
  1. abandonment
    to withdraw protection or support , in medicine to discontinue medical care without proper notice after accepting a patient
  2. act
    the formal action of a legisative body

    a decision or determination of a soveregin state

    a legislative council

    a court of justice
  3. allegation
    a statement by a party to a legal action of what the party undertakes to prove

    and assertion made without proof
  4. appeal
    a legal proceeding by which a case is brough before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court
  5. appellate
    having the power to review the judgement of another trivunal or body of jurisdiction such as an appellate court
  6. arbitration
    the hearing and determination of a cause in controversy by a person or persons either chosen by the parties involved or appointed under statutory authority
  7. arbitator
    a neutral person chosen to settle differences between two parties in a controversy
  8. assault
    an intentional unlawful attempt of bodily injury to another by force
  9. bailiff
    an officer of some U.S. courts who usually serves as a messenger or usher , who keeps order at the request of the judge
  10. battery
    a willful and unlawful use of force or violence on the person of another
  11. code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
    a coded delineation of the rules and regulations published in the federal register by the various departments and agencies of the federal government.

    the CFR is divided into 50 titles that represent broad subject areas and chapters that provide specific detail
  12. concurrently
    occurring at the same time
  13. contributory negligence
    statutes in some state that may prevent a party from recovering some damages if he or she contributed in any way to the injury or condition
  14. damages
    loss or harm resulting from injury to person , property or reputation

    compensation in money imposed by law for losses or injuries
  15. decedent
    a legal term for a deceased person
  16. defendant
    a person required to answer in a legal action or suit

    in criminal cases the person accused of a crime
  17. docket
    a formal record of judicial proceeding

    a list of legal cases to be tried
  18. due process
    a fundamental constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair
  19. emancipated minor
    a person under legal age who is self-supporting and living apart from parents or a guardian a mature minor consided by the courts to possess a sufficient understanding of self-care and responsibility
  20. expert witness
    people who provide testimony to a court as experts in certain fields or subjects to verify facts presented by one or both sides in a lawsuit
  21. felony
    a major crime such as murder , rape or burglary , punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor
  22. fine
    a sum imposed as punishment for an offense a forfeiture or penalty paid to an injured party or the government in a civil or criminal action
  23. guardian ad litem
    legal representative for a minor
  24. implied consent
    presumed consent such as when a patient offers an arm for a phlebotomy procedure
  25. informed consent
    a consent usually written which state understanding of what treatment is to be undertaken and of the risks involved why it should be done and alternative methods of treatment available
  26. infractions
    breaking the law , minor offenses against the rules usually punishable by fines
  27. judicial
    of or relating to a judgment the function of judging the administration of justice or the judiciary
  28. jurisdiction
    a power constitutionally conferred on a judge or magistrate to decide cases according to law and to carry sentence into execution

    called original jurisdiction
  29. jurisprudence
    the science or philosophy of law , a system or body of law or the course of court decisions
  30. law
    a binding custom or practice of a community , a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforceable by a controlling authortiy
  31. liable
    obligated according to law or equity responsible for an act or circumstance
  32. libel
    a written defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression
  33. litigious
    prone to engage in lawsuits
  34. manifestation
    something that is easily understood or recognized by the mind
  35. misdemeanor
    a minor crime as opposed to a felony punishable by fine or imprisonment in a city or county jail rather than in a penitentiary
  36. municipal
    courts that sit in some cities and larger towns and that usually have civil and criminal jurisdiction over cases arising within the municipality
  37. negligence
    failure to exercise the care a prudent person usually exercises

    implies inattention to one's duty or business

    implies want of due or necessary diligence or care
  38. ordinance
    authoritative decree or direction

    law set forth by a governmental authority


    municipal regulation
  39. other potentially infectous materials (OPIM)
    substances or materials other than blood that have the potential to carry infectious pathogen such as body fluid , urine , semen and others
  40. perjured testimony
    the voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by searing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath

    false testimony
  41. physician office laboratories (POLs)
    laboratories owned by a private physician or corporation such as the laboratory inside a physician's office or a freestanding labortory
  42. plaintiff
    the person or group bringing a case or legal action to court
  43. precedence
    to supass in rank , dignity , or importance , to be , go or come ahead or in front of
  44. precedents
    a person or thing that serves as a model , something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same kind
  45. preponderance of the evidence
    evidence of greater weight or more convincing that the evidence offered in opposition to it evidence that is as a whole shows that the fact sought to be proven is more probable than not
  46. prudent
    marked by wisdom or judiciousness , shrewd in the management of practical affairs
  47. quackery
    the pretense of curing disease
  48. reasonable doubt
    doubt based on reason and arising from evidence or lack of evidence
  49. reciprocity
    the mutual exchange of privileges , a recognition of one state or institution of the licenses or privileges granted by the other
  50. recourse
    a turning to something or someone for help or protection
  51. relevant
    having significant and demonstrable beating on the matter at hand
  52. respondent
    the person required to make answer in a civil legal action or suit , similar to a defendant in a criminal trial
  53. slander
    oral defamation , a harmful , false statement made about another person
  54. statutes
    laws enacted by the legislative branch of a government
  55. stipulate
    to specify as a condition or requirement of an agreement or offer , to make an agreement or covenant to do or forbear from doing something
  56. subpoena
    a writ or document commanding a person to appear in court under a penalty for failure to appear
  57. subpoena duces tecum
    a legally binding request to appear in court and provide records or documents that pertain to a particular case
  58. testimony
    a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under the oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official
  59. uniform commercial code (UCC)
    a unified set of rules covering many business transactions , all 50 states

    regulates the fields of sales of goods, commercial paper such as checks , aspects of banking , letters of credit , warehouse receipts bills of lading , and investment securities
  60. verdict
    the finding or decision of a jury on a matter submitted to it in trial
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