Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) & Oxytocin (OT)
- Secreted by: Hypothalamus
- Target: Post Pituitary
- Function: Stimulate release of hormones by post pituitary
Growth Hormone (GH)
- Secreted by: Ant. Pituitary
- Target: All Cells
- Function: Growth & development; protein synthesis, breakdown of fats for energy
Adrenocorocotropic Hormone (ACTH)
- Secreted by: Ant. Pituitary
- Target: Adrenal Cortex
- Function: Cause adrenals to release cortisol
Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Secreted by: Ant. Pituitary
- Target: Thyroid Gland
- Function: Increase thyroid function; stimulate release of thyroid hormones (T3 & T4)
Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH)
- Secreted by: Ant. Pituitary
- Target: Ovaries/Testes
- Function: (O)- Increase estrogen production; (T) Increase sperm production
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
- Secreted by: Ant. Pituitary
- Target: Ovaries/Testes
- Function: (O)- Stimulate ovulation; (T)- Increase testosterone release
Prolactin (PRL)
- Secreted by: Ant. Pituitary
- Target: Mamary glands in Females
- Function: Production of milk
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
- Secreted by: Post. Pituitary
- Target: Kidneys
- Function: Reabsorption of water; increased blood volume; increased BP
Oxytocin (OT)
- Secreted by: Post. Pituitary
- Target: Uterus, mammary glands, ducctus deferens, prostate glands
- Function: (Female)- labor contractions, milk secretion; (Male)- contractions of ductus deferens & prostate; ejection of secretions
Thyroxine (T4)
- Secreted by: Thyroid
- Target: Most cells
- Function: Increase metabolism, protein synthesis, growth & development
Triiodothyronine (T3)
- Secreted by: Thyroid
- Target: Most Cells
- Function: Increase metabolism, protein synthesis, growth & development
Calcitonin (CT)
- Secreted by: Thyroid
- Target: Bones, Kidneys
- Function: Decrease demineralization of bone
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
- Secreted by: Parathyroid
- Target: Bones, Kidneys
- Function: Increase calcium in blood by demineralizing bone
- Secreted by: Thymus
- Target: Lymphocytes
- Function: Increase effectiveness of immune system
- Secreted by: Adreal
- Target: Kidneys
- Function: Increase reabsorption of water & sodium ions in kidneys
- Secreted by: Adrenal
- Target: Most Cells
- Function: Anti-inflammatory effects, tissue cataolism, respond to stress; increases synthesis of glucose & glycogen formation
- Secreted by: Adrenal
- Target: Most Cells
- Function:Respond to stress (increase heart rate, increase blood flow to muscle, decrase blood flow to internal organs), increases glycogen breakdown & release of lipids from adipose tissue
- Secreted by: Adrenal
- Target: Most Cells
- Function: Vasoconstriction
- Secreted by: Pancreas
- Target: All cells
- Function: Increase glucose transport out of blood & into cells
- Secreted by: Pancreas
- Target: Liver, adipose tissues
- Function: Breakdown of glycogen in liver, rlease glucoes from liver into blood, release of fat stores
- Secreted by: Testes
- Target: Most Cells
- Function: Produce secondary male sex characteristics, increase protein synthesis, increase sperm production, inhibit luteinizing hormone release
- Secreted by: Ovaries
- Target: Most Cells
- Function: Produce secondary female sex characteristics, regulete menstrual cycle, inhibit luteinizing hromone release
- Secreted by: Ovaries
- Target: Uterus, mammary glands
- Function: Prpares uterus for egg implantation; secretory function of mammary glands
- Secreted by: Ovaries
- Target: Pubic symphysis, uterus, mammary glands
- Function: Relax uterine muscles & pubic symphysis
- Secreted by: Pineal
- Target: All Cells
- Function: Inhibits release of FSH & LH, slows maturation of reproductive organs, assists in regulation of circadian rhythms, works as antioxidant to protect CNS & boost immune system