When are mobiles an acceptable play toy?
4 weeks old
When are rattles, bells, crinkling paper, and small, soft, stuffed toys appropriate?
16 weeks old
When are small toys, peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, splashing in water, and water toys appropriate?
28 weeks old
When are 1" blocks, soft toys, color and texture toys, nesting, stacking toys, kitchen utensils, bath toys, and cups and boxes to pour water or sand appropriate?
40 weeks old
When are opening and closing boxes, emptying and filling toys, push-pull toys, large bead toys, rag and oil cloth books, cuddle toys, music and singing appropriate?
12 months old
When are big pieces of plain paper for crayons, big picture books, shape-sorting blocks, small furniture, toy farm animals, rubber or soft ball to throw overhand, and rocking horse appropiate?
18 months old
When does child turn book or magazine pages singly, builds tower of seven blocks and aligns cubes, makes circular strokes with crayon, puppets, pedal toys, sandbox toys, clay and mud, hammer and pegs, 2-4 piece puzzles, kick ball, and likes to run?
24 months old
When is the child intrusive in play?
When does the child perform solitary and parallel play?
In the toddler stage
When is the child in the pregang stage?
In the preschool years
When should parents encourage children to try a variety of activities, including self-designed activites?
In the preschool years