
  1. prosopagnosia
    the inability to identify faces that should be familiar
  2. face recognition an evolutionary adaptation?
    can tell who your caregivers are so you can be drawn to them for survival

    FFG: is found for expertise even when it is activated when facial recognition is being study in people
  3. infant and face
    infants seem to prefer looking at faces over other pattern stimuli

    infants show evidence of being able to discriminate between mother and stranger

    infants spend more time tracking face-like patterns than scramble ones
  4. face inversion effect (thatcher illusion)
  5. fusiform face area
    Many areas of the brain have been implicated in face recognition but the FFA has received most attention

    In both adults and children, activation can be seen in the right FFA during tasks of face recognition

    Similar to adults, infants 4 and 9 months show a right hemisphere bias toward processing faces and show less activation in this area when faces are presented upside down
  6. perceptual narrowing
  7. the other race effect
  8. infant and cataracts
    studies find that infants even with a removal of cataracts at 4 months show an inabiltiy to recognize face = very early visual experience is needed for development of face recognition thus, experience doesn't deprive face recognition but the lack of visual info does

  9. experience-expectant
    meaning visual system expect the visual process to happen, thus, face recognition is experience-expectant and if the visual process doesn't happen, recognition cannot be possible
  10. experience-dependent
  11. two types of prosopagnosia
    • acquired prosopagnosia
    • developmental prosopagnosia (congenital prosopagnosia)
  12. acquired prosopagnosia
    inability to recognized faces as a result of brain damage
  13. developmental prosopagnosia
    inability to recognize faces despite no history of brain damage and intact early visual processing systems
  14. social consequences of developmental prosopagnosia
    •Chronic anxiety in social situations 

    •Feelings of embarrassment, guilt, and failure

    •Fear and avoidance of social situations

    •Dependence on others

    •Restricted social circle

    •Limited employment opportunities

    •Loss of self-confidence

    •Safety Concerns (Children)
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perceptual: face recognition