clinical affil 3

  1. MS
    mental status
  2. a bunch of things to do before seeing pt
    • look at PT note, progress notes, consult notes, labs -- esp under orders look at dianostic imaging for any outstanding x-rays
    • speak w RN (ask if it's ok to see pt)
    • check set-up and get chuck, sheet, gown, socks (walker prn)
  3. septic shock
    when an overwhelming infection leads to life-threatening low blood pressure

    Any type of bacteria can cause septic shock. Fungi and (rarely) viruses may also cause the condition. Toxins released by the bacteria or fungi may cause tissue damage, and may lead to low blood pressure and poor organ function. Some researchers think that blood clots in small arteries cause the lack of blood flow and poor organ function.The body also produces a strong inflammatory response to the toxins. This inflammation may contribute to organ damage.
  4. signs for "flex" and "extend"
    • flex -- a check mark
    • extend -- a slash /
  5. how to show grades for balance
    • static/dynamic 
    • ex: Balance: F+/F
  6. emesis
  7. GIB
    gastrointestinal bleeding
  8. CHHA
    certified home health aid
  9. MCV
    • mean corpuscular volume
    • a measure of the average red blood cell size
  10. how many days/week of PT can you prescribe for medicine pts, CVAs, ortho pts
    • medicine: 2-3x/wk
    • CVAs: 3-5x/wk
    • ortho: 5x/wk
  11. how to express "pending progress" and why
    • P in a circle, then the word progress
    • you'd write it in a plan -- "subacute rehab upon D/C (P) progress"
  12. WFL
    within functional limits - say this for ROM is it's not measured but you saw the pt moving enough
  13. objective sect of IE note
    • "IE completed"
    • how did pt tolerate it (usally "well")
    • quick bio: age, gender, admission date, reason for admission
    • problem list (decreased balance, endurance, strength, bed mobility, etc)
    • notes that didn't fit in elsewhere in the IE form (pt can follow 1 step commands...)
    • then the usual closer: how pt was left, RN aware, safety maintained, +CB, NAD
    • "Pt would benefit from further IP skilled PT to address the above limitations"
  14. IP
    in patient
  15. TBA
    to be assessed (written in the goals sect of IE for topics that weren't assessed yet - so there's no baseline, so you can't make a goal before seeing how the pt can do it)
  16. when to use ICP, TPM, PPM
    • ICP - tachycardia - it's a defibrillator and shocks the pt when the HR gets too high
    • TPM - in emergencies, and when the pt has a problem expected to resolve
    • PPM - for perm situations
  17. BPH
    benign prostatic hyperplasia (increase in number, not size, of cells)

    benign nodules compressing the urethra ---> difficulty urinating
  18. 1:1
    • constant supervision
    • enhanced supervision

    a pt can't be D/C until this satus is lifted
  19. AP
    ankle pumps
  20. p/w
    presents with
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clinical affil 3
clinical affil 3