Owls of the Century of Gentry Culture

  1. A fair evaluation of Catherine II's use of Enlightenment thought in her famous Instruction (Nakaz):
    b. adaptation.
  2. The Legislative Commission of 1767-1768 was ominously disturbed by
    c. the clash between peasants and gentry over serfdom.
  3. The most frightening aspect of the Pugachev Rebellion was that
    c. it represented a clearly thought out alternative to centralized monarchy.
  4. Catherine's 1785 Charter to the Nobility, compared to the "Night of 5 August 1789," exposes
    c. the insincerity of her insistence that "Russia is a European country!"
  5. The most fateful gain of the First Turkish War (1768-1774) were strategic territory and
    a. outright annexation of the Crimean Peninsula.
  6. The Second Turkish War settled the question of
    b. Russian control of the Straits.
  7. 18th- century Poland's most obvious weakness in the face of its three powerful neighbors:
    c. an extremely weak central government.
  8. The one plausible justification for Russia's participation in the Polish Partitions:
    b. this completed the gathering of the old Kievan lands.
  9. In 1790, Catherine II turned against Enlightenment culture owing to
    c. the fact that she was notoriously ignorant of Enlightenment ideas.
  10. Emperor Paul remained Catherine II's picked successor despite the fact that
    a. she admitted that he was not the natural son of Peter III.
  11. A salient trait of Emperor Paul's brief reign:
    b. reversing his mother's decisions and undoing her work.
  12. More than anything else, this recalled the actions of Peter III: Paul's
    a. arbitrary and erratic foreign policy.
  13. Alexander I's most probable relationship to the plot that destroyed his father:
    c. complicity.
  14. Although Alexander I did not choose this persona, the Court did:
    a. the angel.
  15. The deliberations of Alexander I's "Unofficial Committee [Neglasnyi komitet]
    a. encouraged the young emperor in the belief that reform would be easy.
  16. The best fruits of Alexander I's liberalism:
    c. his heavy emphasis on education with spending to match.
  17. St. Petersburg University acquired the "12 Colleges" complex as Alexander I
    b. replaced the Petrine collegia with Ministries housed across the river.
  18. Alexander I's 1804 instructions to his envoy in London show, that, in addition to mystical conviction,
    b. the tsar had a vision of a new European order other than an empire of the French.
  19. In the Tilsit Treaty that concluded the unfortunate 1805-1807 wars with France, Russia
    b. emerged hegemon of the east and one of only two great Continental powers.
  20. The ancient Kingdom of Georgia first asked to join Russia under this Russian ruler:
    a. Alexander I.
  21. The protectorate extended over Orthodox Georgia
    a. led to wars with Persia and Turkey, both of whom coveted the kingdom.
  22. In 1812, General Kutuzov concluded with ____the Treaty of Bucharest, giving Bessarabia to Russia.
    a. Turkey.
  23. The Treaty of Frederikshamn transferred to Russia the former _____ grand duchy of Finland.
    b. Swedish
  24. In 1809, most of Prussian Poland became the _____ Duchy of Warsaw.
    c. Russian
  25. Fort Ross, an hour's drive north of San Francisco, was established by Russia in
    b. 1812
  26. Michael Speransky, who dominated Alexander I's second reform period, came from
    b. poor village clergy.
  27. Alexander I rejected Speransky's proposed constitution for Russia, because
    b. of gentry and bureaucratic opposition.
  28. Although there were a host of tensions, complaints and crises, the real cause for war in 1812 was
    c. the situation of having two great Continental powers with two hostile rulers.
  29. The decisive battle of Napoleon's invasion took place at _____.
    b. Borodino
  30. Aside from the defeat of Napoleon, the War of 1812 was especially memorable because
    c. it stimulated both public and national patriotism.
  31. After the Wars of Liberation, Alexander I did not grant a constitution to the
    c. Russian Empire.
  32. The agreement signed in 1815 that had great practical consequences for Russia:
    b. Holy Alliance.
  33. Alexander's response to this event clearly defines him as a reactionary "Restoration" monarch:
    c. the restoration of Louis XVIII Bourbon, in 1814.
  34. The outstanding assistant of Alexander I in the second half of his reign was
    a. General Alexis Arakcheev, the champion of the "military settlement" system.
  35. Prince Alexander Golitsyn, Michael Magnitsky, and Dmitrii Runich were
    b. mystical, pietistic "obscurantists," favored by Alexander I after 1815.
  36. The Decembrists failed in their attempt to impose a constitution on Nicholas I because
    a. they had little social backing for their rebellion.
  37. Nicholas I did not choose this persona, but Europe chose it for him:
    b. the gendarme.
  38. Above all, Nicholas I was against
    c. change.
  39. In contrast to his predecessor's psychological paradoxes, Nicholas I displayed
    b. determination, singleness of purpose, and an iron will.
  40. By Count S. S. Uvarov, 1833, Official Nationality consisted of Orthodoxy,
    a. Autocracy and Nationality.
  41. Even more effective in carrying out the tsar's will than Nicholas I's ad hoc committees was
    c. His Majesty's Own Chancery.
  42. In their sky-blue uniforms, they sought to control everyone so as to prevent subversion:
    c. the gendarmes of the Third Department.
  43. Nicholas I personally disapproved of serfdom and considered it "an evil, palpable and obvious,"
    a. but his constant concern with the problem bore little fruit.
  44. The one glaring exception to Nicholas I's principle of supporting legitimacy:
    • a. Greek independence, 1829.
    • b. 10K Russians deployed beyond the Bosporus, 1833.
    • c. Hungarian Intervention, 1849.
  45. Although the rebellious Poles took 9 months to subdue, they lost because they
    c. did not enjoy the support of the peasants.
  46. British, and to some extent French, mid-century Russophobia
    a. tells us more about western than eastern changes since 1825.
  47. The Crimean War, 1854-1856
    b. exposed Russia's appalling backwardness and corruption.
  48. For Russian statesmen, the most unforgivable aspect of the Crimean War:
    c. the Black Sea Clauses of the Treaty of Paris, 1856, neutralizing that sea.
  49. The reigns of Alexander I and Nicholas I roughly correspond to the literary Golden Age, dominated by
    b. Realistic prose.
  50. The two great Russian ideologies of the first half of the 19th century were:
    c. Romanticism and Realism.
  51. By the mid-19th century, the arts and sciences in Russia
    a. remained something of a paradox in a military-agricultural culture.
  52. By mid-19th century, Russia's 67m of people showed a social change of
    a. serfdom having peaked and in decline as a % of population.
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Owls of the Century of Gentry Culture
Owls of the Century of Gentry Culture