1. The main specific immune response of the host against inracellular bacteria (bacteria that do invade the host cells) and/or viruses is:

    A. Cellular immune response
  2. Who was the first to theorize that a mosquito was a carrier of the organism causing yellow fever?

    C. Carlos Finlay
  3. All of the following statements about Hemafflutinin and Neuraminidase are true EXCEPT:

    D. Influenza viruses are classified into type A, B and C based on the combination of the H and N
  4. The 'Tuskegee Experiment' was conducted on 600 black men- some were infected with syphilis and some did not have the disease. The purpose of this study was:(were):

    A. To record the natural history of syphilis
  5. Among the Arboviruses, Dengue fever secured an unique status becase:

    B. The repeated exposure has very serious effect than the first exposure
  6. The innate immunity is a branch of:

    C. Neither system
  7. The Influenza epidemic of 1918 in the USA was the result of:

    D. Infection with a virus
  8. Who was the scientist who exposed himself to mosquitoes infected with yellow fever in an attempt to study the cause and the transmission of yellow fever?

    C. Jesse Lazear
  9. The immune system of a patient infected with Syphilis will rely mainly on which of the following to combat the disease?

    A. Humoral Immunity
  10. During repeated epidemics and because of evolution pressures, the germ causing disease becomes:

    A. Gradually weakens
  11. [During the Black Death] In which of these citis were the first three houses walled up, entombing both the dead and the living, the sick and the well?

    D. Milan
  12. Although it was not proben, which animal pox virus scientist believe that Edward Jenner used in his vaccination experiment?

    D. Horse Pox
  13. When a person is infected with 'small pox', the body uses which of the following method to fight the causative agent?

    B. Cellular immune response
  14. .....having agents acring only on the germs and not the host or what is known as "selective toxicity". The latter term was coined by:

    D. Paul Ehrlich
  15. All of the following diseases are zoonotic except:

    D. The correct answer is not listed
  16. The action of antisera relies on:

    D. None of the above
  17. Poliomyelitis can be treated with:

    E. None of the above
  18. During the 1976 Swine Flu epidemic, the total population vaccination progras, was terminated because:

    D. The association Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), with some cases of vacinated people
  19. ...Some of the early physcians of these civilizations were revered as gods. Who was the Egyption physician among the following:

    E. None of the above
  20. The antigenic drift in the influenza virus genome will result in:
    A. increased pathogenicity and mortality among the infected popultion
    B. Variable level in pathogenicity depending on the level of the pig popultion
    D. Decreased pathogenicity and mortality among the infected population
    E. None of the above
    E. None of the above
  21. The world wide spread of malaria in the tropical and subtropical countries is mainly because of: all of the following except:

    D. The right answer is not listed
  22. The male mosquitoes of which of the following species are involved in transmission of yellow fever?

    B. The correct answer is not listed
  23. According to the movie Influenza 1918, the first vaccine against this flu epidemic failed because:
    A. The vaccine was against the bacterium haemophilus influanzae
    B. The vaccine was against the H3N1 virus strain which affect swine not humans
    C. The vaccine was against the H5N1 virus which affects birds not human
    D. None of the above
    A. The vaccine was against the bacterium haemophilus influanzae
  24. The earliest records of plague is the
    Justinian plague
  25. The city of London should had ordered the cull or killing of which animals?
  26. During the GP of London which of the following animals were ordered to be killed in an
    attempt to stop the spread of disease:
    Cats and Dogs
  27. The chronicles of the social and economical impact of the plague was based on the:
    Church Warden Account Books
  28. During the 1347 plague, some priest were afraid to visit the sick and administer last rites. B/c of this
    This set the foundation for the Protestant Reformation
  29. The lessons learned from the latest break of plague in India regarding prevention
    of wide spread of plague are:
    Control the fleas, then the rats while treating the victims of the plague
  30. Pneumonic plague is transmitted by
  31. VanLeeuwenhock
    First to visualize and study microbes using simple lens microscope
  32. Your skin and mucous membranes act as natural barriers against the incasion of most microbes. So this sort of immunity is considered
    Innate Immunity
  33. Scientist immunize a portion of the population and rely on the _____ to prevent the spread of the disease.
    Herd Immunity
  34. In Texas prior to WWII, malaria was
  35. The major causing agent of malaria in West Africa is:
    P. Ovale
  36. Sir Ronald Ross:
    Discovered the roll of mosquitoes while in India
  37. Charles Lavern:
    Discover the plasmodia in malaria while in Algeria
  38. The earliest written record of malaria can be traced back to:
    Chinese Nei Ching
  39. Royal Experiment:
    Sesting variolation on 6 prisoners due to be hanged
  40. Discovered the causative agent of Cholera
    Robert Koch
  41. Type of immunity used against bacterial infection:
  42. Type of immunity used against a virus infection
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final review