A and P Ch 14 and 15 Nervous system Self Tests

  1. All of the following are structures of the limbic system except the:  
    a. hippocampus. 
     b. amygdaloid nucleus.  
    c. cingulate gyrus.  
    d. caudate nucleus.
    B. amygdaloid Nucleus
  2. Embryonic damage to the prosencephalon could result in improper formation of the:  

    A. Cerebral hemispheres
  3. If the posterior portion of the neural tube failed to develop properly:  

    D. The spinal cord may be affected.
  4. Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of the following except: 
     a. loss of proprioception.
    b. loss of body temperature control. 
     c. production of excessive quantities of urine. 
     d. pathologic sleep.
    A. Loss of proprioception
  5. Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities such as piano playing, with no paralysis or weakness in specific muscles, might suggest damage to the:  

    D. Premotor cortex.
  6. Mr. Jacobowitz was injured in an accident resulting in trauma to the reticular formation. What symptom(s) would you expect to see?  
    a. hypervigilance and hallucinations 
     b. a state of reduced arousal  
    c. unilateral tremors 
     d. photic flashes
    B. a state of reduced arousal
  7. Nuclei of cranial nerves V, VI, and VII are found in the: 
     a. cerebrum.  
    b. medulla. 
     c. pons.  
    d. midbrain.
    c. pons
  8. Ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called:  
    a. ganglia. 
     b. fissures. 
     c. gyri.  
    d. sulci.
    c. gyri
  9. The arbor vitae refers to:  
    a. the pleatlike convolutions of the
    b. flocculonodular nodes.  
    c. cerebellar gray matter.  
    d. cerebellar white matter.
    D. cerebellar white matter
  10. The brain area that regulates activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness of the cerebral cortex is the:  
    a. thalamus.  
    b. limbic system. 
     c. pyramids.  
    d. reticular formation.
    D. reticular formation
  11. The brain stem consists of the: 
     a. midbrain only.  
    b. pons, medulla, cerebellum, and midbrain.  
    c. midbrain, medulla, and pons.  
    d. cerebrum, pons, midbrain, and medulla.
    C. midbrain, medulla, and pons
  12. The fissure separating the cerebral hemispheres is the:  
    a. lateral fissure. 
     b. central fissure. 
     c. parieto-occipital fissure. 
     d. longitudinal fissure.
    D. longitudinal fissure
  13. Two terms for the massive motor tracts serving voluntary movement are:  
    a. pyramidal and corticospinal. 
     b. supplementary and cerebellar-pontine.  
    c. extrapyramidal and rubrospinal.  
    d. segmental and nigrostriatal.
    A. pyramidal and corticospinal
  14. Which association is most accurate?  

     d. sensory-medial
    A. motor-anterior
  15. Which of the following is not a hindbrain structure?  

    B. cerebral nuclei
  16. Which of the following is/are involved with motor activity (either initiation or coordination)? 
     a. Wernicke's area  
    b. gustatory cortex  
    c. postcentral gyrus 
     d. red nuclei
    D. red nuclei
  17. The fourth ventricle of the brain lies adjacent to the:  
    a. thalamus. 
     b. pons.  
    c. pituitary.  
    d. corpus callosum.
    B. pons
  18. The frontal lobe is separated from the temporal lobe by the:  a. lateral sulcus.
    b. longitudinal fissure.  
    c. central sulcus.  
    d. cranial fossa.
    A. lateral sulcus
  19. The vestibular cortex is now believed to reside in the:  
    a. globus pallidus.  
    b. insula. 
     c. putamen.  
    d. basal nuclei.
    B. insula
  20. Which of these would you not find in the cerebral cortex?  a. unmyelinated axons 
     b. fiber tracts  
    c. cell bodies  
    d. dendrites
    B. Fiber tracts
  21. Over 90% of all parasympathetic fibers are derived from cranial nerve number: 
     a. V. Trigeminal Nerve 
     b. VII. Facial Nerve 
     c. X. Vagus Nerve 
     d. XII. Hypoglossal Nerve
    C. X. Vagus Nerve
  22. Which of these effectors is not directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system? 
     a. smooth muscle  
    b. cardiac muscle  
    c. skeletal muscle  
    d. most glands
    C. Skeletal muscle
  23. In contrast to the somatic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system:  
    a. has two efferent neurons. 
     b. has two afferent neurons.  
    c. stimulates its effector cells.  
    d. has both afferent and efferent fibers.
    A. has two efferent neurons
  24. Sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord in the:  

