Physio Ch 10

  1. These consist of patterns of physiological responses and species typical behaviors. They are positive and negative feelings.
  2. What are the three components of emotions?
    Behavioral, autonomic, and hormonal
  3. This component deals with muscle movements that accompany emotional states. An example would be the territorial defense of a dog.
    Behavioral component
  4. This component provides quick mobilization of energy for vigorous movement. The activation of the sympathetic nervous system and decrease of parasympathetic nervous system. Increase inheart rate, blood vessel size, and respiration.
    Autonomic component
  5. This component reinforces the autonomic responses. Epinephrine/norepinephrine release by the adrenal glands.
    Hormonal component
  6. The grand central station of emotional response patterns
  7. The integration of overt behaviors, autonomic responses, and hormonal secretions are controlled by...
    the amygdala
  8. The amygdala consists of several pairs of what, that each have different inputs and outputs and different functions.
  9. This is part of the limbic system
  10. Sensory input from the lateral/basolateral nuclei and projects that information to the hypothalamus, mid brain, pons, and medulla region.
    Central nucleus
  11. Responsible for the expression of the various components of emotional responses.
    Central nucleus
  12. Expression of emotional responses are provoked by what?
    Aversive stimuli
  13. Damage to this reduces or abolishes many emotional behaviors and physical responses, decreased fear response.
    Central nucleus
  14. Chronic stimulation of the central nucleus produces what?
    Stress induced illness
  15. This is important to aversive emotional learning and conditioned emotional responses (Pavlov)
    Central amygdala
  16. When a neutral stimulus is paired with an emotion-producing stimulus until neutral stimulus produces a response.
    Conditioned emotional responses
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Physio Ch 10