mental illness 3.txt

  1. Substance abuse
    • occurs at any age
    • most common cause of disability and death worldwide
  2. Commonly abuse substances include
    • alcohol
    • cocaine
    • amphetamine
    • lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
    • phencyclidine (PCP)
    • prescription drugs
    • benzodiazepines
    • barbiturates
    • opiates
    • marijuana
  3. What is a substance of abuse?
    • a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes
    • substances that can be abused for their mood-altering purposes that are not drugs: inhalants, solvents
    • drugs that can be abused that have no mood-altering or intoxication properties: anabolic steroids
  4. What is addiction?
    compulsive use and overwhelming involvement with a drug where an addict is spending an increasing amount of time obtaining, using and recovering from drug
  5. Physical dependence
    • results in physical changes to the brain
    • not a matter of willpower but actual physiological changes occurring
    • physical effects occur when drug is stopped or its effects are counteracted by a specific antagonist
    • drugs causing strong physical dependence include: opiates, alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates
  6. Psychological dependence
    • includes feelings of satisfaction and a desire to repeat the drug experience or to avoid discontent of not having it
    • anticipation of effect powerful factor in chronic use of psychoactive drugs
    • may be the only reason for intense craving and compulsive use
    • leads to using drug in larger amounts, more frequentlyl or over a longer period of time
    • involves giving up social, occupational or recreational activities because of drug use
    • drugs causing strong psychological dependence include: cocaine, amphetamines
  7. What is tolerance?
    • not addiction
    • occurs when an increasingly larger dose of drug is required to achieve the same physiological effect
    • decreased effectiveness of a drug due to its continued administration
  8. What is withdrawal?
    physiological and/or psychological response a person experiences when a drug is no longer administered
  9. Signs of substance abuse
    • disorganization
    • frequent absences
    • socially withdrawn
    • slurred speech
  10. Drug testing
    • provides evidence that an individual has used or has been exposed to a drug
    • does not indicate pattern of drug use or degree or dependency
    • blood screening
    • blood testing
    • urine testing
  11. Reasons for drug abuse
    • experimentation
    • peer pressure
    • produce a desirable effect
    • seeking to escape from reality/relief from conflict
    • altered state of mind
    • filling a void/boredom
    • feelings of inadequacy/depression
  12. Five types of pathophysiological changes
    • debilitating physical changes (malnutrition, dehydration, hypovitaminosis)
    • respiratory diseases (pneumonia, pulmonary emboli, lung abscesses)
    • systemic infections (endocarditits, HIV, sepsis)
    • localized infections (cellulitis, sclerosis, skin abscesses)
    • overdosing
  13. Five groups of commonly abused substances
    • opiates
    • cocaine
    • cannabis
    • hallucinogens
    • inhalants
Card Set
mental illness 3.txt
substance abuse