    C. Thoracolumbar region, and the postganglionic fibers secrete norepinephrine
  25. Which of the following is not a result of parasympathetic stimulation?  
    a. salivation 
     b. dilation of the pupils 
     c. increased peristalsis of the digestive viscera 
     d. relaxation of the urethral sphincter
    B. dilation of the pupils
  26. The possibility of cordical control over autonomic responses is demonstrated by: 
     a. split brain studies. 
     b. stress-induced hypertension.  
    c. biofeedback.  
    d. nightmares.
    C. biofeedback
  27. Sympathetic nerves may leave the spinal cord at which vertebrae? 
     a. second cervical 
     b. third lumbar  
    c. first coccyx  
    d. first thoracic
    D. first thoracic
  28. The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by peripheral ganglia near the:  
    a. organs and by short postganglionic fibers. 
     b. organs and by long postganglionic fibers.  
    c. spinal cord and by short postganglionic fibers.  
    d. spinal cord and by long postganglionic fibers.
    A. organs and by short postgaglionic fibers
  29. Autonomic ganglia contain: 
     a. an outer connective tissue capsule around the cell bodies of preganglionic motor neurons.  
    b. synapses between postganglionic fibers and their effectors.  
    c. the cell bodies of motor neurons.  
    d. both somatic afferent and efferent neurons.
    C. the cell bodies of motor neurons
  30. A drug that might be used specifically to reduce heart rate in cardiac patients could be:  
    a. anticholinesterase.  
    b. epinephrine. 
     c. norepinephrine.  
    d. a beta blocker.
    D. a beta blocker
  31. The site of origin of the preganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system is the:

    C. brain stem and the sacral region of the cord
  32. The parasympathetic fibers of the ________ nerves innervate smooth muscles of the lens of the eye, the muscles that cause the eye to bulge to accommodate close vision.  

    C. oculomotor
  33. The parasympathetic tone: 
     a. prevents unnecessary heart deceleration. 
     b. accelerates activity of the digestive tract.  
    c. determines normal activity of the urinary tract. 
     d. causes blood pressure to rise.
    C. determines normal activity of the urinary tract
  34. Cardiovascular effects of the sympathetic division include all but:

    B. dilation of the blood vessels serving the skin and digestie viscera.
  35. The white rami: 
     a. are found only in the C1-T1 cord segments. 
     b. are unmyelinated.  
    c. carry preganglionic axons to the sympathetic chain. 
     d. carry postganglionic fibers to the periphery.
    C. carry pregaglionic axons to the sympathetic chain.
  36. Beta-blockers:  
    a. increase a dangerously low heart rate. 
     b. attach mainly to the beta1 receptors of cardiac muscle. c. have widespread sympathetic effects. 
     d. are potent antidepressants.
    B. attach mainly to the beta1 receptors of cardiac muscle
  37. The "resting and digesting" division of the autonomic nervous system is the:  
    a. parasympathetic division.  
    b. sympathetic division. 
     c. somatic division.  
    d. peripheral nervous system.
    A. parasympathetic division
  38. Preparing the body for the "fight-or-flight" response is the role of the: 
     a. sympathetic nervous system.
      b. cerebrum.  
    c. parasympathetic nervous system.  
    d. somatic nervous system.
    A. sympathetic nervous system
  39. The secretions of the adrenal gland (medulla) act to supplement the effects of:  

    C. sympathetic stimulation
  40. Control of temperature, endocrine activity, and thirst are functions associated with the: 
     a. medulla.  
    b. cerebellum. 
     c. hypothalamus.  
    d. thalamus.
    C. hypothalamus
  41. Emotions influence autonomic reactions primarily through integration in the: 
     a. lateral horn of the spinal cord.  
    b. hypothalamus.  
    c. lateral geniculate of the thalamus.  
    d. inferior colliculus.
    B hypothalamus
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A and P Ch 14 and 15 Nervous system Self Tests
nervous system