Surface Anatomy Quiz

  1. List two muscles used when opening a doorknob.
    • Flexor digitorum superficialis
    • Supinator
  2. Name two muscles used when doing a push-up.
    • Trapezius
    • Deltoid
  3. Name two muscles used to do a sit-up.
    • external and internal obliques
    • rectus abdominis
  4. Name two muscles used to bring a spoon to your mouth.
    • brachioradialis
    • flexor digitorum superficialis
  5. Name two muscles used to walk up a flight of stairs.
    • rectus femoris
    • biceps femoris
  6. List 4 muscles used in rowing.
    • Brachioradialis
    • Biceps brachii
    • Triceps brachii
    • deltoid
  7. List 4 muscles used in vacuuming.
    • Triceps brachii
    • biceps brachii
    • pectoralis major and minor
    • flexor digitorum superficialis
  8. List 4 muscles used in punting a football.
    • soleus
    • gastrocnemius
    • vastus (medialis, lateralis, intermedialis)
    • rectus femoris
  9. Nursing - List three sites for intramuscular injection and
    why you would use one over the other?
    • 1. Deltoid—easily accessible, safe (free from major
    • innervation)
    • 2. Gluteus medius—less discomfort, large muscle, injection is less likely to leak subcutaneously. (**Note: disadvantage: sciatic nerve in area, can lead to paralysis if hit).
    • 3. Vastus lateralis—easy to access on small babies (legs are more developed than arms).
  10. Nursing - What is the advantage of injecting
    Injection gets into blood stream quickly.
  11. Physical Therapy - What is a gait belt and walker?
    • -A gait belt is a belt placed around the waist
    • of a patient so a helper can easily lift the patient from a sitting position to a standing position.
    • -A walker is a walking apparatus that aids patients in locomotion while providing the stabilization the patient requires but still allowing for independence.
  12. Physical Therapy - What muscles are used when using a gait belt and walker (list 2 muscles for each)?
    • Gait belt—rectus femoris, biceps femoris
    • Walker—gastrocnemius, soleus
  13. Exercise Therapy - A patient is suffering from shin splints. What
    are shin splints?
    Shin splints are microfractures caused by the tibials anterior pulling away from the tibia.
  14. Exercise Therapy - List at least two exercises that can help ease shin splints.
    • 1. Toe rises
    • 2. Calf raises
    • 3. swimming
    • 4. heel walking
  15. Exercise Therapy - List a stretch that can ease shin splints.
  16. Exercise Therapy - A patient is recovering from a C-section and can only move her body 30 degrees from a supinated position. What muscles does she need to strengthen?
    • 1. transverse abdominus
    • 2. rectus abdominus
    • 3. internal obliques
    • 4. external obliques.
  17. Exercise Therapy - List at least two exercises that can help build up her strength?
    • 1. Leg lifts
    • 2. Modified crunches
    • 3. Pelvic tilts
  18. Exercise Therapy - List a stretch that can help build up her core
  19. A blow to the cheek is most likely to break what superficial bone or bone part?
    zygomatic arch
  20. Rebound tenderness
    appears in appendicitis
  21. The anatomical snuff box
    contains the styloid process of the radius
  22. Pelvic organ palpated through the skin?
    full bladder
  23. A muscle that contributes to the posterior axillary fold is...
    Pectoralis major and minor
  24. Which of the following is not a pulse point?
    anatomical snuff box
  25. Which pair of ribs insert on the sternum at the sternal angle?
  26. THe inferior angle of the scapula is at the same level as the spinous process of which vertebra?
  27. Dimple in the skin
    posterior superior illiac spine
  28. One listens for bowel sounds with a stethocope placed
    on the four quadrants of the abdominal wall
  29. When you extend your hand, what tendons do you
    Extensor digitorum
  30. what muscle is affected in shin splints?
    tibialis anterior
  31. This is also called your “funny bone” though hitting it never seems to feel very funny
    medial epicondyle of humerus
  32. Two muscles that aid in locomotion insert as a single tendon onto this foot bone.
    calcaneous bone
  33. The spinous process of this vertebrae lines up with the inferior angle of the scapula.
  34. The spinous process of this vertebrae lines up with the scapular spine.
  35. The spinous process of this vertebrae lines up with the top of hip.
  36. The spinous process of this high vertebrae sticks out.
  37. This tendon is where you would take your radial pulse.
    flexor carpi radialis tendon
  38. The gastrocnemius and soleus form this tendon.
    Achille’s tendon
  39. This muscle is affected in shin splints
    tibialis anterior
  40. These tendons are easily seen when you extend your hand.
    extensor digitorums
  41. This tendon is easily palpated in your “elbow pit”.
    biceps brachii tendon
  42. List one muscle used in the torso when doing a sit-up.
    rectus abdominus
  43. List two muscles in the arms when doing a push-up.
    • triceps brachii
    • brachioradialis
  44. List three muscles used when opening a doorknob.
    • flexor digitorum superficialis
    • flexor digitorum profundus
    • supinator
  45. List five muscles used in walking up a flight of stairs.
    • gluteus maximus
    • tibialis anterior
    • rectus femoris
    • vastus lateralis
    • vastus medius
  46. List four muscles used to bring a spoon to your mouth.
    • biceps brachii
    • brachioradialis
    • deltoid
    • pectoralis major
  47. List two muscles used when pushing a vacuum FORWARD.
    • triceps brachii
    • flexor digitorum superficialis
  48. List two muscles used when pulling  a vacuum BACKWARD.
    • biceps brachii
    • brachialis
  49. List three muscles used in the LEGS when punting a football.
    • adductor longus
    • rectus femoris
    • vastus lateralis
  50. List three muscles used in the ARMS or TORSO when punting a football.
    • extensor digitorum
    • psoas major
    • triceps brachii
  51. List one exercise that can ease shin splints.
    heel walking
  52. These two muscles are used when a patient is using a gait belt. 
    • rectus abdominis
    • vastus lateralis
  53. List three intramuscular injection sites.
    • deltoid
    • gluteus medius
    • vastus lateralis
  54. List three muscles that would need strengthening after a C-section.
    • rectus abdominis
    • external oblique
    • internal oblique
  55. What is the benefit of injecting intramuscularly?
    injections is able to get into the blood stream quickly
Card Set
Surface Anatomy Quiz
surface anatomy