mental illness 1.txt

  1. Mental illness definition
    • group of psychiatric disorders characterized by sever disturbances in thought, mood and/or behavior
    • myriad of warning signs
  2. Psychiatry
    • medical treatment of the psyche
    • deals with mental illness
    • "-iatry" means medical treatment
  3. Psychology
    • science of the psyche
    • systematic investigation of the human mind, including behavior and cognition, encompassing both normal and abnormal behavior
    • "-ology" means science or theory
  4. Biological basis for mental illness
    • anatomical differences
    • heredity
    • environment
    • neurotransmitters
  5. What role do changes in neurotransmitter levels in specific brain regions play in behavioral disorders?
    • dopamine
    • norepinephrine
    • serotonin
    • acetylcholine
    • GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid
  6. Schizophrenia
    • onset is generally gradual, rarely sudden or dramatic
    • some symptoms develop slowly, in an almost imperceptible fashion
    • other symptoms develop more rapidly and are very easy to recognize
  7. Diagnostic test for mental illness
    • patient and family history
    • physical examination
    • underlying illnesses
    • metabolic and/or hormonal changes
    • physical appearance and reaction
    • emotional response
    • speech and language abilities
    • clinical estimate of intelligence
    • level of judgment and insight
  8. Disruptive behavior possible factors include:
    • inconsistent parenting and punishment disciplinary techniques
    • parental alcoholism or drug abuse
    • parental antisocial personality disorder
  9. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    • 3 subtypes defined in DSM-IV: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperreactive-impulsive, combined inattentive, hyperactive and impulsive
    • affects males more than females
    • persists into adolescence and adulthood
  10. Predominantly inattentive ADHD
    • may be spacey and socially withdrawn
    • may have few conduct or behavioral problems
  11. Predominantly hyperreactive-impulsive
    • behaviors often affect academic performance, home-life and social relationships
    • inability to remain seated during quiet time
    • excessive talking
    • blurting out answers without being called upon
    • constantly interrupting others
    • inability to take turns
  12. Causes of ADHD
    • molecular DNA studies indicate role of genes
    • possible linkage to chromosomes 16 and 18
  13. Behavioral therapy for ADHD
    • behavioral interventions
    • social skills training
    • parenting skills training
  14. Central nervous system stimulants for ADHD (4)
    • amphetamines (dextroamphetamine)
    • caffeine
    • analeptics (methylphenidate)
    • anorexiants (diethylpropion)
  15. Other medications for ADHD
    • selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI - atomoxetine)
    • atypical antidepressants (bupropion)
Card Set
mental illness 1.txt
mental illness definitions through ADHD