fills the gap btw the dorsal edge of the foramen magnum and the atlas?
  21. How do you palpate for dorsocranial luxation of the hip?
    thumb test (place thumb in depression above hip joint and rotate hip craniolaterally. If joint is ok, it will push thumb out of depression.
  22. Suffic for surgically creating an artificial opening btw. 2 hollow organs or btw a hollow organ and the abd wall?
  23. Localize the lesion:
    abnormal gait,
    behavioral changes and
    head pressing?
  24. Cardinal Signs of Horner's syndrome
    • Ptosis
    • Myosis
    • Crossing of 3rd eye lid
    • sunken eye
  25. Describe passing a pipette to arificially inseminate a bitch
    • Pass Canula/speculum dorsally (to avoid external urethral opening and clitoral fossa),
    • then cranially over the pelvis symphysis, slope & bypass clitoral fossa
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Anatomy Final
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